“Xu Damao, you useless thing”!

Deputy Director Li’s face became very ugly.

He finally snatched an opportunity from Director Yang to show it to the city leaders.

But the result was killed by Xu Damao.

Before the screening started, I actually changed the projection equipment.

Doesn’t this disgrace him in front of the leadership?

“Deputy Director Li, it’s all stupid pillars..”!

“When the stupid pillar hit me just now, I changed the projection equipment”!

Xu Damao hurriedly pushed everything onto the body of the stupid pillar.

Deputy Director Li’s anger is not something he can bear alone.

“Xu Damao, you also go to the seventh workshop to exercise”!

“Don’t come back without my orders”!

After Deputy Director Li finished speaking, he ignored Xu Damao and hurriedly ran inside.

He had to release the movie before the city leaders arrived.

Looking at Deputy Director Li who left, Xu Damao wanted to cry.

Originally, he also wanted to take advantage of this time to mix a group leader.

Then go after Ding Qiunan.

But as a result, the projector was broken by a stupid column.

The opportunity to get him promoted and raised, the amount of salary is gone.

“Silly pillar, it must have been intentional”!

Xu Damao’s face was full of anger.


Seven workshops.

Lin Yun was inspecting the workshop.

It was at this time that Director Wang walked in with Xu Damao and Silly Zhu.

“Director Wang, why are you here”!

Lin Yun quickly stood up.

“Xiao Lin, these two people were sent to the workshop by Deputy Director Li today”!

“You arrange the work of the two of them”!

Director Wang pointed to Xu Damao and Silly Zhu behind him and said.

“Decentralization workshop”?

Lin Yun looked at Xu Damao and the silly pillar behind Director Wang with a puzzled expression.

You must know that there are two of them, one is a projectionist and the other is a chef in the cafeteria.

How could it be delegated to the workshop on the same day?

“Director Wang rest assured, I will definitely arrange their work”!

Lin Yun nodded, and then took out a working drawing.

“Lin Yun, can you arrange an easy job for me”!

Xu Damao said with a smile.

Lin Yun glanced at the drawing, and then said: “You two go to work on Line 7”!

“There are exactly two people missing there”!


Line 7.

Many employees looked at Qin Huairu with anger.

Because just now, Qin Huairu scrapped several products.

It started with Qin Huairu joining this line.

Frequent errors.

The scrap rate is even more frighteningly high.

Their group has only been a hundred qualified products since the morning.

There are more than 300 scraps.

“I: I really didn’t mean to”!

Qin Huairu wanted to cry at the moment.

She thought the fitter technique was very easy.

She was able to get started easily.

But as a result, I studied for a whole day and learned nothing.

Instead, it broke a machine and scrapped more than 300 products.

“Master Yi, I think it’s better to get her to the apprentice line!”

“Master Yi, your machine has not been repaired yet, she has scrapped so many products”!

“If the scrap rate is too high, we will definitely be penalized”!

“Other production lines already have more than 400 qualified products”!

“We only have 100 online, and we have scrapped more than 300 products”!


Many employees on Line 7 complained to Yi Zhonghai, who was repairing the machine on the side.

Yi Zhonghai’s face was also full of embarrassment.

He also didn’t expect Qin Huairu to be so useless.

There are so many end-of-life products.

“Everyone, extinguish the fire first”!

“Today is Huairu’s first job”!

“She is not familiar with it yet”!

“Just wait for tomorrow”!

Yi Zhonghai stood up from the scrapped machine.

“Master Yi, scrapping so many products is a fine”!

“The fine in the factory is down, will you teach for us”?

“Master Yi, your salary is high, don’t care, we have to support our family”!

“Master Yi, let’s drive her to the apprentice line!”

Many employees spoke up.

When Qin Huairu first came, they were still very happy.

After all, who is not happy to have such a beautiful woman online.

But I didn’t expect Qin Huairu to toss so much.

Within a day of coming online, he broke a machine and scrapped more than 300 products.

So how did they suffer.

“Today if the factory is fined”!

“I taught it for you”!

Yi Zhonghai had no choice, so he had to bite the bullet and say.

“Okay, Master Yi, this time we will give you a face”!

“If tomorrow she is still like this, then go to the apprenticeship line”!

Hearing that Yi Zhonghai came out with this money, everyone returned to the line.

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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