Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 250 Qin Jingru and Qin Huairu's Liang Zi

Liangjia Village.

Jiang Ping'an and Qin Jingru frolicked for a while.

Qin Jingru forced Jiang Pingan to get up, saying that he wanted to water the vegetables together.

"It was supposed to be watered in the morning, but you messed it up, so I forgot about it." Qin Jingru complained.

Jiang Pingan put on his clothes and said with a smile, "I'll carry the water, and you'll be in charge of watering it. It'll be done soon."

"It's better for me to carry the water. You take a rest and take care of watering." Qin Jingru pursed her lips and smiled.

"Let's not push around, I have plenty of strength, and this little housework is nothing."

The two walked out hand in hand, Jiang Pingan shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's fine if I'm not here. Now that I'm back, I'll try to do as much physical work as possible."

"Besides, have you forgotten how strong I am?"

"The buckets in our house, I carry one in each hand, just like playing."

Qin Jingru giggled, nodded and said, "Okay!"

"You are my man, you are my reliance, you work for me, I feel so happy!"

While joking, the kitchen fetched a bucket, and the two came to the well at the door.

Jiang Ping'an filled the water quickly, carried it and walked to the vegetable field.

Qin Jingru smiled slightly, feeling really sweet in her heart, and followed with a ladle in her hand.

"I'll pour it, so you can't just watch from the sidelines?"

Seeing Jiang Ping'an coming to grab the ladle again, Qin Jingru dodged and said with a smile.

Jiang Ping'an stepped aside, raised his hand, and said with a smile, "All right, I won't rob you!"

"That's about the same." Qin Jingru said with a smile.

Then, she took a ladle of water in the bucket and gently watered the vegetables.

"Look, there are a few more cucumbers to pick. These cucumbers are crisp and refreshing. Let's pickle them for lunch."

"There is also water spinach, which is rising very fast. I am alone at home and can't eat it at all."

"So I will harvest every three to five times and send it to my mother's house."

As she said that, she turned her head and smiled, and said proudly: "My natal family also grows vegetables, but they are not as delicious as mine."

"There used to be a fortune teller who told me that I was lucky in wealth and could save a family. The only thing is to be cautious in marriage."

"Don't talk about marriage, I marry you now, and I will definitely live a good life in the future."

"It's luck. I used to feed pigs and chickens at my mother's house, which was better than my mother and sister-in-law."

"As long as the pigs I raise, even if I give them any food, they will grow fat."

"Last year, my sister-in-law was pregnant, so she gave birth to a baby at home, and took care of the house by the way, so she sent me to the field to earn work points."

"Guess how? Hehe, those pigs were raised to death by my sister-in-law!"

Jiang Pingan said unhappily: "Don't gloat over there, those pigs died of illness and have nothing to do with your sister-in-law."

"That's because she was unlucky. If I were to raise them, the pigs would probably not get sick!" Qin Jingru wrinkled her nose and said.

Suddenly, she froze, looked up at Jiang Ping'an and said depressedly: "Here it is again, so annoying!"

"I asked you to wash it, but you want to be frugal. Now you know how powerful it is!" Jiang Pingan said with a smirk.

Qin Jingru took a breath, continued to work, and said:

"Come on, come on, it's like this anyway, and go back to wash after the water is finished."

"It's just a little uncomfortable, it's sticky to the lake, and it's inconvenient to move around."

Soon, Qin Jingru quickly poured out the two buckets of water.

Jiang Pingan carried the bucket, turned around and fetched two more buckets.

It seems that there are not many vegetable fields, but there are many corners and corners in front of the house and behind the house.

In the countryside, as long as the weather is good and the people are diligent, the food is really good.

Men and women match, work is not tired.

Jiang Ping'an and Qin Jingru carried water one by one and watered it by the other, but they cooperated very tacitly.

The two chatted while working, and they talked about Qin Huairu.

"She thought I was careless, but I'm not stupid!" Qin Jingru sneered.

"At the beginning of the year, she came back to the countryside and said she would teach me how to win a man's heart."

"She is so powerful, why does her man and mother-in-law treat her so badly?"

"She is so good at attracting men, why is Jia Dongxu still cheating on her to make broken shoes?"

"I saw that she didn't even dare to say a word, and when she mentioned Jia's family, she was in a hurry."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Yes, I told you last year that your cousin's tricks are not right."

"You live in the same village as her and are relatives. If you live better than her, she will definitely feel unbalanced."

"Just watch, when she enters the city in the future, she will definitely win you over and speak ill of me."

"For what? Let's make a good relationship with you, say something intimate, and let you send good things to thank her."

"It's for money."

"Secondly, they can sow dissension without a trace and destroy our harmonious relationship between husband and wife."

"For example, when she said that I was getting along with so and so, you might not believe it at the time."

"But if she says it too many times, you will definitely have doubts. This is a terrible word."

Qin Jingru smiled lightly, shook her head and said, "I won't make trouble with you."

"At that time, when I was a girl's family, I was not sensible."

"Now I'm with you, like that every day, working hard day and night, but I can't stand it."

"To be honest, if you are really greedy outside, I won't say anything, as long as you don't bring it home."

Jiang Pingan said with a smirk: "You are being generous at the moment, aren't you afraid that I will abandon you in the future?"

"I'm not afraid, are you willing? I'm so obedient and sensible, hehe..." Qin Jingru covered her mouth and laughed.

She and Jiang Ping'an's childhood sweetheart, what kind of temperament is Jiang Ping'an, can she not know?

I was clinging to him before for a few years, but he didn't accept the move, which shows that he is a responsible man.

So Qin Jingru was really not worried that Jiang Ping'an was treating her badly.

After a pause, she continued: "So I don't believe any big principles my cousin wants to teach me."

"I can't manage my own men well, where does she have the face to teach me?"

"If it wasn't for the Chinese New Year, if it wasn't because of you pressing me down, I would have fallen out with her long ago."

"Bah, it's a good thing she ate so much food from us, but she doesn't know what's good or bad at all!"

Speaking of Qin Huairu, she was full of opinions.

Fortunately, she paid attention to justice last year and was reluctant to part with Jiang Ping'an, otherwise Qin Huairu would really ruin the relationship.

Thinking of this, she was still afraid for a while.

Jiang Ping'an is such a good man, it's hard to find even with a lantern. If she misses it, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Jiang Ping'an laughed and said, "Don't be so resentful, there is a way to pour wine in front of your enemy."

"From now on, when we go to the city, we will be in the same yard, we should talk or talk, just like ordinary people."

"What's the matter, don't make a decision in a hurry, just keep silent for a few times in your heart, so you won't suffer any disadvantages."

Qin Jingru nodded silently, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I remember the personalities of those people living in your yard."

"When I go to the city, I will definitely deal with it carefully."

"Besides, don't you still have you? I'm your woman, you can't be bullied, can you?"

Jiang Pingan laughed loudly, nodded and said, "Of course, it's fine if I don't bully others!"

Speaking of which, he hasn't bullied anyone for a long time, and suddenly found that the courtyard is too quiet recently...

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