Chapter 85: Silly Pillar: Sister Qin, don’t worry, I will definitely carry Dongxu out.

It’s better to die directly in this fire.

Of course, Qin Huairu would not say it.

So she just kept her head down and cried, making others think she was very sad.

“Hey, such a big fire, how to save it”

“Huairu, forget it”!

“What if you rush in and can’t get out, stick terrier, little when they do”

“Dongxu is so fat, you can’t remember it”

“Hey, just pity Dongxu”!


Many neighbors persuaded. Although they also want to save Jia Dongxu.

But such a big fire can’t rush into it at all.

Even if he rushed in, Qin Huairu couldn’t carry Jia Dongxu out. If something happened to Qin Huairu.

Stick terriers, small dang, who will raise small locust flowers. The aftermath of the Jia family, who will take care of it.



“My Dongxu..”

Jia Zhang sat on the ground and cried loudly. Qin Huairu also cried.

However, although Qin Huai cried loudly, he did not shed a single tear. Looking at the crying Qin Huairu, Silly Zhu’s heart couldn’t help but hurt.

Today, even if he fights to burn to death, he will rescue Jia Dongxu.

“Sister Qin, don’t cry”!

“I’ll help you rescue Brother Dongxu”

After the silly pillar finished speaking, he was ready to rush towards the sea of fire????

Qin Huairu’s head was full of question marks.

She wanted Jia Dongxu to die in this fire. Make her life a little easier later on.

Not waiting for Jia Dongxu every day and night.

But now Silly Zhu actually wants to help her rescue Jia Dongxu?

“Silly pillar, don’t do stupid things”!

“This fire is too big..”

“You may not be able to get out if you go in”

Qin Huairu hurriedly persuaded.

“Sister Qin, you don’t have to worry, I’m fast.”

Seeing Qin Huairu caring so much about himself, Silly Zhu’s mood was very excited. You must know that before, Qin Huairu had never cared about him.

Whatever he said today, he would also rescue Jia Dongxu. Hearing the words of the stupid pillar, Qin Huairu was angry.

She couldn’t understand how Silly Zhu could be so stupid. She obviously wanted Jia Dongxu to die in this fire. But now the stupid pillar actually wants to rush in to save it?

Although Qin Huairu really wanted to grab the stupid pillar and let him not go in. But all the neighbors of the compound are here.

How she said it.

Can she tell everyone that she wants Jia Dongxu to die in this fire?

Silly Zhu took a deep look at Qin Huairu, then found a wet quilt and rushed inside.

“Damn stupid column”!

Looking at the stupid pillar that rushed in, Qin Huairu’s eyes were full of anger. At this moment, Qin Huairu already hated the stupid pillar.

“Silly Zhu, you must help me rescue Dongxu”

Jia Zhang shouted loudly at the silly pillar.

“Silly pillar: Why is it so stupid”?

“Such a big fire, still rushing inside”

“The fire has been burning for so long, even if Dongxu didn’t burn to death, he was injured”

“Stupid pillar is also true, for Qin Huairu, he actually dared to rush into the sea of fire”



Many residents are very impressed by the silly pillar at this moment. With such a big fire, they didn’t dare to stand by. The stupid pillar actually dared to rush in to save people.


Looking at the burning fire, Uncle Yi sighed slightly.

He also didn’t understand how the Jia family could be so unlucky during this time.

Jia Dongxu was paralyzed, the stick terrier was eunuch, and Jia Zhang’s right hand was broken again. Now the Jia family’s house is burning again.

Jia’s family has no house. Will definitely ask him for help.

At that time, where will he go to help the Jia family get a house.

If he doesn’t help, Qin Huairu will say that Jia Dongxu is his apprentice. Yi Zhonghai regretted it very much.

Why did he accept Jia Dongxu as a burden? Not only are there no benefits.

As soon as there is trouble, find him?

However, the mood in the bangs is very good. Two days ago, he was blackmailed by Jia Zhangshi for a hundred yuan. Liu Haizhong has always held a grudge.

Want to take revenge on the Jia family.

But unexpectedly, before he took revenge, so many things happened to the Jia family. Now their houses are on fire.

Some valuable things were also left inside. Even Jia Dongxu was left inside.

“The Jia family deserves it”!

“Let you blackmail me so much”!

Not to mention how happy the mood in the bangs is.

Although he was also fighting fires, it was a small bucket and a half of water each time.

And the water was all splashed elsewhere, not a drop of water was splashed on the flames. It was at this time that Liu Guangtian hurriedly ran over with a bucket of water.

“What for”!

Liu Guangtian hit Liu Guangtian fiercely.

“Dad, I’m helping out the fire”?

