Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 78: The Jia Zhang Family Collapses. Whose Seed Is The Child?

At the same time, not only everyone in the hospital was shocked, but all the doctors in the hospitals in the Forty-Nine City were also shocked!

After all, it was shocking enough for an old woman in her 70s to get pregnant by a young man in her 20s!

But this is only a small probability event. It happens once in a while. Although everyone is surprised, it is still within the scope of acceptance.

But now, the deaf old lady's matter is not over yet. An old lady like Jia Zhang is actually pregnant with another child!

This is far from a small probability event. There must be some special factors that caused the two old ladies to become pregnant.

After all, the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang are both here. Logically speaking, they have already stopped menstruating, so there is no chance of pregnancy!

But now, the facts are in front of these doctors. The physical data of Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady are the same as those of pregnant women, and the photos of the fetus in the belly cannot be faked!

"What the hell is going on? Why is there another old lady who is pregnant? Logically speaking, her physical condition makes it impossible for her to be pregnant! She has been through her menstrual period for many years, how can she produce eggs? !”

"Stop talking, I have done a careful examination and found that her uterus and ovaries have long lost their normal functions. I really don't know how the child in her belly came from!"

"It's really weird, but the levels of various hormones in her body are the same as those of pregnant women, or even much higher, but these hormones shouldn't be produced out of thin air.

The secretion of progesterone by her internal organs should have failed long ago!"

"This situation is exactly the same as the deaf old lady's pregnancy symptoms before. Could it be that the two of them are sisters?"

"No, I have already investigated. Although they are neighbors in the same compound, they are not related by blood at all!"

"This matter is definitely not simple. I don't believe there is such a coincidence. Two old women suddenly became pregnant, and they are neighbors in the same compound!"

"We can no longer treat this incident as a miracle. We all go down and make preparations. We must find out the reason for their pregnancy from the deaf old lady or Jia Zhang!"

At this moment, almost all the famous doctors in the 49 cities came to the general hospital for a meeting. They frowned when they looked at the reports of the two old women in their hands.

In fact, if these two things come together, it can really be said to be a medical miracle in the world!

Now they happened one after another in Sijiu City. They didn't find anything on the deaf old lady, but now they were given another chance, and they knew they couldn't just perfunctory it.

Once something can be researched from these two old ladies, it will make them famous in the medical history of the world!

But what they didn't know was that the reason why these two old ladies were pregnant was not because they were messing around with other men!

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, if you eat a drop of the spring water of the Daughter Kingdom, you will definitely become pregnant. No matter what means you use, you cannot abort the child in your belly!

Now that Jia Zhang had drunk the spring water, she had no choice but to give birth to the child.

On the other hand, the news of Jia Zhang's pregnancy had already spread throughout the entire Forty-Nine Cities.

In fact, because the deaf old lady's incident had set a precedent, the hospital did not deliberately hide the news, but in fact, even if they really wanted to, it was impossible to hide it.

The hospital is the most crowded place. Suddenly, two old ladies were pregnant with a child. Even if this news did not need to be publicized deliberately, the people who came to see the doctor in this hospital could talk about it all the way to the streets and alleys of Sijiu City. go.

"Did you hear just now? I just came back from the Sixth Hospital. Everyone in the hospital is talking about this now. Another old woman is pregnant!"

"You heard it too. I thought it was some kind of rumor at first. After all, we just had an old woman in her 70s who was pregnant with a child in Sijiu City. How could it happen again?

"It's true. I just saw that famous doctors from several hospitals in our Fourth and Nine Cities all went to the General Hospital for a meeting just to discuss this matter!"

"Another old woman is pregnant with a child? I heard she belongs to a large courtyard. What is so weird about this courtyard?"

"I don't know, but I seem to have heard some rumors before. They came from the steel rolling mill and the compound. They said that there was a pervert named Silly Zhu inside. Because he didn't have a biological mother to take care of him since he was a child, he became particularly obsessed with it when he grew up. An older widow!"

"It seems that the first old woman's belly was made big by him, and now he has taken that old woman home as his wife!"

