Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

171. Fortunately, Lin Yu Can't Have Children, Otherwise He Wouldn't Even Have To Marry A W

After finishing the window frame, Lin Yu took out a hammer and a rake, went to the bathroom, and began to cut window holes in the wall.

The window opening must be high to prevent people from peeking in from the window.

Not long.

The window hole was drilled.

Lin Yu fixed the window frame on the hole in the wall, mixed some cement slurry, and used bricks inside and out to build a small window into the hole in the wall.

The small window was also finished, and Yu Haitang also came back.

This time, Yu Haitang made herself sweat profusely again.

She didn't dare to ride a bicycle at all, she wrapped the glass in a cardboard box and pushed the bicycle back.

When she came to the gate of the compound, she stopped the bicycle specially, and sent two pieces of glass into the backyard first, and then ran out of the compound to push the bicycle in.

Yu Haitang swears!

From now on, I will never buy glass for others again, because of the suffering.

You must be cautious, and you must be reserved, for fear that the glass will be broken if you are not careful.

Fortunately, this is the first time I bought glass for my brother-in-law, and it was a great success.

"Isn't Haitang very good? I thought you couldn't do fine work, but I didn't expect fine work to be so beautiful. It's good, it's great."

Lin Yu smiled and gave Yu Haitang a few words of praise.

But Yu Haitang was overjoyed.

"Brother-in-law, don't you look down on people too much? Why can't I, Yu Haitang, do fine work?"

"In the future, if there is any delicate work in your family that needs to be done, just leave it to me."

"You leave it to me to buy glass like this, just rest assured."

Yu Haitang was still swearing in her heart a moment ago that she would never buy glass for anyone in the future.

But in the next second, she couldn't bear the compliments from her brother-in-law, and the original vow was thrown out of the sky by her.

"Haitang, take a look, you're sweating all over, come to the kitchen, I'll get you a basin of warm water, and you can go into the tub and take a shower."

Seeing that Yu Haitang was sweating again after buying glass, Yu Li felt very distressed.

He pulled her into the kitchen and closed the door.

The small door to the kitchen and the living room was also closed.

Scooped hot water from the big iron pot, put half a bucket of cold water from the tap, set up a pot of warm water, and let Yu Haitang take a shower.

While Yu Haitang was taking a shower, Yu Li went into the bedroom to find clothes for Haitang.

She once put several pieces of clothes in Lin Yu's house, just for fear that she would sweat in the future so that she could change them, but she didn't expect that she only changed them once, but the second time her clothes had to be worn by Yu Haitang.

Yu Haitang took a warm bath, changed into her sister Yu Li's clothes, refreshed, this time she really turned into a water lily, her face was flushed, her hair was black and shiny, like a healthy young deer.

Lin Yu finally installed the glass on the two windows.

He specially made an iron fence with steel wire and fixed it to the small window outside.

Finally made this small window safe and firm.

After finishing it, Lin Yu went home, took another smaller exhaust fan he had made and assembled into the bathroom, plugged it in, connected it to the power supply, and turned on the switch.


This second exhaust fan was also a great success.

Lin Yu also specially took Yu Li to the bathroom to show her how to push and pull the window.

"The sliding window is convenient and practical. When the weather is good, one of the small windows can be opened to ventilate the air outside the wall and the air in the bathroom.

"When the weather is bad, such as cloudy, rainy or snowy weather, simply close the sliding windows, so as to prevent rainwater from getting in, and keep warm and keep out the cold in winter.

Later, Lin Yu taught Yu Li how to turn on and off the exhaust fan installed on the small window sill.

In short, Lin Yu knows everything about his daughter-in-law and can't stop talking.

Yu Li was inexplicably surprised.

She used to think that her husband repaired this indoor bathroom for her, and after repairing it, it would be over.

I didn't expect to open a small window and get an exhaust fan.

In this way, the air in the bathroom can always be kept clean and fresh.

Yu Li now worships her husband more and more.

It seems that there is no problem that cannot be solved by my handsome and talented husband, and there is nothing that cannot be done.

Except, of course, having children.

Yu Haitang was even a little lucky.

Fortunately, Lin Yu can't have children, otherwise he wouldn't even have to marry a wife.

And she, Yu Li, has no chance to start a family with Lin Yu at all.

Fortunately, what she is best at, her husband is not good at.

Yu Li also knew that her thinking was ridiculous, but she just couldn't help thinking about it.

Lin Yu has just finished explaining to Li here that the small window in the bathroom must be closed when it is windy or rainy, when it suddenly becomes windy outside.

The wind and the moon are blowing bigger and bigger, and the sky is dark.

The sky was dark yellow.

Thunder roared in the sky.

Not long.

It's pouring rain from the sky!

Yu Li almost habitually went to close the small window in the bathroom, only to find that the small window had already been closed by Lin Yu.

She ran out of the room in a hurry, because the door was closed and the window was closed.

"Wait a minute, I'll push my bike into the house before it gets rusty in the rain.

Lin Yu rushed to the yard in the rain and pushed Yu Li's bicycle into the room.

Yu Li quickly closed the door.

In just a short while, Lin Yu's clothes were soaked through by the rainstorm.

"This Haitang is also very good. She didn't know to push the bicycle into the house when she bought the glass, and your brother-in-law's clothes were all wet."

Yu Li looked at the wet Lin Yu, she felt sorry for her husband and complained about her cousin.

Just as Yu Haitang took a shower, it began to rain suddenly.

