Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 236 Xu Damao's Guess About Jia Dongxu (Monthly Ticket Plus Chapter)

I ate.

Jiang Ping'an came out of the cafeteria, ready to go to the bathroom.

I saw Liu Lan chasing from behind.

"Ping An, wait a minute, let me tell you something."

Jiang Pingan paused, walked to the corner, and said with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Liu Lan stepped forward, hesitated, and sighed:

"It's still about food."

"Isn't it enough?" Jiang Ping'an wondered.

Liu Lan shook her head and said, "Not long ago, my mother-in-law was blind and poured water into the water tank, but it was all poured into the rice tank."

"When I went back and found it, I was so out of breath that I hurriedly took it out to dry."

"It happened that it rained in those few days, and when the weather cleared, the food was moldy and I couldn't eat it."

Jiang Ping'an wondered, "Can't we just cook it in the pot?"

"I didn't think of this at the time, I thought it could be dried in the shade in summer." Liu Lan said depressedly.

Pursing her lips, she hesitated and said, "So I want to get you some food, otherwise I won't be able to live on."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, how much food do you want?"

Hearing this, Liu Lan breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and gestured.

Jiang Pingan pondered and said: "Sixty catties, that's right, there are several people in your family!"

"By the way, did you finish the lard you gave Bao'er last time?"

"There is still a little bit, not much." Liu Lan pursed her lips and smiled.

Jiang Pingan smiled slightly, glanced at her, and said:

"Well, I will definitely help you at critical moments."

Liu Lan's nose was sore, her eyes were red, and she said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"During this period of time, I was having trouble sleeping and eating for food, but my mouth is useless."

"I've thought about it, but you're the only one who can be relied on, but you're not here, so I'm so anxious."

Jiang Pingan patted her on the shoulder and comforted her:

"Don't worry, haven't I come back? Can I still make you hungry?"

He has been with Liu Lan for so long, knowing that she will not bother him unless it is absolutely necessary.

Now that he has spoken, it means that things are imminent.

Tears rolled in Liu Lan's eye sockets, she sniffed, and said with a smile:

"Thank you, I won't say much now, let's meet at the same place?"

"Yeah." Jiang Ping'an stared at her chest twice.

Liu Lan chuckled, smiling like a flower, patted him lightly, and said coquettishly, "Virtue!"

"It's okay, I'll go back first, and the back kitchen still needs to be cleaned."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Go ahead, if you encounter any problems in the future, just open your mouth and don't be bored."

"Well, I see." Liu Lan said with a smile, feeling indescribably relieved.

The difficult things she racked her brains to worry about disappeared as soon as Jiang Ping'an came back.

She also immediately had support, and this feeling made her feel unspeakably at ease.


Purchasing three offices.

Jiang Pingan handles various procurement matters seriously.

Originally planned to leave the factory at noon and go to the countryside.

Let the staff meeting be delayed today, I'm afraid I won't be able to go today.

But Jiang Ping'an was not in a hurry, and had made an agreement with Director Yang earlier.

Those who are on a business trip this time will have a week off starting tomorrow, and will come back to work next Monday.

So when Jiang Ping'an went to the countryside this time, he could stay in the countryside for five or six days, and he could spend a good time with Qin Jingru.

Throughout the afternoon, there was an endless stream of people who came to report on their work.

Jiang Ping'an had been away on business for half a month, and accumulated a lot of documents, all of which had to be dealt with.

But for these things, he is very familiar with the road, and he handles them with ease and ease.

To put it bluntly, as long as he doesn't encounter large purchases, Jiang Ping'an can still live in style on weekdays.

There is no way to deal with such a thing as purchasing cooking oil this time.

Even if he could get supplies without using his golden fingers, he still had to work hard.

It is said that there are three most important people in the factory.

One is the factory director, who is in charge of management, and the other is an engineer, who is in charge of technology.

The other one is the buyer, the main logistics.

Therefore, the status of buyers these days is not generally high.

Even the buyers from the first and second departments are not bad.

Especially every year when we go to Zhengzhou to hold a coordination meeting, it is the time for all buyers to show their talents.

In the first year Jiang Ping'an entered the factory, he went to the coordination meeting and stood out.

The coordination meeting is organized by relevant departments and involves a large-scale material coordination meeting of enterprises and units across the country.

During the planned economy period, in addition to large-scale coordination meetings, provinces, cities and counties also had material coordination offices.

There is no official document for this kind of office yet.

The affiliated units are also different, and the names are also different, but the nature is similar.

It is with material coordination that planned production can proceed in an orderly manner.

This guy Xu Damao had nothing to do, so he went to Jiang Ping'an's side to see it a few times.

Seeing someone reporting work, I glanced at it and left, and then looked again after a while.

It wasn't until it was almost time for get off work that Jiang Ping'an took care of all the affairs.

Xu Damao smoked again.

"Good guy, he is a leading cadre after all, his style is different." Xu Damao said enviously.

If he had so many people reporting to him, he wouldn't be able to sleep with joy.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "You envy me, so you might as well flatter your section chief."

"Xu Damao, if you don't listen to me, you may only be a projectionist for the rest of your life."

Xu Damao said disapprovingly: "Don't talk about him, as soon as you talk about him, I will get angry."

"Looks like a short winter melon, and stares at the girls in the propaganda department all day with a shy stomach."

"Anyway, I just don't like him. Even if I can't be an official or get promoted, I won't curry favor with him."

Jiang Ping cut his voice and said, "You kid usually flatters him in front of him, doesn't he?"

"Since you've already humbled yourself, why don't you follow through to the end?"

"Even if you feel uncomfortable in your heart, you should wait until after the upgrade before shaking your temper!"

This kid Xu Damao is not good at this point. He is clever, but he can't catch the point.

If you say that he will also come to trouble, in order to improve, he can go all out, but he can't find the direction.

It was this flaw in character that made Xu Damao not only unable to compete with He Yuzhu, but also a problem in leveling up.

"Don't talk about this, I have my own measure." Xu Damao waved his hand.

Then he leaned forward and said mysteriously, "I discovered something recently."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Jiang Ping'an asked curiously.

Xu Damao said in a low voice: "Jia Dongxu, recently I see that he is lifeless, and there is something wrong."

"No way, I saw him yesterday, it's good!" Jiang Ping'an raised his eyebrows.

Xu Damao shook his head and said, "Yesterday, it was because Qin Huairu found out that she was pregnant."

"So his family is happy, and his spirit will naturally be fine."

"But today I looked at him specially again, as depressed as ever."

"We're talking privately. I always feel that this guy won't last long."

Jiang Ping'an nodded, and pondered: "He has really changed a lot in the past two years."

"Especially since last year, every day is getting worse every day, and I always feel like I have lost my soul."

Xu Damao clapped his palms and said with a smile: "I'll just say it, I'm sure I can't read it wrong."

"Look at how dead he is, if he doesn't keep it all together, he may have a meal in the next few years!"

Jiang Pingan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked, "Are you really looking forward to his death?"

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