Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

79. Bang Geng’S Head Was Hit By Tiles To Bleed, And It Was Identified As Sha Zhu Who Instigated Bang

Silly Zhu and BangGong sneaked around the corner and conspired to steal their own bicycle tickets in the backyard, and Lin Yu heard everything.

After activating [Master Bajiquan Martial Skill], Lin Yu's hearing is terrifying beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Lin Yu pretended not to hear and didn't know, and continued to chat with the neighbors.

At this time, the stick was slipping towards the backyard against the base of the wall.

Silly Zhu chatted with his neighbors casually, but in fact, his eyes were watching Lin Yu all the time.

Lin Yu laughed secretly in his heart.

A fool, a thief, the two guys conspired together to do bad things.

I can call it "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix".

Amidst the noisy human voices, Lin Yu heard the sound of the kitten pacing on the roof.

Lin Yu knew without guessing that it must be Xiaobai who ran to the roof of Yi Zhonghai's house.

And at this moment.

Stick stem was running along the wall of Yi Zhonghai's house, planning to slip into the backyard.

Lin Yu secretly performed the animal control technique and summoned Xiaobai to pull down a tile on the roof.



The tiles fell from the roof and just hit the stick on the head impartially.

BangGeng's head was bleeding immediately, and the pain was so painful that BangGeng burst into tears.

After Xiaobai finished the case, he disappeared on the roof after a few vertical jumps.

The sudden sound shocked all the neighbors present.

"Great! What's wrong with you? My good grandson."

"Oops! Stick's head is broken."

Jiazhang ran over nervously, and saw her precious grandson, whose head was smashed by the tiles and bleeding profusely.

Qin Huairu was also quite frightened, she was fine just now, why did Banggen suddenly cry?

I ran over and saw that the stick's head was broken, and there was a bloody tile next to it.

Needless to say, the head of the stick must have been smashed by this tile.

Silly Zhu was completely dumbfounded.

He never expected that he would encourage Bang Geng to steal Lin Yu's bicycle ticket, but before Bang Geng reached the backyard, the tiles smashed his head.

"That goddamn one? He has no sense of public morality? He threw tiles and smashed my grandson's head. Damn it!"

Jia Zhang cursed and cursed, and looked up at the roof of Yi Zhonghai's house.

At a glance, she saw that a tile was missing from the roof of Yi Zhonghai's house.

The tile that smashed her grandson's head must have fallen from the roof of Yi Zhonghai's house!

"Yi Zhonghai! The tiles that fell from the roof of your house smashed my grandson's head. I will lose money! Immediately pay my grandson's medical expenses!"

Jia Zhang immediately pointed the finger at Yi Zhonghai, clamoring for Yi Zhonghai to lose money.

Yi Zhonghai was very depressed.

And such a coincidence?

A tile fell from the roof of his house, and it hit Bang Geng's head impartially.

You Jiazhang actually made me lose money?

You said you didn't take good care of your grandson, why did you let your grandson wander around?


"Mom, the tiles were not lost by Uncle Yi, what money did you ask Uncle Yi to pay~々?"

Qin Huairu quickly carried the stick over, hurried to the doctor in the infirmary of the factory, and begged, "The doctor has to trouble you to bandage the wound on my son's head."

The doctor can't laugh or cry.

How dare he treat two patients in one visit this time?

One is that Dad was stung by a swarm of poisonous bees, and his whole body was swollen and needed bloodletting.

One is that the son's head was smashed by a tile and needed to stop the bleeding.

I have been a doctor for half my life, and this is the first time that other doctors have encountered such a strange situation.

The doctor immediately opened the first aid kit, wiped the wound with sterile cotton, and stopped the bleeding.

In order to facilitate and bandage the wound, the doctor also cut off some hair on the stick's head.

After some operations.

Finally, he stopped the bleeding from the stick's head, and the wound was bandaged.

"Doctor, how much is the medical fee to stop the bleeding and bandage my son's wound?" Qin Huairu asked.

Jia Zhang suddenly became nervous.

Their old Jia family is most afraid of spending money.

I can't wait to break a penny in half and spend it.

"There is no charge for stopping the child's bleeding. You only need to pay me two cents for the materials for the bandage," said the doctor.

Upon hearing that it was only twenty cents, Qin Huairu breathed a sigh of relief.

She was about to take out the money when the stick suddenly yelled loudly and opened it.

"Grandma, it's all the fault of Shazhu. It was Shazhu who asked me to go to Lin Yu's house in the backyard to steal bicycle tickets. My head was smashed by the tiles. It was Shazhu's fault. It was Shazhu who caused my head to be smashed by the tiles." Gotta bleed!"

The stick yelled loudly, and the neighbors were stunned.

Silly Zhu was even more embarrassed to death.

"Bang, don't talk nonsense, when did I ask you to go to the backyard to steal Lin Yu's bicycle ticket? You don't want to wrong a good person out of thin air."

Silly Zhu quickly defended himself.

Stealing is no small sin these days, it's about reputation.

Stick is a child, no one has the same knowledge as him.

Sha Zhu is an adult, once he has a bad record of stealing things, he might not be able to keep his job.

