Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 235 Unexpected, Reasonable (Monthly Ticket Plus Chapter)

early morning.

The weather in summer is always bright early.

As soon as the sun rose, the air heated up.

The streets are crowded with people, flocking to factories in all directions.

Various morale-boosting songs were blasted from the speakers.

People are also determined to forge ahead and work hard with high spirits and struggling attitudes.

The magnificent and thrilling war in the north.

Let all Chinese sons and daughters feel elated, proud, and have unprecedented national self-confidence!

But it was precisely because of this war that we realized the gap between the country with more energy and less steel, and a modern country.

Therefore, no matter how hard it is, even if we have to tighten our belts to live, we must start heavy industry.

If you don't do it, you will be beaten, if you don't catch up, you will never be able to stand up, and you will be bullied everywhere.

The rolling mill office is downstairs.

"Papa papa papa..."

The warm applause lasted for a long time.

Jiang Ping'an never expected that Director Yang and the others would make such a big fight.

All administrative personnel, plus hundreds of workers' representatives, gathered in front of the building.

Greet Jiang Ping'an and other people who went out to purchase.

Come one, welcome one, and offer big red flowers.

When Jiang Ping'an arrived, there were already seven or eight buyers who were greeted with cheers.

"Welcome back! Thank you for your hard work!"

Director Yang personally put on a big red flower for Jiang Ping'an, shook hands with him, and hugged him solemnly.

Afterwards, Shu, the deputy directors, deputy factory directors, ministers, directors, section chiefs, etc., came forward to shake hands to welcome him back one by one.

Afterwards, the directors of the production workshops led the workers' representatives to express their thanks to him.

No matter how heartless Jiang Ping'an was, his nose was sore right now, and he was very moved.

Good guy, Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong are also there, and they are all grinning now.

They just kept their composure and didn't say a word to Jiang Ping'an.

"Director, it's too grand, I can't stand it!"

Jiang Pingan pinched his nose and said with a smile.

Director Yang laughed loudly, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"You group of people have made such a great contribution to the factory, why can't you bear it?"

"This simple welcome ceremony is still a side dish."

"After all the people are here, we will hold an all-staff meeting to praise you!"

Jiang Pingan's scalp was numb, and he said quickly:

"Director, we only did what we were supposed to do, so don't bother."

"What's the trouble? This is decided by the factory leadership meeting." Director Yang said solemnly.

"It's also the demands of the workers. Comrades want to thank you with great fanfare!"

"It is because of your hard work that the food and water for the workers are guaranteed."

"We can successfully complete the various heavy production tasks assigned to us by our superiors."

"You have a share of the achievements made by the factory, and you are also a part of the workers!"

Jiang Pingan had nothing to say, and it was not up to him to decide this matter, he was able to bear it.

Soon, the buyers arrived one after another, and it was time to go to work.

Director Yang ordered the secretary to go to the broadcasting room and inform all the staff to hold a meeting.

"Let's go, don't take the big red flower, I'll let the workers and comrades see it on the stage later!"

Director Yang smiled and continued:

"After the meeting, it was decided that all the buyers who went out with you this time will be awarded the title of advanced individual."

"As for you, report to the superior department for approval and be promoted to the position of Deputy Director of the Purchasing Department."

"The result should not come down so quickly, so it will not be made public, but the organizational procedures are already going."

"Wait until the results are available, and then make a public announcement. The real results are estimated to be at the end of the year."

"In addition, I also reported two honors for you as an outstanding party member and an advanced worker."

"These two honors have to be reported step by step, and the results will not be available until the end of the year."

"Let's talk to you about this first, and I will receive the advanced individual honor in the factory later."

"Besides, there is a one-month salary reward, hehe..."

Jiang Ping'an was flattered and said gratefully, "Thank you to the factory director and factory leaders for taking me so seriously."

"You deserve it." Director Yang said with a smile.

"You have to trust the organization and never treat any comrade badly."

When we came to the big playground, the staff meeting was successfully held.

Director Yang and all the factory leaders made speeches successively.

Then, in the joyous music, Jiang Pingan and other buyers came to the stage to accept the award.

Jiang Pingan made an impromptu speech on behalf of the Purchasing Department.

Afterwards, another worker representative spoke.

From one thing to another.

Call on all employees to learn from Jiang Pingan and other comrades.

Continue to maintain a never-slack mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle.

Take out the tenacity that will not let go of the green hills, and the hard work that will not give up until the goal is reached.

Think in one place with your heart, work hard in one place, work together, strengthen your beliefs, and work hard...

This is a practical, focused and inspiring meeting, which boosted morale...

Finally, when it was almost lunch time, the conference came to an end with warm applause.

"First uncle, second uncle, your words are so tight!"

"I just didn't get the slightest bit of wind, and I was caught off guard."

Jiang Pingan found Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong in the cafeteria, sat down and said with a smile.

Yi Zhonghai laughed and said, "Don't blame us, this is the leader's special order."

"The purpose is to give you a surprise, how dare we leak the secret!"

Liu Haizhong smiled and said: "Yes, Ping An, we also want to tell you, but we dare not break the rules!"

"Hehe, I don't blame you, it's a good thing after all." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

Yi Zhonghai enviously said: "I have been looking forward to an advanced individual for many years, and now you have it."

"I heard from Director Yang that this advanced individual was specially approved by the superior and was not within the original quota."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Yes, the original indicators are not more than ten!"

"What's the matter? Grandpa wants to work hard this year and earn an advanced individual?"

Yi Zhonghai nodded and said, "Who wouldn't want to do this? But the competition is too great, so I don't have much confidence."

"Don't worry, if you don't make any mistakes this year, you should be allocated a target," Jiang Ping'an said.

By convention, special care is given to veteran comrades.

The reason why Yi Zhonghai hasn't gotten an advanced individual these years is because Jia Dongxu has held back.

Jia Dongxu is not serious about his work, always makes mistakes and cannot complete tasks.

As his leader, Yi Zhonghai was naturally implicated.

So whenever someone proposed to give Yi Zhonghai an advanced individual, others would talk about Jia Dongxu.

However, everyone saw this matter, and Yi Zhonghai couldn't refute it, so he could only bear it aggrieved.

This year is better, although the two are still in the same workshop.

But Yi Zhonghai went to the finishing group and stayed away from Jia Dongxu because he was afraid of getting involved.

Liu Haizhong interrupted and asked, "Ping An, do you think I have a chance?"

"Everyone has opportunities." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

Seeing that he was perfunctory, Liu Haizhong said anxiously, "I'm serious."

"Yes, what I said was serious." Jiang Ping'an replied.

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