"You said it was a coincidence that the second old woman got pregnant from this compound, and she was also a neighbor of these two people. Do you think it was this pervert again?"

"Ah! Then this thing is really disgusting. This is really not something that humans can do. What kind of beast is that pervert? He can do such things!"

"He's eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. This old widow in her 70s has been married off to her family. Why doesn't he stop?"

"The shame of what happened before was sent abroad, and now it happens again. Our face in Sijiucheng will be completely ruined by this pervert and those two old women!"

Suddenly, as the news of Jia Zhang's pregnancy spread throughout the Forty-Nine Cities, everyone was extremely shocked!

They originally thought that the deaf old lady's pregnancy was just a miracle that happened occasionally. Although it was a truly rare thing, they never thought that such a thing would happen in such a short period of time. Strange things happen.

Moreover, this second old woman actually belongs to this compound and has some relationship with that pervert!

At this time, everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva. Fenfen felt that this perverted fool must have some special abilities!


At this moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang was lying on the bed with a pregnant belly, holding the photo of the fetus brought back from the hospital, and observing it carefully again and again!

But the more carefully Jia Zhang looked at the photo of the fetus in her hand, the more she could feel the heartbeat of the child in her belly.

No matter how much she doesn't want to admit it, Jia Zhang still knows that she is really pregnant!

For a moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang collapsed. She couldn't figure out where the child in her belly came from.

It was obvious that what she was doing in the compound was to get oil and water from Silly Zhu and other people in the compound to fill her belly full of fat.

The rest of the time she and her precious grandson would roll around in the compound, disgust everyone in the compound, and do those beastly things.

She really has never had any relationship with another man from beginning to end, let alone being pregnant with a child!

Of course, even if Mrs. Jia Zhang has some ideas, the other men in the compound are not blind, and there is no way they would fall in love with such a fat old woman like her!

Naturally, Mrs. Jia Zhang cannot accept this result. How could she have an extra child in her belly for no reason?

"How is this possible? This is impossible? How can I really be pregnant!"

"I have been a widow for so many years, and I have never done anything! I have never even held the hand of a normal man, how could I possibly be pregnant with a child!"

"This is definitely not true, this is definitely not true! I used to call the deaf old woman that damn bitch, how could I be pregnant all of a sudden now? What happened!"

"I, Mrs. Jia Zhang, have guarded my chastity and reputation all my life. I cannot let it be ruined like this. What happened to me? How did the child in my belly come from!"

"That bitch, the deaf old woman, must have tricked me behind my back. She must have poisoned me. This old thing seems to have come from the south. She must have used some kind of martial arts behind my back!"

"This old bitch! This old poisonous woman! She has shamed herself so much that she still wants to harm me like this. I don't want to live anymore. What will happen to our Cao family's face!"

Suddenly, Mrs. Jia Zhang also completely collapsed emotionally and started crying at the top of her voice.

The flesh on the old face was also trembling, it looked shiny, and it was stained with tears and snot, making it look extremely disgusting.

At this moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang was also emotionally stimulated and felt a little abnormal. She felt that the deaf old lady had cast some kind of poison on her behind her back.

But in fact, even the deaf old lady's pregnancy was something she had not expected, let alone that Jia Zhang was pregnant!

Obviously, Ms. Jia Zhang cannot accept the child appearing out of thin air in her belly now, and she doesn’t want to be poked in the spine by people all over the continent like an old lady!

She has been torturing Qin Huairu because Qin Huairu hooked up with Shazhu in the compound and had sex with other men in the steel rolling mill.

Although Qin Huairu did this to support the family, how could the vicious Jia Zhang family care about this? She often called Qin Huairu a slut!

But now, Qin Huairu is fine and nothing is wrong, and she, an old woman who calls others sluts, is actually pregnant with a child.

This really hit Mr. Jia Zhang’s old face so hard that he couldn’t accept this result at all!

At this moment, Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu also looked at Jia Zhang with complicated expressions.

They didn't believe what Jia Zhang said. After all, how could a good old woman get pregnant for no reason? She must have hooked up with someone.

