Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 79: Yi Zhonghai Is So Awesome That He Got Two Old Ladies Pregnant!

At the same time, as Mrs. Jia Zhang was crying and crying at home, everyone in the compound also knew that this matter must not be ignored.

After all, the deaf old lady's pregnancy happened because they didn't take it seriously at the beginning, which led to such a commotion!

The whole forty-nine cities are watching the joke in their courtyard. If the whole courtyard meeting had not been held to force Silly Zhu to marry the deaf old lady back home, this matter would not be over yet!

In particular, the noise caused by the second old woman's pregnancy was really huge, several times bigger than the first time when the deaf old woman was pregnant!

Jia Zhang had just returned from the hospital, and almost everyone in the entire Sijiu City knew about it!

Everyone in the courtyard is very worried at the moment. If this happens again, the face they have finally earned in the courtyard will be lost again!

At this moment, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui, who had learned the news, seemed to have seen an opportunity. The two looked at each other, and then hit it off, preparing to hold a general meeting of the hospital.

After all, last time they held a general meeting of the hospital, they just wanted to use the deaf old lady's pregnancy to disgust Yi Zhonghai, and it would be best to drag him down from his position as the first uncle.

However, Yi Zhonghai actually used the fact that he was homeless as evidence to preserve the reputation of Yi Zhonghai.

But now, there were rumors in the compound that Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai had an affair when they were young!

Now that Mrs. Jia Zhang is really pregnant, how could the two uncles Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity again?

"Everyone, be quiet! The second uncle and I already know about Jia Zhang's pregnancy!"

"Now people all over the forty-nine cities are talking about this incident in our compound. There are even gossips that our compound is engaged in promiscuous relations between men and women and specially made this old woman pregnant."

"I think everyone should already know how much trouble the deaf old lady's pregnancy caused last time!"

"So this time we have to hold a hospital-wide meeting as soon as possible to bring the Jia Zhang family's matter to a conclusion. Otherwise, if it continues like this, our hospital will probably become a joke to the entire Forty-Nine Cities!"

After Yan Bugui called everyone out again, he looked distressed, as if he was really worried about the compound's bad reputation.

But in fact, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to bring down Yi Zhonghai. He didn't want Yi Zhonghai to escape as easily as he did last time!

"The third uncle is right. We must hold a hospital-wide meeting this time. Otherwise, if we let them continue to mess around like this, our courtyard will not be able to see anyone in the future!"

"That's right! Let's go greet him now and call out all the people in the hospital to hold a hospital-wide meeting. We must find out who the child in Jia Zhang's belly belongs to!"

"Our compound has been abiding by the laws for so many years. We can't let these two old ladies make our reputation so bad!"

"Let's go! Let's not sit here and go get Jia Zhang out first, so that she won't run away then!"

"We questioned her before, asking her if she was really pregnant, and she was still making excuses. Now she has to make everyone in the 49 cities know about it before she is willing to admit it!"

At this moment, everyone also echoed Yan Bugui's words. Knowing that Yan Bugui was right, they didn't want to dare to go out because of such an old woman!

Of course, the more reason is that Jia Zhang has offended many people in the compound over the years!

She and her precious grandson Banggeng would often cry, make trouble, and hang themselves in the compound, and they would only give up when they finally had to fish out a large layer of oil and water from other people's bodies!

Over the years, almost every household in the compound has suffered from the Jia Zhang family. Now that they have found an opportunity, they naturally have no intention of making it easy for Fei Zhang family!

After that, within a short while, the hospital-wide meeting officially began!

At the beginning, Mrs. Jia Zhang was still looking for life and death at home. When she heard that she was going to be taken over to hold a hospital-wide meeting, she was really unwilling to go out.

But now, things have turned out like this, and everyone in the hospital is simmering with anger. How could they let Jia Zhang run wild here!

After that, the pregnant Jia Zhang was forcibly picked up and brought to the hospital meeting!

At this moment, the three uncles Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui were also sitting next to Jia Zhang, staring at Jia Zhang's pregnant belly, with different expressions on their faces!

Yi Zhonghai's face was a little complicated. After all, there had been rumors about him and Mrs. Jia Zhang in the compound before, but Yi Zhonghai never expected that Mrs. Jia Zhang was actually pregnant!

Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui made eye contact from time to time and looked at Yi Zhonghai from time to time. Obviously they had the same intention in their hearts!

"Ms. Jia Zhang, please tell us clearly. Whose is the child in your belly?"

