Reba pushed her bicycle and passed by Xinhua Bookstore with her colleagues Zhang Xiaoyun and Xiaoqing

Reba suddenly stopped and looked towards Xinhua Bookstore.

At this time, several workers wearing blue overalls walked out of the Xinhua Bookstore with a disappointed look, “It’s sold out again, why don’t you print more?” ”

When those workers spoke, their eyes looked at the three women of Reba, and their eyes lit up, “Look, those beautiful comrades are really water spirits, especially the tallest one, with a face of Western Regions style, it’s so good-looking!” ”


“What’s wrong? Want to buy a book like dancing again? Zhang Xiaoyun saw Reba looking at Xinhua Bookstore, so he asked with a smile.

“Not really! I bought a copy half a month ago, and I haven’t finished reading it yet! A book I wrote was published, and I wanted to go in and see how it was selling! Reba said while looking for a place to park.

“Brother Cheng can also write books, it’s so powerful, it’s just all-round!” Zhang Xiaoyun was surprised.

Xiaoqing’s eyes widened, “I’ll go in with you too!” ”

“I also went in to see what book Brother Cheng wrote? Is it a book that teaches people to write lyrics and sing? ”

“Of course not, the book is called “Introduction to Engineers”!”

The three women walked into Xinhua Bookstore while talking.

“Welcome, Reba brought her friends to read again!”

The female shopping guide of Xinhua Bookstore knows Reba, after all, Reba likes to read and buy books, frequented, and has a high appearance, it is difficult to forget it once you see it, let alone come often.

“Yes! Not really! I want to ask if your bookstore has a new book called “Engineer Primer”! Reba asked with a smile.

When the female shopping guide heard the title of the book “Introduction to Engineers”, she was immediately stunned, after all, she heard too much, “This book is on the shelves, but it has already been sold out!” ”

“Sold out?” Reba, Zhang Xiaoyun, and Xiaoqing were all stunned for a moment.

Especially Reba was even more surprised, and said: “Didn’t this book just hit the shelves the day before yesterday?” How did it sell out? ”

“Yes! It was good on the shelves the day before yesterday, but this book was so good that it sold out yesterday, and many people came to buy it last night and this morning, but they couldn’t buy it

I’ve been doing this for so long, and it’s the first time I’ve seen a book sell so well

People who want to buy this book come in pairs, and the stream is endless, which can be regarded as an eye-opener

Already called the publisher to ask for faster printing, do you also want to buy this book? Did you buy it for someone else? Do you want me to leave you a copy?” ”

The female shopping guide may have remembered the big scene at that time, and said with some excitement and excitement.

“Squad leader, you are too powerful, and you are out of stock to write a book casually?” Zhang Xiaoyun said in shock.

“yes! Brother Cheng is too good! Xiaoqing also looked adoring.

“What! Wait, what are you talking about? Are you saying that the book “Introduction to Engineers” was written by Reba’s subject? That engineer named Lu Cheng is Reba’s object? The female shopping guide was also stunned.

“Yes! It’s the object of our squad leader, we’ve seen it, it’s handsome! Not only can write books, but also wrote a song for our class leader to teach our class leader to sing, powerful! ”

Zhang Xiaoyun said with a proud face, deeply thinking that the best-selling author was the object of his class president, and knew Lu Chengrong.

“Wow! Terrible! That’s awesome! Reba, congratulations, for finding such an excellent object! I have one thing I want to ask you for help, my brother also works in the rolling mill, I adore your object, can I help my brother get a signed book of your object, that is, I give you the book, you let your object help my brother sign it! ”

Reba was full of pride and happiness at the moment, and immediately agreed cheerfully, “Okay! No problem! ”

Just after speaking, a few more worker-like people walked in, first glanced at the three women of Reba, showing stunning eyes, and then spoke, “Is there still a book called “Introduction to Engineers”?” ”

“Sorry! This book sells so well that it has sold out! However, we have already contacted the publisher to reprint it as soon as possible, and it should be available soon! ”

“How fast is it soon?”

“Two or three days should do!”

“Then can we pay the deposit first?” The book is back, leave it for us as soon as possible! ”


A few workers happily paid the deposit, and before leaving, they reminded again, “Be sure to set it out!” ”

Zhang Xiaoyun, Xiaoqing, and Reba looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, two more people walked in

However, unlike the previous workers, the people who came in wore Zhongshan suits and looked like leaders.

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 31 to January 2)

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