Especially now that the matter has become a big deal in the entire Sijiu City, Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu also just want to know who the child in Jia Zhang's belly is!

…please give me flowers…………

"Mom, things have come to this. Just tell us the truth. Whose is the child in your belly?"

"You should stop lying to us. How could you, an old lady, get pregnant for no reason? She must have done something with someone else. Tell us the truth about who it is!"

"I'm your biological son! Don't you even tell us the truth? If you tell us now, we can help you find a way to figure out which beast made you pregnant!"

"You can't hide it for that dead beast, otherwise it will be our family that suffers the loss, and you yourself will be embarrassed!"

"If you tell that person, we should make him pay compensation, make him apologize, and then abort the child!"

"Otherwise, if things really get out of hand later, you will be the unlucky one. That beast won't care about your life or death at all!"

Jia Dongxu was also holding back his anger at this moment. He felt that his mother was unruly and had an affair with another man in the compound, so she became pregnant now.

And no matter how Jia Dongxu asks Jia Zhang in the past few days, she refuses to admit the result. Only now has the matter become known to everyone in the 49 cities!

Jia Dongxu now also resents the inability to be strong, complaining in his heart that Mr. Jia Zhang has no brains and insists on getting things into this situation!

"No! I really didn't say goodbye

People are messing around! Son, I’ve been in the compound all day, you know what I’m doing!”

"How can I have a chance to mess around with other people! I've been thinking of ways to get money from those bastards to subsidize our family!"


"I really don't know how I got pregnant. I really thought I had a bad stomach. How could I have an affair with someone like that old bitch like the deaf old lady?"

This is going to be soaked in a pig cage!"

"Son, just believe me, I am really not the kind of person who is unruly!"

When Mrs. Jia Zhang heard her son say this, she cried even more heartbrokenly, even though she had done nothing. Now she is actually going to be labeled as a slut among the ten.

Now I can't wait to find a place to get in. Being asked this by my own son, even Jia Zhang is a little confused!

But obviously, now that the facts are in front of Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu, how could he still believe Jia Zhang's nonsense? After all, Jia Zhang had always said that he had no


"Mom! It's already this time, what are you still hiding for him? Do you really want to make our family miserable?"

"We have been asking you for half a month before, and every time you said you were not pregnant at all. Now it's fine. Everyone in the 49th city knows it, and the test results are out!"

"Now you still want to help him hide it. "Do you want to drag our whole family into the water with you? What will Bangge do in the future? Does he need to marry a wife?"

"Just tell me now, who is the child in your belly? That way, others won't say it's our family's fault. It's all that beast's fault that made you bigger."


"You have to think about the situation of our family now. Silly Zhu has been sent to the workshop. He hasn't brought oil or water to our family for so many days, and there is also that bitch, the deaf old lady.

Don’t let him help our family!”

"Our family is already having a hard time. If you still cause such a thing and are unwilling to tell the man's identity, then who in the compound will help us?"

They cost a penny!”

Qin Huairu also came to Jia Zhang anxiously, wanting him to tell the truth.

The Jia family has really been having a hard time these past half month. Without this stupid fool, Silly Zhu gave them the blood-sucking compound, and no one helped them. This song really hasn’t been released for ten years.

Sad every day.

If the Jia Zhang family still causes such a thing now, then Qin Huairu knows that there is no need to expect anyone to help them even a penny in the future!

"I didn't! I really didn't! You have to believe me! Even if you kill me, I don't know whose child is in my belly. I haven't done anything!

"I'll just die! I'm so old, I'm pregnant, and I've lost all my dignity. How can I go see the ancestors of the Jia family?"

"My precious grandson Banggeng is going to be tricked to death by me. How will he get a wife in the future with such a grandma!"

"Don't stop me, don't stop me at all. I'm going to die. I really don't want to live anymore. If I die, it will be over!"

For a moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang was questioned like this by her son and daughter-in-law, and she broke down again!

Mrs. Jia Zhang beat her stomach crazily, looking like she was seeking death and survival.

Her mind is completely confused now. She doesn't even know how she got pregnant, let alone who the child in her belly is!

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