Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

80. Teaching Lou Xiaoe To Play The Piano, Lou Xiaoe Gave Lin Yu Two Salted Duck Eggs (Please Customi

"System, I want to sign in."

It's Saturday again, and it's rare for Lin Yu to be lazy on the bed, without opening his eyes, and start to sign in while lying on the bed.

"Sign in successfully."

"Reward [5 catties of pork suet]"

"Reward [20 catties of rice]"

"Reward [1 shoebrush]"

"Reward [2 pens]"

"Reward [2 catties of whole wheat bread]"

"Reward [Miraculous Doctor Medicine]"

"Reward [5 catties of milk]"

"Reward [20 bags of cat food]"

The sign-in rewards this time are varied again.

There are shoe brushes, pens, and cat food.

However, Lin Yu's attention was still on the 【Miracle Medicine】.

Lin Yu's thirst for skills is unlimited, and he never feels that knowing one more skill is a burden.

Lin Yu even felt that, if you don't overwhelm yourself with art, knowing more than one skill may become a means of saving your life.

And this time the system rewards are even more remarkable.

He actually rewarded [Miraculous Doctor Medicine].

Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product.

Just four words, I am afraid that it covers the most comprehensive and advanced medical skills in the world.

As soon as the mind moves, it is activated instantly (miraculous medical skills.


A large amount of information and skills related to medical skills flooded into Lin Yu's mind.

Lin Yu learned a lot from a fall in a pit.

Simply lie on the bed, close your eyes, lie flat, and wait for the medical skills to pour into your brain.

This time, with his eyes closed and lying flat again, without even feeling the dizziness, Lin Yu has become a miracle doctor.

After acquiring the medical skills of a miracle doctor, Lin Yu recalled Jia Dongxu who was attacked by a swarm of poisonous bees a few days ago and was stung so that his whole body was swollen.

In just a split second, Lin Yu 040 simulated dozens of medical plans to treat Jia Dongxu in his mind.

These medical solutions can be done in the shortest possible time. As for Jia Dongxu's injuries, it will make Jia Dongxu less painful.

But Lin Yu won't cure him!

A man has a clear distinction between grievances and grievances.

Lin Yu is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a good person either.

Make him forget the villain's mistakes? Let him forget the slander and abuse of those evil neighbors?

Don't think about it!!

Get up, get dressed, wash your face and brush your teeth.

First pour a bag of cat food into Xiaobai's dinner plate, and then pour a bowl of milk into Xiaobai's porcelain bowl, after finishing Xiaobai's breakfast.

Lin Yu made a simple breakfast by himself.

Cut canned beef into slices, sandwich with two slices of bread, and warm a cup of hot milk.

This is Lin Yu's breakfast.

It is estimated that all the neighbors in the compound would never have thought that Lin Yu's cat drank milk with Lin Yu.

If the neighbors knew about it, they would poke Lin Yu's spine and scold Lin Yu for being wasteful and reckless.

Both milk and pork are in short supply these days.

You need a milk ticket to buy milk, and you need a pork ticket to buy pork.

Only in families with children who are growing up at home, adults are willing to buy some milk for their children. .

It is also during the holidays that people buy some pork to eat.

Usually, who is willing to drink milk? Who is willing to eat pork?

However, Lin Yu's pet, Xiaobai, is growing up now, so it's fine for Xiaobai to drink milk every day.

After breakfast.

Lin Yu pushed the bicycle out the door.

On Saturday morning, I have to teach Lou Xiao'e, and in the afternoon I have to play chess with the big leader.

When I came to Lou Xiao'e's house, Xiao'e had been waiting for a long time.

Lou Xiao'e specially wore a very beautiful skirt today, coupled with a delicate face, the whole person looks beautiful and dignified.

"Mr. Lin, I'm looking forward to you."

Lou Xiao'e came to open the door for Lin Yu herself, and smiled at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "You don't have to expect me to come too, I always keep what I promise."

"Of course I know, Mr. Lin keeps his word and keeps his promise, please go upstairs.

Lou Xiaoe said with high spirits.

The two went upstairs one after the other.

Came to Lou Xiaoe's study.

Lin Yu began to give lectures to Lou Xiaoe.

An hour passed without knowing it.

Lin Yu said: "Ten minutes of rest, and then we will continue."

Lou Xiaoe did not rush downstairs, but instead pulled Lin Yu to the piano.

"Mr. Lin, can you teach me how to play the piano?" Lou Xiaoe asked tentatively, "The last time I heard you play "Symphony of Destiny" had a great influence on me, Mr. Lin, I think you can teach me to play this piece ."

Lin Yu couldn't help smiling.

"Xiao'e, does Director Lou know about your father? Did you tell him that you want to learn to play the piano from me?" Lin Yu asked.