Liu Guangtian asked puzzled.

“Such a big fire, what to save”

“You forgot how the Jia family blackmailed us”

Liu Haizhong glared at Liu Guangtian fiercely.

Liu Guangtian quickly splashed the water in the bucket, and then rushed over with an empty bucket. Liu Haizhong nodded in satisfaction.

The third uncle Yan Bugui also came to the vicinity of Jia Zhang’s house.

However, the three uncles Yan Bugui and Yan Xiecheng did not participate in fighting the fire. They were coming to the side where the fire was not very big, secretly holding some things from the Jia family.

“Xie Cheng, our house just leaked, take these tiles back first!” The third uncle gave some complete tiles to Yan Xiecheng. ”

Xu Damao also discovered the fire in Jia’s house.

He didn’t help, though. Just standing in the crowd and watching quietly.

To be honest, the Jia family is so hot, he is very happy. He wished that Jia’s family had burned down.

Some time ago, the Jia family made him compensate and sent him to a labor camp.


Jia Zhang’s home.

At this moment, the fire had reached the bed.

“Damn Qin Huairu”!

“Where did you die”?

“Don’t come to my rescue yet”!

“Do you have a leg with the stupid pillar and want me to die in it”

“Who will save me”!

“I don’t want to die..”

Jia Dongxu shouted loudly. Jia Dongxu was already desperate. The fire had reached the bedside.

It won’t be long before it burns to his side.

If no one came in to save him, he would definitely burn to death.

At this moment, what Jia Dongxu hated the most was not Jia Zhangshi who had just not taken him out. It’s Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu.

“Brother Dongxu, where are you..”

It was at this time that the sound of a silly pillar came from outside.


“Silly pillar, silly pillar: I’m here.”

Jia Dongxu quickly shouted loudly.

He also didn’t expect that with such a big fire outside, the stupid pillar actually rushed in to save him. Just now, he kept complaining about the silly pillar.

Think that Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu have a leg.

But now the stupid pillar actually risked his life and rushed in to save him.

“Brother Dongxu, you’re okay.”

Silly Zhu soon came to Jia Dongxu.

“Silly pillar, quick, take me out quickly”

Jia Dongxu was very excited.

Silly Zhu quickly picked up Jia Dongxu and hurriedly ran outside.


“Boom: Boom..”

The fire in Jia Zhang’s house is also getting bigger and bigger.

Many of the residents who were fighting the fire had to take several steps back.

Even the three uncles who were picking things up next to him retreated.

“Kid, dad, how did you pick up so many things”

The third aunt looked at the basket of the third uncle with a confused face. Everyone else was fighting the fire.

But Yan Bugui picked up so many things in Jia Zhang’s house. A lot of these things can still be used.


“Don’t talk, take these things home”

“I’m picking up something to go back”!

Yan Bugui pointed to their home and said.

“Good, good”!

Aunt San nodded and hurriedly carried the basket back.

Fortunately, everyone was checking the burning house, and no one cared about the three aunts who left.

“Everyone, come back soon”!

“This fire is too big”!

“Splash water on the side of the road, don’t let him burn next door”

Yi Zhonghai sighed slightly.

At this moment, the Jia family’s house can no longer be saved. Can only keep the house next to it.

“Uncle Yi, my house can still be saved”

“My family Dongxu is still inside”!

“My sewing machine is still inside”!

Jia Zhang ran to Yi Zhonghai and cried loudly. If their house doesn’t come back.

So where does their Jia family live?

How will their Jia family live in the future?

“Woooo Dongxu”?

“Without you, how can I live with the stick terrier?”


Qin Huairu also cried at this moment. Look at such a big fire. Qin Huairu was very happy.

Because Jia Dongxu will definitely burn inside. She will not have to take care of the paralyzed person every day in the future.

However, in order not to let others suspect, she still cried symbolically.

“Huairu, don’t cry”!

“Silly Zhu just went in, maybe he can save Dongxu”

“If you rescue Dongxu, you have to thank Silly Zhu.”


Everyone comforted.

Hearing everyone’s words, Qin Huairu’s heart hated the silly pillar very much. Originally, this fire Jia Dongxu was bound to die.

But the stupid pillar rushed into the fire to save Jia Dongxu. If it wasn’t rescued, then fine.

If rescued, wouldn’t she have to serve Jia Dongxu for the rest of her life?

“Lao Yi, the silly pillar is still inside”

Liu Haizhong ran over and said.

“What are you doing inside the stupid pillar”? Yi Zhonghai’s face changed slightly.

Now the fire in the Jia family is already very big.

Even if they get close, they will feel very hot. Didn’t the stupid pillar run inside looking for death for a long time?.

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