Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 249 Gradually making waves, everyone has their own ideas

Red Star Hospital, ward.

Jia Zhang looked out the window, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and whispered softly:

"Thank God, Dongxu is fine, Lao Jia, is it your blessing?"

Previously, the hospital gave Jia Dongxu a physical examination, and there was nothing serious about it.

It is excessive indulgence, physical deficiency, excessive smoking and alcohol, malnutrition, mental and emotional instability, fatigue and insomnia, leading to dizziness and dizziness.

This is also a disease called dizziness.

Vertigo is the general term for vertigo and dizziness, with vertigo, blurred vision and dim blackness as vertigo.

It is dizzy to see things rotating, or unable to stand as if the world is spinning.

Because the two are often seen at the same time, it is called vertigo.

Vertigo is medically known as Meniere's disease, mostly in young and middle-aged patients.

In mild cases, drugs can be used to reduce the onset of vertigo and tinnitus.

Without early intervention and treatment, the symptoms of Meniere's disease will intensify.

And as the number and degree of attacks increase, the ability of drug control becomes extremely limited.

This is called "refractory Meniere's disease", accounting for about 20% of the affected population.

Jia Dongxu's illness is at an early stage, but it's not too serious, and it still needs to be cured.

Moreover, workers don't need to spend money to see a doctor these days, so they don't have to worry about being unable to pay for medical expenses.

Jia Dongxu had already woken up, and Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were sitting next to each other, talking with Jia Dongxu.

"You can recuperate at ease. The doctor also said just now that your illness is not a serious problem. You will be fine after a few days of treatment."

Yi Zhonghai murmured, but secretly paid attention to Qin Huairu beside him.

I don't know if it's because he has thoughts that he shouldn't have, and he always feels that he can smell Qin Huairu's body fragrance.

Although there was some sweaty smell, it was also mixed with an inexplicable and extremely attractive smell, which made him upset.

"Don't worry about the factory. Director Feng has already said that he will come to express condolences to you on behalf of the factory after get off work."

Yi Zhonghai said kindly, "Anyway, don't feel pressure in your heart, just rest in peace and recuperate."

Jia Dongxu nodded slightly, knowing that Yi Zhonghai sent him to the hospital today, he was also a little moved.

"Thank you master, I will recover from my illness as soon as possible and return to work in the factory earlier."

When the two were talking, Qin Huairu was holding Xiaodang, but was in a daze.

When the situation was urgent, what she had said to Jiang Pingan suddenly flashed in her mind.

At that time, Jiang Ping'an said that as long as Jia Dongxu died, if she could take over.

The hukou of her and her children can be converted into urban hukou.

To be honest, at one point, she wished Jia Dongxu would have died.

If she and her children can have urban household registration, she can raise a few children with peace of mind.

I won't think about things, and I won't be unsteady like I am now.

The most important thing is that without Jia Dongxu, Jiang Ping'an will always treat her better.

Even if you can't marry Jiang Ping'an, you should sleep with him and eat some food from him, right?

If she hadn't hooked up with Jiang Ping'an before, she wouldn't have any idea, she just lived in a muddle-headed way.

But after a few months of good life with Jiang Ping'an, she felt very sorry to lose her now.

Such days were the ones she had longed for and hoped to live before she married and came to the city.

Eat meat and eat white flour and fine grains.

Not to mention in these difficult days, even in good years, it is an excellent life.

It's ironic to say that she has been married to the city for so many years, but she has lived a few months by stealing talents.

At this moment, the more Jiang Ping'an refused to give her something delicious, the more she missed it.

Whenever Jia Zhang yelled at her and scolded her to make things difficult for her, she would immediately think of Jiang Ping'an's good.

Although Jiang Ping'an was a jerk and very principled, he never scolded or yelled at her.

At most, he could warn her a few words and finish the matter, then turn around and coax him a few words, and he would be nice to himself again.

Sighing secretly, she heard Jia Dongxu say to her: "Huairu, you go back first, Banggan will be out of school later."

"It's enough for my mother to take care of me here. You should go back and cook quickly, or you will make trouble again."

Qin Huairu nodded, picked up Xiaodang, smelled of sweat, got up and said with a smile:

"Then you take good care of your illness, and I'll bring you food after the stick has eaten."

Yi Zhonghai secretly sucked his nose, got up and said:

"I'll go back with you, just in time to hug Xiaodang for you."

Qin Huairu's face brightened, and he said happily, "Then thank you very much, sir."

Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, Yi Zhonghai is an elder and a well-known good guy in the yard.

They didn't think in the wrong direction at all, they only felt that Yi Zhonghai was benevolent.

After all, he is a master, and he can always stand up at critical moments.

After saying a few words, Qin Huairu walked out holding Xiaodang.

After Yi Zhonghai greeted Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang, he chased them out.

Walking behind, looking at Qin Huairu's plump waist, Yi Zhonghai felt hot.

"Master, you are an elder, you go ahead!"

Qin Huairu stopped suddenly, turned around, and said politely.

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said, "Don't, you walk slowly with the child in your arms, just ahead of you, don't worry about me."

After a pause, he added: "When you hug me all the way first, give me the pawn when you get tired."

Qin Huairu hesitated for a moment, she was in a hurry to go back to cook, so she nodded and continued walking without being polite.

Yi Zhonghai was guilty of being a thief and breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Qin Huairu would be too polite and let him go ahead.

Otherwise, he would not be able to watch the beautiful scenery in an open and bright manner.

The waist is exquisite and the peach is well-defined. Yi Zhonghai walks and looks at it all the way, and his mouth becomes more parched.

When he reached the third floor, he stopped and said to Qin Huairu:

"Huairu, wait for me. I'll take a physical examination by the way, and I'll come over when I get the results."

"Hey, fine, then I'll wait for you here." Qin Huairu pursed her lips and smiled.

Then he leaned against the wall, thinking about Jiang Ping'an.

"He should be joking with Jingru right now?"

"If this bastard keeps treating me like this, I'm afraid I'll have to find a way from Jingru."

This year's days are more difficult than last year.

Now that she is pregnant, she still hopes to get Jiang Ping'an's consent as soon as possible during the pregnancy, so that he can help her secretly so as to supplement her nutrition.

I don't know where to start, Qin Huairu is always worried about Jiang Ping'an, for fear that he will hate her.

I'm even more afraid that he has lost contact with me now, and I won't be able to follow up in the future.

"Jingru doesn't have a heart, but she is easy to talk to." Qin Huairu pondered in her heart.

"It is probably because of her personality that Ping An married her, right?"

She knows who Jiang Ping'an is.

The typical red flag at home does not fall, but the colorful flags flutter outside.

In addition, he is a cadre and he is greedy outside, so he must find an obedient girl to marry.

Otherwise, the rear will be unstable.

"This bastard thinks beautifully, let him take all the good things." Qin Huairu said sadly.

She is a smart person, and with Jiang Ping'an's behavior, she must not be the only woman.

When he hooked up with her back then, he was so skillful and without rich experience, how could he easily get her hooked?

I paid attention and paid attention to it in the yard, and I was like a girl who hadn't left the cabinet all these years.

He has never had much contact with the men in the yard, for fear of causing Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu's dissatisfaction.

Even for Jiang Ping'an, she used to only nod to him occasionally, not even smile.

Unexpectedly, just one chance was seized by Jiang Ping'an.

And what about myself? If he was not careful, he got it...

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