Lin Yu was invited by Factory Manager Yang to teach Lou Xiaoe how to learn mechanical drawing. Teaching how to play the piano is not part of Lin Yu's teaching curriculum.

"Yes, I told my dad, and my dad agreed to let me learn to play the piano with you." Lou Xiao'e nodded.

Lin Yu put his arms around his chest and asked with a smile, "Is that why your father believes in me? Is he so sure that I can teach you to play the piano well?"

Lou Xiaoe smiled at Lin Yu and said, "Mr. Lin, do you know? On that day, you played the "Symphony of Destiny" upstairs, and I was listening upstairs, and our nanny, Mrs. Liu, was downstairs. I’m also listening. After my father came back, he saw Mrs. Liu wiping tears silently. My dad asked Mrs. Liu what happened. Mrs. Liu told my dad that she remembered many things from the past when she listened to you playing the piano, and couldn’t help shedding tears. gone."

"My dad was deeply shocked. When he turned around and asked me, he realized that it was the "Symphony of Destiny" you played that moved Aunt Liu (ccfh) and Aunt Liu shed tears."

"My dad doesn't understand music, and neither does Mrs. Liu, but my dad understands a simple truth, that is, a pianist who can move an ordinary nanny like Mrs. Liu to tears. Accomplishment is definitely not easy.”

"So, I proposed to my dad that I want to learn to play the piano from you, and my dad has no reason not to agree.

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Xiao'e, your dad is really a man with big thinking and a big picture." Lin Yu praised.

"Thank you for your praise of my father, Mr. Lin, can we start now?" Jiang Xiao'e tilted her head and asked Lin Yu with a smile.

Lin Yu also thought of a question and said, "Xiao'e, you followed me to learn how to play the piano, wouldn't it take up your time to learn mechanical drawing?"

Lou Xiao'e said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, whether it is mechanical drawing or playing the piano, it is my interest. There is no one who takes up whose time. Besides, Mr. Lin, you can stay at our house for dinner at noon. In the afternoon, you can still play the piano." You can continue to teach me how to draw and play the piano."

Lin Yu was speechless.

Who do you, Lou Xiao'e, think of me, Lin Yu?

The male nanny who serves your family 24 hours a day?

Lin Yu shook his head and smiled, "I'm going to visit an elder this afternoon, thank you for your kindness Xiao'e, since that's the case, then on Saturday morning, I will give you an hour of mechanical drawing class and an hour of piano lessons for you." Class, is this always all right?"

In fact, Lin Yu couldn't see that Lou Xiao'e was a little bit of a fool, she wanted to stay at her house all day on Saturday.

But Lin Yu has a full schedule on Saturday and Sunday, how could he stay at Lou Xiaoe's house all day?

Lou Xiaoe was obviously a little disappointed, but Lin Yu promised her anyway and taught her to play the piano.

Then, he taught Xiaodan piano hand in hand.

Lou Xiao'e has some piano foundation, so Lin Yu has saved a lot of trouble.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding...

Before I knew it, another hour passed.

This morning's lecture is over.

Lin Yu stood up and said goodbye.

"Mr. Lin, wait a minute, this is your tutoring fee, and I'll give you a little gift.

After Lou Xiaoe gave Lin Yu two yuan, she stuffed Lin Yu with two salted duck eggs.

Lin Yu smiled, thanked her, put the money in her pocket, put two salted duck eggs in her handbag, and left Lou Xiaoe's house.

These days, things are very scarce.

Even eggs can be described as a luxury.

Because most of the chickens that lay eggs are free-range in rural areas, and chickens lay eggs seasonally, a chicken does not lay many eggs throughout the year.

Eggs are so scarce, let alone duck eggs.

And salted duck eggs are even rarer.

Only a big capitalist like Director Lou can get some salted duck eggs from the south.

The two salted duck eggs that Lou Xiaoe gave to Lin Yu would definitely fetch a good price if they were sold in the pigeon market.

Lou Xiaoe is willing to give Lin Yu such precious and scarce salted duck eggs.

This shows how much Lou Xiaoe cares about Lin Yu.

It is hardest to bear the grace of a beauty!

Lin Yu knows what kind of situation the Lou family will face in the future, and when the wind blows, he will remind Director Lou in advance to prepare for his escape.

Under the rolling wheel of history, the only way is to follow the trend, and if you go against the trend, you will only be crushed to pieces.

Leaving Lou Xiao'e's house, Lin Yu rode his bicycle to find a park, took out the lunch he had prepared in advance under the shade of a tree, and ate two salted duck eggs.

After eating and drinking enough, we rested in the shade for more than an hour in the afternoon.

After waking up, Lin Yu glanced at the time, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

He got on his bicycle and headed straight for the big leader.

However, this time at the big leader's house, Yu encountered a big change!!.

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