"Now that the news of your pregnancy has spread throughout the Four-Nine Cities, do you know what the outside world is saying about the people in our compound, saying that we are just a den of prostitution! It is only for old women like you to engage in promiscuous relations between men and women. Pregnant!"

"I, Yan Bugui, have lived for so many years, and I have never been so embarrassed. I dare not say that I am the third uncle in the compound. Do you know what you have done!"

"Before, your belly was abnormally large. When you complained about stomachache in the courtyard every day, we specifically asked you if you were pregnant!"

"What about you? You just want to get past it. You don't want to admit that you got pregnant, and you don't want others to think you're having an affair!"

"It's better now! Your belly is so big, the hospital examination results have come out, and the matter has spread all over the Forty-Nine Cities, you'll be happy, right?"

"You have one more chance now. Tell that beast who made you pregnant. If so, there will be some way to restore your reputation and ours!"

Yan Bugui saw Jia Zhang being brought to the scene reluctantly, and then he slammed the table and yelled at Jia Zhang.

But in fact, he was yelling at Yi Zhonghai. Did he know why Yi Zhonghai was frowning and frowning all the time?

For a moment, Yan Bugui felt extremely happy. After being suppressed by Yi Zhonghai for so many years, he could finally let out his bad breath at the hospital meeting!

"I don't know! I really don't know! I really didn't lie to you! I really don't know how I got pregnant!"

"I really thought I was pregnant at first! I didn't take it seriously! I obviously didn't do anything. How could I be pregnant by someone else?"

"My belly really seems to have grown out of thin air. I don't know whose son it is! No one has done anything to me!"

"Although I like to take advantage of others in the compound, I have never had an affair with anyone else! I can really guarantee that!"

"My precious grandson is still so young. If I do something like this, how will he get a wife in the future? How will I go down to meet Nianzu Nianzong of the Jia family!"

"Just believe me once! I, Jia Zhang, really didn't do such disgusting things. I really don't know how the child in my belly came from!"

Mrs. Jia Zhang was also extremely ashamed at this moment and wished she could find a crack in the ground to crawl in!

You know, when the old deaf lady was holding a hospital meeting with her pregnant belly, Mrs. Jia Zhang was still watching the excitement and making sarcastic remarks!

Among the group of gossiping old ladies, Jia Zhang was the one who scolded the deaf old lady the most!

But as a result, the situation has changed now. The slut who was criticized for being unruly in the hospital meeting turned out to be Jia Zhang herself.

For a moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang could not accept such a result, but she did not dare to make any more trouble at the hospital meeting!

But even if Ms. Jia Zhang was really frightened to the point of collapse, she still couldn’t figure out how she got pregnant!

"Ms. Jia Zhang, you still don't plan to tell the truth, do you? You don't even know where the child in your belly came from. Are you kidding me?"

"You are already so old and have grandchildren. You say you don't know how you got pregnant? Are you still a little girl?"

"Let me tell you! Don't think about this matter being fooled like last time. If you don't tell who the child in your belly is today, don't think about letting it go like this!"

"You usually roll around in the compound and take advantage of others, so we just turn a blind eye!"

"But what you are affecting now is the face of our entire hospital, and you are slapping the face of our entire hospital. I can't continue to condone you like this!"

"I will give you one last chance. Hurry up and tell me who the child in your belly is!"

Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui's patience had reached its limit at this moment. They never expected that Jia Zhang was still unwilling to tell the truth.

How could they possibly listen to Jia Zhang's explanation? After all, an old woman of such an age is familiar with the affairs of men and women. How could she not even know how to carry a child in her belly?

But, Jia Zhang had a look of despair on her face. She was indeed telling the truth, but no one believed her!

At the same time, Shazhu finally finished working at the deaf old lady's house today and rushed to the hospital meeting. He happened to hear the abuse of these two uncles!

Seeing Mrs. Jia Zhang kneeling in the middle of the hospital with a heavy belly and tears streaming down her face, Silly Zhu also knew that Mrs. Jia Zhang was really pregnant!

For a moment, this silly Zhu was also furious!

If Mrs. Jia Zhang is pregnant, it means that there is something fishy about the pregnancy of the deaf old lady before!

After all, Silly Zhu clearly knew that he had never touched a finger of the deaf old lady from the beginning to the end, and yet the deaf old lady became pregnant inexplicably, and he insisted that he had made her pregnant!

At the beginning, Shazhu felt despair and anger in his heart, and he was unwilling to admit this matter!