"What? Bang, you just said that Shazhu asked you to steal from my house? No way?" Lin Yu pretended to be surprised, "Shazhu is a well-known good man in our compound." How could he instigate you to steal? Where are things?"

"No! It was Shazhu who asked me to go to your house to steal your bicycle ticket just now." Stick pointed to Shazhu and explained anxiously, "Shazhu also said that I stole the bicycle ticket from your house, and he gave me a dollar .”

The reason why Bang Geng said in such a hurry was that Sha Zhu asked him to steal things in the backyard, because he didn't want his mother Qin Huairu to take out the two-cent wallet for him to spend money.

Hearing what Banggen said, the neighbors all looked at Shazhu.

Silly Zhu made a big red face.

"Misunderstandings... are all misunderstandings."

"I was teasing BangGiao just now, but I didn't expect BangGiao to take it seriously."

Sha Zhu was so embarrassed at the moment that he could pick out a courtyard with his toes.

"Misunderstanding? Silly Zhu, you speak lightly, but do you know what you are doing?" Lin Yu angrily scolded Silly Zhu, "You are instigating an underage child to commit a crime!!"

Anyway, Lin Yu and Sha Zhu never saw eye to eye, so he just took the opportunity to scold Sha Zhu severely.

Silly Zhu was scolded by Lin Yu, but he couldn't fight back.

With a smiling face, he repeatedly explained that it was unintentional, just to amuse the children, but he didn't expect the stick to be serious.

Lin Yu didn't say anything here, and Jia Zhang quit.

Jia Zhang pointed at the silly pillar and cursed:

"Silly Zhu, you kill a thousand swords!"

"You actually instigated my grandson to steal?"

"Are you still human?"

"Do you still have a conscience?"

"If you have a conscience, immediately pay my grandson the cost of bandages and medical expenses to other doctors, and pay my grandson five dollars for nutrition. My grandson has lost so much blood, how many eggs do I have to eat to make up for it?"

"Losing money! Losing money now!"

This style is simply too Jia Zhang's.

Silly Zhu's face immediately collapsed.

Grandma is a bear!

I foolishly risked being killed by the poisonous bees, drove away the poisonous bees and saved your son Jia Dongxu.

In a hurry, I ran to the infirmary of the factory and invited a doctor for you.

Now, you guys are going to bite me back and lose money?

Shazhu didn't want to lose money, but judging by his posture, if he didn't lose money, Jia Zhang would never let it go.

Silly Zhu had no choice but to admit defeat.

On the spot, Bang Geng paid two cents for medical expenses, and paid Bang Geng five yuan for nutrition.

This scene fell into Yi Zhonghai's eyes, and Yi Zhonghai shook his head secretly.

He felt that Sha Zhu was acting too irrationally today.

It's thankless, and I've made a lot of useless air.

It's getting late.

The neighbors dispersed.

Silly Zhu returned home angrily, the door slammed shut, and a person was angry and sulking in the room.

Lin Yu went back to the backyard.

Yu Haitang was still burning the cauldron.

"Brother-in-law, you are back. Is the stewed winter melon, pork and vermicelli cooked? How long do I have to cook?"

Yu Haitang wiped the sweat from his forehead, the bellows were rumbling.

Lin Yu was speechless.

"Silly girl, don't pull the bellows, if you pull the bellows to increase the firepower, I'm afraid you will burn the whole pot.

Lin Yu quickly lifted the lid of the pot.

The stew in the pot was just right.

If Lin Yu came back a minute or two late, I'm afraid that a pot of food would be burnt into the pot.

Yu Haitang was taken aback.

After being complained by Lin Yu, Tian Haitang was afraid for a while.

"You can't blame me for that, you went ahead to watch the excitement, and you didn't tell me how long the cauldron was going to burn.

Yu Haitang said with an aggrieved face.

Lin Yu shrugged (Li Mo's).

"That's my fault."

Fortunately, Lin Yu came back in time and saved the fate of a pot of dishes being burnt by Yu Hai.

Lin Yu scooped out a pot of stew and put it in a basin.

He quickly poured two buckets of tap water into the iron pot.

I'm afraid it's the firewood under the pot that can burn half the night.

It is a good thing that these two barrels of tap water are not boiled dry.

But fortunately, this pot of stewed meat tonight is extraordinarily delicious and delicious. Generally speaking, there is not so much firewood burned in vain.

Yu Haitang ate two bowls of stew and two steamed buns in one sitting.

This tiger girl really worked hard tonight, and she ate a lot.

After eating, Yu Haitang took Lin Yu's lunch box and filled it with stewed vegetables.

"Brother-in-law, I'm full, I'm going home, wash the dishes and chopsticks yourself."

"I took this lunch box of stew and took it back to eat tomorrow morning.

Lin Yu glanced at Haitang contemptuously.

"I thought you were going to take this lunch box of stew back to your sister to eat, but I didn't expect you to eat it at my house, would you be embarrassed?" Lin Yu scorned

"What's there to be embarrassed about? Who told you to be my brother-in-law? It's not a matter of course for Xiao Yizi to eat at his brother-in-law's house. Don't say anything, let's go."

Yu Haitang carried the lunch box and walked away in a very chic way. .

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