Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 303 Xu Damao wants to be majestic

Under the orange light.

Yu Li presents a hazy beauty, with a graceful figure, enchanting curves, graceful and moving.

She also has the advantage that no matter how strong Jiang Pingan's firepower is.

She would only grit her teeth and persevere, at most humming, humming, humming, but she didn't cry tired.

She must be very tired, with thousands of strands of blue hair pouring down, elegant and smooth, being pulled to one side.

Her delicate little face was flushed red, her eyes were blurred and deep, her eyebrows were white and her teeth were bright, and she was dripping with sweat.

"Well... so hot, so stretched..." Yu Li breathed out, frowning and saying softly.

in the future.

Yu Li dragged her exhausted body, let out a long breath, got up and took a cigarette, and helped Jiang Pingan light it.

After returning to Jiang Ping'an's arms and lying down, she calmed down for a while, and while drawing circles on his chest with her fingers, she said:

"It seems to be raining today, and it's unspeakably hot."

Jiang Pingan exhaled smoke and couldn't help laughing:

"Nonsense, what does this have to do with the weather?"

"Even in winter, it's still hot like we're doing."

Yu Li covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said in a low voice, "I probably heard the rain, but she wasn't asleep."

"I heard it when I heard it. You are staying outside this afternoon. Do you want to go in?"

"No." Yu Li said firmly, "I heard your footsteps and I was waiting for you."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Well, my footsteps are so loud that I can hear them from so far away."

"Oh! Can't you save some face for me?" Yu Li said coquettishly.

Suddenly, her face froze, her eyes widened, and she said eagerly:

"Quick, help pass the towel, it's out!"

Jiang Ping'an smiled and pulled the towel for her.

Yu Li breathed a sigh of relief, swished to her feet, and squatted down to clean herself.

Jiang Pingan watched from the sidelines, there was no grass growing there, it was smooth and plump, exuding a faint fragrance.

Seeing Jiang Ping'an looking at her, Yu Li blushed and wanted to turn around, but Jiang Ping'an pulled her back.

"Stop making trouble, isn't it enough to torment me just now?"

Yu Li had a shy expression, blushing, and slowly lowered her eyelashes, indescribably shy.

But no longer dodge, let him look carefully.

After a while, she couldn't help but said: "Are you ready? It's coming again!"

Jiang Pingan smiled, threw away the cigarette butt, and said, "Don't worry, the night is long..."


the next day.

Rolling Mill Purchasing Section Chief's Office.

Xu Damao pushed the door open and came in, said with a smile:

"Jiang Ping'an, it's settled!"

"What's settled?" Jiang Ping'an looked up in doubt.

Xu Damao sat down on the chair, passed a cigarette over, and said with a smile:

"As for the election of the elders in the yard, the three elders have all agreed to support me."

Jiang Pingan took the cigarette, frowned and said, "I suggest you don't mess around."

"Xu Damao, don't look like you are a little uncle in the courtyard, but you may not be a good one."

"Furthermore, if the three uncles agree to support you, you will definitely be able to become one?"

"If you have that leisurely mind, it's better to worry more about the child who is about to be born."

Xu Damao said disapprovingly: "As long as there are three uncles to support me, I will definitely be able to become an uncle."

"Also, why didn't I worry about my children? Why don't I have a family and a career?"

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "You can do whatever you want, don't make a lot of feathers, it will look good!"

"Don't worry about that, I promise to treat you like a majestic gentleman!" Xu Damao raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Pingan asked with a smile: "Impressive? Are the three uncles imposing in the courtyard?"

"This... They don't know how to do it, I'm definitely different from them!" Xu Damao said disdainfully.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, I want to see how you, the uncle, will do it!"

"Go away, do nothing all day, hang around here and there, don't delay my work."

Xu Damao said angrily: "Yes, you are a cadre now, it's amazing, you are a busy person."

"Xu Damao, don't talk about it with me." Jiang Ping'an frowned.

"With your dog's temperament, if you become an official, you don't know how much airs you will have to shake."

Xu Damao laughed and said, "That's called official authority. You see, the factory leaders all have official authority."

"It's just that you can't support the wall with mud, and you are a cadre, and you are still like an ordinary person..."

Jiang Pingan glared at him and said, "The more you talk, the more outrageous it is!"

"Did you give you too much face recently, dare to say anything?"

"Get out, keep chattering, and I'll call your section chief to come over and get someone!"


Canteen kitchen.

He Yuzhu came to work with one hand on his waist and a lunch box in the other.

The past few days can be said to be the most nourishing few days for He Yuzhu to grow so big.

That woman Chen Xueying is not only beautiful, but also a quick learner.

I don't know which old women he stole from, which gave He Yushui a lot of knowledge and made him want to stop.

It's just some useless waist.

With a relaxed and happy mood, he lifted the curtain and walked into the kitchen, He Yuzhu frowned.

At his workstation, Nanyi was cutting vegetables with exquisite knives, surrounded by a few young people to flatter him.

He Yuzhu suddenly felt uneasy, feeling that his position was threatened, so he hurriedly stepped forward and scolded:

"What are you doing here so early in the morning? Don't work anymore? Spread out, get busy!"

Everyone dispersed, Nan Yi looked up at him, smiled and said, "Master He is back from his marriage leave?"

"That's right, if I don't come back again, the position of canteen monitor will be taken away." He Yuzhu said expressionlessly.

Nan Yi laughed and said, "How come? The position of squad leader was appointed by the factory leader, so he can take it away casually?"

"Which factory leader appointed him? That's what I earned through years of hard work!" He Yuzhu put down the lunch box and corrected.

Nanyi smiled, didn't answer, and lowered his head to chop vegetables.

He Yuzhu raised his eyebrows and asked, "You think it's wrong to blame me?"

"Hehe, Master He is right."

Nan Yi replied with a smile, but he was doing his own work without even looking at him.

He Yuzhu felt that he answered perfunctorily and his attitude was wrong, so he glanced around the kitchen and told Nan Yi:

"Master Nan, you have just arrived at the rolling mill, so you have to start from the grassroots level, so that you can convince the public."

"Master He, our back kitchen is already at the grassroots level." Nan Yi raised his head and said.

He Yuzhu shook his head and said, "No, it's not grounded enough, you go and help Xiaopang peel potatoes first!"

"Master He, you don't have lake paint, do you? Let me be a chef to peel potatoes?" Nanyi said in surprise.

He Yuzhu nodded and said, "That's right, the chef can't peel potatoes anymore?"

"I am the squad leader of the cafeteria. Everyone here must follow my instructions. You don't obey the work arrangement?"

Nanyi put down the kitchen knife, wiped his hand on the apron, and said with a sneer:

"Then I'm going to ask Director Wang for instructions. I was transferred to the rolling mill. Is it for me to peel potatoes?"

"Go, turn left when you go out, and ask if I have the final say on whether the canteen is right." He Yuzhu pointed at the doorway.

Nan Yi nodded and said with a smile: "I heard people say that Master He is strong and domineering, but I didn't believe it. Today I see it."

After saying that, he turned around and left the back kitchen, and went to Director Wang to file a complaint.

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