But later, Si Zhu was criticized and threatened by the whole hospital at a meeting, and was forced by the deaf old lady to say that he would be taken to be shot. Finally, he was tempted by the gold and jewelry in the old lady's house, and Si Zhu finally agreed to take the blame. .....

But now, in such a short period of time, Mrs. Jia Zhang is also pregnant inexplicably. No matter how stupid this stupid Zhu is, he still knows that things are not simple!

Maybe the same person is responsible for the problems between the big Jia Zhang family and the deaf old lady, and he helped that person take the blame!

"Jia Zhang! You are actually pregnant? Please tell me quickly, whose seed is the child in your belly?"

"I'm just saying that your belly was so big before. You screamed and screamed in the compound every day and said you had stomach pain. That was definitely a symptom of pregnancy!"

"You're still insisting that nothing happened to you! It's because you've eaten too much. That's bullshit! You just had an affair with someone else and got pregnant!"

"Hurry up and tell me clearly whose child is in your belly? It must be that beast that made you and the deaf old lady pregnant!"

"Now that the deaf old lady is married to me, I have to bear the blame for the child in her belly. I was ready to accept my fate, but that beast actually got pregnant again!"

"Tell me quickly! Who did it? He tricked me all my life and asked me to raise his son.

Let me take the blame for him!"

"If I find this beast, I will definitely kill him, this bastard! He made me live a life worse than death for half a month, and he was stabbed in the spine by others.

Gossip, say I’m a dead pervert!”

"You all say that I am a pervert with a stupid belly. I like old widows and make the old deaf lady's belly bigger. You can see clearly now. It's not me who made Jia Zhang's belly bigger, right?

Where is the time to touch her!"

"Now that I have taken the blame for the deaf old lady, you will be happy. The bastard was not found out before, but now Jia Zhang's belly has been enlarged again!"

Silly Zhu is almost stunned now, and his whole body is shaking when he speaks!

In fact, he had already planned to accept his fate and just take care of the deaf old lady before she dies. When the time comes, he will take the deaf old lady's gold and jewelry, even if he is a widow with a child.

I can also be my wife again!

But now, with Jia Zhang's sudden pregnancy, Sha Zhu seems to have seen the hope of saving his people's livelihood again!

Moreover, Silly Zhu has such a stubborn temper that he really can't bear to take the blame for others, and even help others raise their son for the rest of his life!

For a moment, as Silly Zhu suddenly jumped out and roared at Jia Zhang, everyone became suspicious of these words.

Indeed, what Silly Zhu said was right. Both the deaf old lady and Mrs. Jia Zhang were pregnant suddenly. This was most likely the result of one person. Maybe Silly Zhu was really pushed out to take the blame!

Whose child is it? Listening to what Silly Zhu said, it makes sense!"

"But now that I think about it, if it wasn't this Silly Zhu, then only Ke 1.1 could be this Yi Zhonghai. After all, there had always been Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang in the compound before.


"Yes, I heard the older people in the compound say that Jia Zhang had an affair with Yi Zhonghai when they were young, but they didn't get together because of my aunt!"

"And half a month ago, when the rumors spread the most, they said that Mrs. Jia Zhang was pregnant and had been made pregnant by Yi Zhonghai!"

"At that time, Mrs. Jia Zhang really tried her best to deny it, saying that she was not pregnant, so we stopped paying attention to this matter!"

"But looking at it now, the fact that Jia Zhang is pregnant has been confirmed by the hospital, which proves that this rumor may be true or not!"

"Ah! If you say so, isn't it Yi Zhonghai who is the one who messed with Jia Zhang's family?"

"According to what Silly Zhu said, if the deaf old lady's belly wasn't caused by Silly Zhu, then this is also a good thing Yi Zhonghai did!"

"No way, is the master of our compound really such a beast? He attacked two old ladies one after another and made their bellies grow bigger. How could this be done by a human being?

What a matter!"

At this time, everyone in the courtyard was completely in a rage. It was really because Yi Zhonghai's rumors about Jia and Zhang had been too big!

Even Li Yang never thought that the two tongue-tied women he found would have such terrifying effects!

He can actually turn some completely unfounded rumors through the mouths of some elderly people into ironclad evidence that everyone can believe!

For a time, everyone cast doubtful glances at Yi Zhonghai, and many even had anger and disgust in their eyes.

If Yi Zhonghai really messed up two old ladies and blamed Silly Zhu for the deaf old lady, then he would be too terrifying!

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