380 Like-minded

Li Ming nodded, "Yes, we can't rely on Wu Jilong alone, we need to find more like-minded people. That's right.

"In this way, we will be more powerful in our actions."

Huazi and Li Ming decided to take action first, while Xia looked for clues from other resistance groups.

They searched around the abandoned buildings, careful to avoid the enemy's attention.

A few hours later, they finally found a small resistance camp.

They walked into the camp, looking for the camp director, hoping to make a connection.

After some questioning, they finally met an older resistance leader.

His name is Liu Tieshan, and he has participated in the resistance for many years.

Huazi and Li Ming explained their identities and purposes to Liu Tieshan, and conveyed the news about Wu Jilong.

Liu Tieshan took a deep breath and said seriously:

"You came at the right time. The resistance organization needs young people with strategies and ambitions like you. 11

They exchanged detailed information and discussed future action plans.

Liu Tieshan admired Huazi and Li Ming's strategies and plans and decided to cooperate with them.

Liu Tieshan said: "We will contact Wu Jilong as soon as possible to seek larger-scale cooperation."

N Before that, you can take a break with us and learn from our skills and experience.

Huazi and Li Ming expressed their gratitude. They knew that it was of great significance to cooperate with such a resistance organization.

They decided to wait here for Wu Jilong and more resistance organizations to join them.

In the camp of the resistance organization, Zhenzi and Li Ming felt the brutal power and the fire of hope.

They know that every action is for a greater goal.

They will continue to fight until the final victory comes.

In the resistance camp, Zi and Li Ming waited for Wu Jilong's response.

Finally, a signal flashed on the screen, showing Wu Jilong's communication connection.

Huazi eagerly connected to the communicator, and Wu Jilong's voice came: "Huazi, Li Ming, I received your message." 1

But I have to tell you, we are in extreme danger. 27

Li Ming grabbed the communicator tightly and asked: "How did we get into danger? Did something happen?"

...Please give me flowers...

Wu Jilong’s voice was full of anxiety: “Our boss Chen Daoping already knows your plan and the location of the resistance organization.

"He sent his team to destroy us, and we are in the midst of their encirclement and suppression."

Huazi and Li Ming had shocked expressions on their faces. They did not expect that Chen Daoping would discover their plan and take action.

After a moment of silence, Hua Zi cheered up and said: "We cannot be discouraged, we must persevere."

"We want to support you and resist Chen Daoping's attack.

Wu Jilong took a deep breath and said in a serious tone: "Thank you for your support, but Chen Daoping's power is very huge.

Our current strength is not enough to contend with him.

"I suggest you leave your current location as soon as possible and find a more powerful refuge location. N

Li Ming clenched his fists and said firmly: "We will not leave you.

"Now is the time for all resistance organizations to use whatever means necessary. We must fight Chen Daoping to the end and protect our beliefs.

Hua Zi nodded in agreement: "It is precisely because of his appearance that we cannot retreat. Man."

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