383 without a trace

"They are Boss Chen's number one target!"

"We need to use all means to find their traces! We must not let them escape again!"

Lu San also hurriedly commanded on the other side: "We need to mobilize all trustworthy people to disperse the search. Use high-tech means.

"Monitor every communication and every action. We must find flaws in their clues!

The entire command center was enveloped in a tense and cold atmosphere.

A large number of images of intelligence, surveillance and tracking personnel are dancing on the screens and electronic devices.

A few days passed, and Wang Tian and Lu San tried their best to launch a comprehensive manhunt.

They mobilized all resources and relied on powerful network systems and technical means to search for every possible clue.

In the process, they took all necessary actions and tracked down every possible target by hook or by crook.

They conducted extensive searches across the city and interrogated suspects.

Catch bad actors and even offer rewards for clues.

However, Huazi, Li Ming and Wu Jilong seemed to disappear without a trace, leaving no trace of their whereabouts.

Wang Tian and Lu San were anxious, and they deeply felt the pressure exerted by Chen Daoping on them.

They know that if they fail again, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this critical moment, Wang Tian and Lu San had to be calmer and firmer.

They re-examined the intelligence and reorganized the clues.

Wang Tian encouraged his men and said: "We cannot be discouraged, we must find them~々.

"Continue to check all contacts and suspected targets to see if there are any clues.

"They must still have flaws, and we can't let go of any possibility."

Lu San also instructed: “Continue to actively contact various intelligence channels and not let go of any possible source of information.

"We must try to obtain as much intelligence as possible and find out how they cheat themselves." 1

They decided to continuously improve their skills and planning, and comprehensively improve their hunting operations.

They understand that only through impeccable planning and action can success be achieved.

Only in this way can we trace the traces of Huazi, Li Ming and Wu Jilong and bring them to justice.

In the undercurrent competition, Wang Tian and Lu San felt tremendous pressure and challenges, but they did not shrink from their ambitions.

They know that only by bringing Huazi and Li Ming to justice can they calm Chen Daoping's anger and ensure their own strength.

They are ready to face this crucial battle. No matter how big the difficulty ahead is, they are determined to persevere until the end.

In a hidden secret room, Hua Zi, Li Ming and Wu Jilong gathered together to plot a plan against Chen Daoping.

Huazi took out a map and pointed to one of the areas: ""~We need to set up a trap at this location. "

"Creating a deadly trap can wipe out Chen Daoping's men in one fell swoop."

Li Ming frowned and said thoughtfully: "Yes, we want (Li Wang Zhao) to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of the trap."

"To avoid exposing our identity. This will be a decisive battle.

Wu Jilong hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I have an idea."

"There are tools we can use to lay out ground spike traps."

"Combine some hidden devices and traps on the ground with ground spikes."

Huazi nodded and agreed: "Yes, the ground thorns will cause them huge harm and trouble.

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