Chapter 84 The Jia family’s house is on fire, and Qin Huairu hopes that Jia Dongxu will burn inside.

“Grandma, watch out for firecrackers”!

It was at this time that the stick terrier suddenly put a firecracker not far from Jia Zhang’s. Jia Zhangshi was slightly stunned, and then looked at the firecrackers on the ground.

That firecracker was right next to the gasoline.

“Stick terrier, let’s go”! Jia Zhang’s face changed drastically.


Only listening to a loud bang, the gasoline was directly ignited.

The huge flame directly ignited the dry firewood on the side.

“Let’s go..”

“Stick terrier, hurry up”! Jia Zhang quickly ran outside. The stick terrier also ran out.

Xiaodang also ran out holding Xiaohuahua.

“Mom, Mom… I’m still inside.”

“Come and save me..”

“Mom, you can’t abandon me”! Jia Dongxu’s face suddenly changed greatly. He is still in bed.

Except for the head, you can’t move at all. Although the place where the fire started now is far from Jia Dongxu.

But it won’t be long before the fire will reach him.

If no one reported him, he would definitely be burned.

It’s just that what makes Jia Dongxu sad is that Jia Zhangshi didn’t pay attention to him at all. Without looking back, he ran outside.

It seems that there is no such thing as his son at all.

“Mom, mom.. You can’t leave me alone.”

“I don’t want to burn to death”!

“Stick terrier, hurry up and call someone to save me”

Jia Dongxu shouted loudly.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu was very desperate.

At the same time, he hated the stupid pillar in his heart. What firecrackers to give to the stick terrier. Not only let the stick terrier give the house to the point. He was going to burn him to death in the house.

In the midst of Jia Dongxu’s shouting, Xiaodang, Jia Zhangshi, stick terrier, and Xiaohuahua ran out.

“Woo hoo: Hurry up.”

“My house is on fire…”

063 “Dongxu is still in..”!

“Who will put out the fire”!

“Qin Huairu, where did you die?”

“Don’t come to save Dongxu either”!

“My sewing machine is going to burn”!

Jia Zhang sat in the open space and cried loudly. This house is everything to their Jia family.

Inside this house there are sewing machines, quilts, clothes. If the house burned.

So how does she live?

Where does their Jia family live? How will they live later.

“Look, the Jia family seems to be on fire”

“Walking water, running water..”

“Hurry up and save the Jia family”!

“What is Jia Zhangshi doing at home, how good will it catch fire..”

“Hurry up and go to Jia’s house..”

“Otherwise our house will burn down too.”

“Why is it so hot all of a sudden”



Everyone in the compound ran out. They are also in this compound.

If the Jia family’s fire is not extinguished, their house may also catch fire. Outside the courtyard.

Qin Huairu, the silly pillar was walking towards the courtyard.

“Silly Zhu, thank you really last time, if it weren’t for you, I would probably have to go in”

Qin Huairu pretended to be grateful and said.

“Sister Qin, what are you talking about?”

“Didn’t I come out too”?

As soon as Silly Zhu saw Qin Huairu thanking himself, his face was full of joy. At the same time, I feel that helping Qin Huairu back the pot is very worthwhile.

“When I came back today, I brought a box of small firecrackers for the stick terrier.”

Silly Zhu suddenly remembered about buying small firecrackers himself.

“Silly Zhu, why did you buy something for the stick terrier again”

Qin Huairu asked with a smile.

“I volunteered”! Silly Zhu quickly explained.

“Sister Qin, how can there be such a big smoke in our compound”

Soon the silly pillar saw that a large amount of smoke suddenly came out of their compound.

“Could it be that whose house is on fire”?

Qin Huairu looked in the direction of the courtyard with a puzzled expression.

“It seems to be the direction of Lin Yun’s house, it won’t be that Lin Yun’s house is on fire”

Silly Zhu looked at it for a while, and felt that the direction where the smoke came out was Lin Yun’s house.

“Let’s go slowly, let Lin Yun’s family burn for a while”

I saw that it was Lin Yun’s house on fire.

Qin Huairu’s mood was very good.

After all, in the rolling mill, Lin Yun often fined Qin Huairu’s money. Let Qin Huairu’s salary this month deduct several dollars.

“Okay, okay, let’s go slow”


Silly Zhu nodded again and again when he heard this.

He enjoyed walking with Qin Huairu very much.

Now that Qin Huairu asked him to walk slower, how could he not be happy.

“Huairu, Huairu, what are you doing here”

“Don’t you know that your house is on fire?”

“Hurry up and put out the fire”?

The third aunt looked at the silly pillar and Qin Huairu who were walking slowly with a confused expression. She couldn’t understand how Qin Huairu’s heart could be so big. Her home was on fire.

Jia Dongxu is still in the house.

