At the first sight of Ding Qiunan, Silly Zhu liked Ding Qiunan.

Some people who deliberately approached Ding Qiunan were also beaten several times by Silly Zhu.

Now seeing Xu Damao and Ding Qiunan talking and laughing, how could Silly Zhu not be angry.


Although he has a lame leg, the speed of the silly pillar is still very fast.

Immediately came to Xu Damao’s side and directly punched Xu Damao’s face.


Xu Damao screamed.

The projection equipment in his hand also fell to the ground.

“Xu Damao, you actually took dead mouse meat to the stick terrier yesterday”?

“Look I don’t kill you”!

The stupid pillar’s fist smashed hard at Xu Damao.

“Silly pillar, don’t fight”!

“Oh, I’m going to show a movie to the city leaders today”!

Xu Damao said as he went to pick up the projection equipment.

It’s just that how could the stupid pillar let Xu Damao go.

First, the stick terrier is given a dead mouse to eat.

Now he is talking and laughing with Ding Qiunan.

“Oops. Oops”!

The projection equipment that Xu Damao had just picked up fell to the ground once.

“Don’t fight you”!

Ding Qiunan didn’t know what to do for a while.

Hearing Ding Qiunan’s intercession for Xu Damao, Silly Zhu became even more ruthless.

The fist rained down on Xu Damao’s body.

“Ouch, ouch..”!

“Deputy Director Li help”!

Xu Damao shouted as he ran towards the office building.

“Silly Zhu, Xu Damao, what are you doing”?

At this moment, Deputy Director Li’s voice came from afar.

Silly Zhu was stunned and quickly looked into the distance.

I saw Deputy Director Li with two security guards hurriedly running here.

“Deputy Director Li, I was about to show you a movie, and the stupid pillar ran over to beat me”!

Xu Damao hurriedly ran in front of Deputy Director Li.

“Silly Zhu, you don’t cook in the kitchen, what are you doing with Xu Damao”?

Deputy Director Li looked at Silly Zhu’s face very badly.

Because he was about to take Xu Damao to show a movie to the leaders of the city.

But now the stupid pillar gave Xu Damao a blue nose and a swollen face.

How did this make him take Xu Damao?

“Deputy Director Li, Xu Damao is teasing female employees”!

“I’m teaching him a lesson”!

Silly Zhu quickly explained, and at the same time gave Qin Huairu on the side a look.

Qin Huairu glanced at the stupid pillar, and did not dare to step forward at all.

She had just broken the machine.

If you let Deputy Director Li know that she is running around, you will definitely punish her.

“You talk nonsense, I’ve been debugging equipment all the time”!

Xu Damao quickly defended.

Deputy Director Li glanced at Qin Huairu and saw that she did not speak, so he spoke: “Silly Zhu, you beat Comrade Xu Damao for no reason during work hours”!

“From now on, you will go to the seventh workshop to transform”!

After Deputy Director Li finished speaking, he also ignored the stupid pillar and said directly to Xu Damao: “Xu Damao, bring the projector and follow me”!

“Haha, silly pillar, you have a good transformation in the workshop”!

Xu Damao’s face was full of joy.

Although his nose was blue and his face was swollen, Xu Damao was still very happy to see his mortal enemy being sent to the workshop.

“Pillar, I’m sorry”!

Qin Huairu hurriedly stepped forward to apologize to Silly Zhu.

Originally, Silly Zhu was still very angry with Qin Huairu, and blamed Qin Huairu for not coming out to speak to him.

But seeing Qin Huairu apologize to him, Silly Zhu’s heart suddenly softened.

“Sister Qin, it’s okay, didn’t you go to the workshop to transform”!

Silly Zhu said with a smile.


Somewhere inside the villa.

Deputy Director Li brought Xu Damao here.

“Xu Damao, you have to put on a movie”!

“This movie is very important, don’t make a mistake”!

Deputy Director Li instructed.

“Director Li, don’t worry”!

Xu Damao assured.

“Okay, come with me”!

After Deputy Director Li finished speaking, he took Xu Damao and walked inside.

Just two steps away, Xu Damao’s projector suddenly clicked, and a copper wire fell from the projector.

“Xu Damao, what happened”?

Deputy Director Li looked at Xu Damao with a puzzled expression.

Looking at the copper wire that fell off, Xu Damao’s face suddenly changed greatly.

This copper wire is an important part of the projector.

Without this copper wire, it would be difficult for the projector to projecte.

“Director Lee, projector: broken”!

Xu Damao’s face was covered in sweat.

At the same time, Xu Damao’s heart already hated the stupid pillar.

This projector must have been broken when it was fighting with the stupid pillar.


Deputy Director Li’s face changed, and then he shouted: “You hurry up and fix me”!

“Deputy Director Li, I can’t repair this equipment”!

Xu Damao was about to cry at the moment.

Originally, he also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to be promoted and raised.

Then in pursuit of Ding Qiunan.

But as a result, this projection equipment was actually damaged by the stupid column.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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