Wearing Yu Li's clothes, she said innocently: "Sister, how do I know that it will rain suddenly in this damn weather? Didn't the sun shine brightly just a moment ago, and the sky was clear? Why did it suddenly rain?" Woolen cloth?"

"The day in June, the face of a child, can change as soon as it is said. You don't have any common sense about the weather."

Yu Li gave Yu Haitang an angry look, and quickly found a suit of clothes for Lin Yu, and prepared a basin of warm water for Lin Yu, telling Lin Yu to take a shower in the kitchen tub.

When Lin Yu jumped into the tub to take a shower, he smelled a fragrance in the tub.

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, he remembered that Yu Haitang took a shower in the tub before him.

He just said, why did he smell the fragrance in the tub?

After Lin Yu took a shower, Yu Li took all the clothes he had changed and washed them all together.

Whether underwear or outerwear, all washed clean.

It seems that Yu Li has begun to adapt to the role of the hostess of this family.

As for Yu Haitang's sweat-soaked clothes, Yu Li also washed them for her.

It's just that it's raining heavily outside, and the rain doesn't seem to stop, and there's no place to dry my favorite clothes.

Lin Yu looked at Yu Li holding the clothes he liked, and kept shaking his head. He suddenly thought that there seemed to be something missing at home.

This thing is called a spin dryer.

The principle of the spin dryer is very simple, and Lin Yu can make and assemble it by himself.

It's just that there are not so many electrical components and materials in the home now.

This discovery made Lin Yu dumbfounded.

It seems that he has more and more skills, and his pursuit of quality of life is getting higher and higher.

If you don't get a full set of decent household appliances, you're really sorry for the system rewarding your tattoo skills.

...asking for flowers......

The torrential rain continued, and the sky was getting darker and darker.

Before Lin Yu could do anything, Yu Li had already pulled Yu Haitang to make dinner.

This time, Yu Li really planned to greet her cousin with those two wild vegetables, so she didn't open the refrigerator to take a look.

In fact, Lin Yu's refrigerator contains canned beef, luncheon meat, canned fruit, and cold sheep scorpion bones.

"Sister, let's just eat these two plates of wild vegetables tonight? Why don't we get some meat?" Yu Haitang tentatively said to Li.

Yu Li glared at her.

"All day long, you know that eating meat doesn't cost you money? You don't need a ticket to eat meat? Is it easy for your brother-in-law to work hard to earn money? You have to make your brother-in-law poor to make you happy, right? "Yu Li reprimanded Yu Haitang angrily.

Yu Haitang felt wronged and dared not speak.

She found that her sister had changed.

As the time to marry Lin Yu as a bride drew nearer, her elder sister turned her elbows outward, and instead of kissing her, she only kissed her brother-in-law.

Lin Yu was in the living room, watching the two sisters arguing in the kitchen, he couldn't laugh or cry.

It seems that it is absolutely right to marry Yu Li as a wife. Yu Li will live a good life.

If you can't eat and drink, you can't count and you can't be poor.

Although Yu Li is not as petty as Yan Laoxi, the third uncle in the front yard, who is calculating and calculating to the extreme, but Yu Li is obviously a woman who is careful and can live at home.

As for a woman like Yu Haitang, she can only be a brother.

That's right, you can only be the kind of brother who eats meat in big chunks and drinks in big bowls.

Although she is a daughter, she is a pure man in her bones.

Lin Yu went over to open the refrigerator, and took out a canning bottle from inside, but what was inside was not canned food, but a bottle of pickled golden cicada slowly.

Holding the bottle of Jinchan, Lin Yu came to the kitchen and handed the bottle of Jinchan to Yu Li.

"Begonia wants to eat meat, so you can fry up the golden cicada for her to eat. Anyway, we caught the golden cicada in the wild, and it didn't cost any money." Lin Yu said to Li with a smile.

Yuli nodded.

She knew that she treated her cousin so harshly, in Lin Yu's eyes, Lin Yu couldn't bear it.

She had no choice but to give Yu Haitang a plate of golden cicadas.

"It's better for my brother-in-law to treat me, sister, you can learn from it in the future."

Yu Haitang proudly handed Lin Yu a sweet smile, and snatched the bottle of golden cicada from her sister's hand in a shy way, and she wanted to fry it herself.

Yu Li ignored her and continued to wash the horse amaranth and ash dish with her head down.

Lin Yu returned to the living room, lay down on the rocking chair, drank tea, and listened to the radio.

It's just that maybe because of the rain and thunder, the programs played on the radio are always noisy.

It was still raining outside, and water had already appeared on the ground.

Fortunately, the houses of the neighbors in the compound are all on a higher terrain, so that the stagnant water will not flow into the rooms.

Even through the torrential rain, Lin Yu could hear the conversation of the second uncle Liu Haizhong's family.

"Dad, I'm urgent to urinate, and I can't hold it anymore." Liu Guangfu said.

"It's raining so hard, you can't go to the bathroom outside the gate of the compound? Go, go, go to the gate to solve it, pay attention to wear slippers, roll up your trouser legs so that the rain doesn't wet your trousers." Liu Haizhong spat Said impatiently.

Liu Guangfu really followed the slippers, rolled up his trouser legs, ran to the door, opened the door, and sprayed a burst of rain against the rain outside.

After urinating, I feel comfortable.

At this time, the second aunt couldn't hold back.

"Old Liu, I have to go to the toilet too, but it's raining so much, how can I go?" Second Aunt said anxiously to Old Liu.

Liu Haizhong suddenly felt like a big fan. .

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