How can Qin Huairu still be in the mood to take a walk here. There seems to be no rush at all.

It’s as if it’s not their home that’s on fire.

“Three Aunts, what do you say”?

“It was my house that was on fire in the compound”? Qin Huairu looked confused.

Just now, she thought that Lin Yun’s house was on fire.

So she didn’t care. Walk slowly on the road.

At the same time, I hoped that Lin Yun’s house would burn down.

But now, the third aunt actually ran over and told Qin Huairu. It was her house that caught fire.

Jia Dongxu still has some valuable things in it.

“Yes, Dongxu is also inside”!

Aunt San nodded.

“Dongxu is still inside”?

Qin Huairu was stunned, and then his face was full of joy. Jia Dongxu is now paralyzed.

Every day has no effect other than wasting food. If in this fire, Jia Dongxu can burn to death.

Then their home must be much easier.

She also doesn’t have to help Jia Dongxu clean up every day. Not to mention being scolded by Jia Dongxu every day.

She also didn’t understand how Jia Dongxu’s mouth could be so powerful. Even if paralyzed, the swearing is very powerful.

“Huairu, what are you still doing?”

“Don’t hurry up and put out the fire yet”!

“Find a way to get Dongxu out”? The third aunt looked at Qin Huairu with a puzzled expression.

I don’t understand that it’s all this time, Qin Huairu is still here.

“Woooo Dongxu..”

“Woo hoo, my house..”

Qin Huairu cried and ran towards the compound.

Although Qin Huairu couldn’t help Jia Dongxu burn to death inside. But she still had feelings for that house.

And their most valuable sewing machine is in this house. If the house was burned, then Qin Huairu would have nothing.

“Huairu, Huairu.. You wait for me”

“I’ll help you save Brother Dongxu”! The silly pillar also ran over.

Qin Huairu, who was running, was startled, and then glared at the stupid pillar fiercely. Silly Zhu was slightly stunned, and he didn’t understand why the good Qin Huairu glared at him? Could it be that Qin Huairu blamed himself for not going to put out the fire earlier?

In fact, the stupid pillar blamed Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu glared at him not because of the firefighting.

Qin Huairu very much hoped that Jia Dongxu would be burned to death in the room. And the stupid pillar actually said that he would rush to save Jia Dongxu.

Can Qin Huairu not hate him.

…… In front of Jia Zhang’s house,

“Woo hoo: My house”!

“Dongxu is still inside”!

“You guys hurry up and save Dongxu”!


“My quilt..”

Jia Zhang sat in front of the raging fire, crying loudly.

She hopes that someone can rush into the fire and help her rescue Jia Dongxu. I wish someone could get their sewing machine out.

It’s just that the fire in Jia Zhang’s house is very big. No one dared to rush in at all. Can only splash water outside.

“What’s going on with the fire in the Jia family”?

“How did it burn so big all at once”

“Who knows..”

“The Jia family is really unlucky”

“Dongxu became a paralyzed, a stick terrier eunuch, Jia Zhangshi broke his right hand, and now the Jia family is on fire again”

“It’s a pity that Dongxu..”

“Such a big fire, who dares to go in and save Dongxu”


Many residents are very sympathetic to the Jia family.

But with so much fire, they didn’t have any way. What to do if you rush in and can’t come out.

“Grandma Terrier, don’t cry”

“It’s hot here, let’s go somewhere else”

“Dongxu can’t be saved”!

“Hey, when the fire is extinguished, let Uncle Yi think of a way for you”


Several people comforted Jia Zhangshi on the side.

It’s just that Jia Zhang didn’t listen at all, and still kept crying. He even let Yan Xiecheng and others rush in to save Jia Dongxu. Yan Xiecheng, Liu Guangtian and the others shook their heads one after another.

They didn’t dare to brave such a big fire and rush in to save Jia Dongxu.

“Look, Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu are here”

“Qin Huairu, where did this run?”

“My house was burned down and I don’t know how to come back”

“Uncle One, Uncle Two, they have already helped put out the fire”

Many neighbors complained.

“Mom, mom, what’s going on”

“What about Dongxu, where is Dongxu”

Qin Huairu ran in front of Jia Zhang.

“Huairu, where did you run?”

“Dongxu is still inside”?

“Huairu, you hurry up and save Dongxu”

Jia Zhangshi quickly grabbed Qin Huairu. Let Qin Huairu rush in to save Jia Dongxu.


Qin Huairu just lowered his head and cried, and did not promise Jia Zhangshi at all. In her heart, she very much hoped that Jia Dongxu would die.

How could he brave such a big fire and rush in to save Jia Dongxu. If Jia Dongxu is rescued, she will have to bathe Jia Dongxu every day. Every day, I have to be scolded by Jia Dongxu.

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