379 Best Solution

"We need to find allies and re-plan an effective strategy."

The two began to make a list of actions, constantly discussing and revising them, and imagining the best plan.

Huazi thought about it and said: "First, we need to contact other resistance organizations to seek support and joint operations." 1

"We can't face Wang Tian and Lu San alone, we need a stronger force to fight."

Li Ming added: "Yes, we need to look for people who have the same ambitions as us.

They will join us in the fight against high-sounding organizations.

Huazi added: "At the same time, we cannot ignore strategic changes."

We need to study the action patterns of Wang Tian and Lu San 337, analyze their weaknesses, and find their flaws.

Li Ming nodded: "Yes, we need to master all the intelligence and constantly improve our skills and planning.

"Only in this way can we gain an advantage in the battle.

Both men feel angry and determined, knowing that this fight is about more than just their own survival.

It is for people who want to defend their interests and protect their own power.

Huazi stood up with firm eyes: "We have a long way to go, but now we have started.

"We have to keep going until we achieve the final victory."

Li Ming stood beside Hua Zi and said resolutely: "We will persist to the end and never give up." 1

"Our actions will become a hindrance to high-sounding organizations and a symbol of hope."

The two rekindled their ambition. Although they are in a simple secret room, their hearts are full of hope and ambition.

They know that the road ahead is full of hardships and challenges, but they also know that as long as they stick to their ambitions and stick to their interests.

They can overcome all difficulties. They are ready to meet the challenges of the future and continue to fight for the causes they believe in.

In the simple secret room, Hua Zi and Li Ming rested for a while.

They decided to act immediately, sent the intelligence to Wu Jilong and sought a rendezvous.

Huazi took out a small communicator, quickly entered an encrypted (ceaf) message, and then determined the identity of the recipient.

Li Ming asked nervously: "Are you sure the information can be sent to Wu Jilong with sufficient strength?"

"We can't let Wang Tian and Lu San discover our whereabouts.

Huazi nodded: "Yes, I used the latest encryption technology, and only the correct recipient can parse the content.

"We must seize the time to contact Wu Jilong and seek his support.

Li Ming felt relieved and thought up a plan: "Let's quickly find a place to send the message.

The two walked out of the secret room cautiously, staying vigilant and minimizing their traces.

They found a place of relative strength and began to send intelligence.

Huazi entered Wu Jilong's communication number, and the communicator sent out a weak signal.

They stared at the screen, anxiously waiting for a response.

Soon after, a green light spot flashed on the screen, proving that the information had been successfully sent to Wu Jilong.

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "It finally succeeded. Now we just need to wait for Wu Jilong's response. 11

However, Huazi did not relax his vigilance and said righteously: "We cannot take it lightly and must remain vigilant.

"Before waiting for Wu Jilong's response, we must continue to look for traces of other resistance organizations and establish contact with them."

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