384 Secret Base

"At the same time, we can also use various jamming devices to disrupt their movements and communications.

Li Ming clenched his fists and said ambitiously: "We must ensure that the trap is set up impeccably.

"Catch them off guard. We have to arrange every detail meticulously. 11

The three began to discuss the specific details of the operation in detail.

They planned every step and carefully planned the setting of traps.

Huazi was responsible for the design of the entire plan. He studied Chen Daoping's power structure and understood the rules of action of his men.

He formulated a complete strategy and set traps in areas where Chen Daoping's men were most concentrated.

Li Ming was responsible for the preparation of supplies. He ensured that all the tools and equipment needed were available.

He gathered some skilled technicians to help them build traps and set up jamming devices.

Wu Jilong acted as an intelligence collector. He went deep into Chen Daoping's forces and collected a large amount of information.

He shared this information with Huazi and Li Ming so that they could better plan against Chen Daoping's forces.

A few days later, Huazi, Li Ming and Wu Jilong were ready and they entered the secret base at the target location.

The base is a dilapidated building, but Wu Jilong discovered an underground passage that can be used (cefd).

They entered the underground passage and quietly headed to the target location.

After arriving at the target location, they started taking action.

Huazi and Li Ming used tools and equipment to densely arrange ground thorn traps and interference devices.

Li Ming carefully installed the detailed mechanical devices, and every detail was carefully designed.

He has both physical strength and skills to ensure the stability and power of every ground stab.

Huazi manipulated jamming equipment in an attempt to disrupt the communications and actions of Chen Daoping's men.

He adjusts the frequency and intensity of the device to ensure full jamming effect.

Wu Jilong was monitoring the surrounding activities and remained vigilant.

He is always ready to deal with any emergencies and delivers information to Huazi and Li Ming in a timely manner.

A few hours passed, the trap was gradually improved, and an atmosphere of tension and expectation filled the base.

Huazi, Li Ming and Wu Jilong looked at each other as they prepared to welcome Chen Daoping's arrival.

Huazi said in a deep voice: "We must remain vigilant and wait for their arrival.

"Once they fall into our trap, we need to act quickly to ensure they cannot escape. 11

Li Ming nodded: "Yes, our plan is impeccable.

"We must hold our ground, defeat Chen Daoping's men, and strive for victory for our interests."

Wu Jilong said seriously: "This is a decisive battle. We cannot hesitate or shrink."

"We want to protect the people we love because they bring benefits and status."

The three of them held each other's hands tightly, ambition and determination shining in their eyes.

They are ready to fight to the end in this secret base and be ruthless for the sake of profit.

No matter how big the difficulties ahead are, they persist to the end.

In a hidden secret room, Hua Zi, Li Ming and Wu Jilong gathered together again to plot a plan against Chen Daoping.

Huazi took out a drawing on which a unique and complex architectural structure was drawn:

"We need to set up a hidden arrow trap at this location to create a deadly surprise attack.

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