Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 304 The wall fell down and everyone pushed, and the silly pillar was punished

The kitchen in the back looked at each other in blank dismay.

After Nan Yi went out, Ma Hua stepped forward and asked worriedly:

"Master, isn't it overkill for Master Nan to peel potatoes?"

He Yuzhu was furious, kicked him, and stared, "It's none of your business!"

Ma Hua was kicked and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately he was supported by the little fat man.

Liu Lan couldn't see it, and said angrily: "Silly Zhu, you are holding a chicken feather as an arrow."

"Don't think it's great to be good at cooking. Not to mention bullying Master Nan's newcomer, he even beats people. His nature is extremely bad!"

"Everyone is watching the ins and outs of what happened today. It's just you who are wrong!"

"What's the matter? After getting married, this arrogance has grown too? Are you starting to show off? Dare to break away from the crowd?"

She yelled at her, but He Yuzhu couldn't get in the conversation.

"Liu Lan, mind your own business, am I the squad leader, or are you the squad leader?" He Yuzhu scolded.

Liu Lan said contemptuously: "Yes, you are the squad leader, so what's the matter? The squad leader must obey the rules!"

"Master Nan has performed very well these days. The food is delicious, and the workers all praise him."

"But because of jealousy, you overqualified and asked him to peel potatoes to retaliate."

"Mahua advises you, you still don't listen to opinions and dare to beat people, what do you want to do?"

"Don't think that just because you are the class monitor, you dare to cover the sky with one hand in the back kitchen, you don't have that ability!"

He Yuzhu's lungs were about to explode, and he was about to curse when he heard Director Wang's voice behind him:

"Yes, now the workers and peasants are the masters of the country, not any one person!"

He Yuzhu turned around and shouted: "Fuck you, I'm working in the back kitchen, what do you care about?"

"Fire me if you have the ability? I have three generations of farm laborers, working class, what can you do to me?"

He Yuzhu often said these words, so he blurted out in anger.

But what he said was right, as long as he didn't commit a crime, even the factory manager wouldn't dare to fire him.

But he forgot that even if the leader can't fire him, he can transfer him and demote him!

Director Wang has long been looking for an opportunity to punish He Yuzhu, but he has been unable to find an opportunity.

The most important thing is that He Yuzhu's craftsmanship is the best and irreplaceable.

If he is transferred away, the reception task will be much inferior, and the factory leaders will be embarrassed.

Well now, Nanyi's craftsmanship is no worse than He Yuzhu's, so the leader has a choice.

To put it bluntly, no one likes workers who disobey their leaders.

Although He Yuzhu is good at cooking, many leaders don't like his temper.

So Director Wang felt that this time was an opportunity to punish He Yuzhu well so that he could have a long memory.

"Let me ask you, is it revenge for you to let Comrade Nanyi peel potatoes?" Director Wang asked unhurriedly.

He Yuzhu waved his hand and said, "Shao Shanggang is online, I am the head of the back kitchen, what's wrong with arranging him to work?"

"Hehe, you are the smart one, and everyone else is a fool." Director Wang sneered.

"Comrade Nanyi is a chef specially transferred by the factory leader. You actually overqualified and asked him to peel potatoes!"

"Do you think he's a good crafter, threatening your status? Getting anxious? So revenge on him?"

"Also, just now I heard from the workers that you beat someone, is there such a thing?"

He Yuzhu frowned and said, "Ma Hua is my apprentice, so I don't need others to say how I discipline him."

"Nonsense, although Ma Hua is your apprentice, he is also a worker. You are acting like a feudal patriarch!"

Director Wang is bad enough, he seized the opportunity and put his hat on He Yuzhu's head.

"Don't deny it, don't justify it, so many workers and comrades are watching, you can't escape if you want to!"

He Yuzhu said angrily, "What can I do to escape?"

"Yes, I kicked Ma Hua, what's the matter?"

Director Wang nodded in satisfaction, turned around and said to everyone: "Have you heard, comrades?"

"He Yuzhu took private revenge, and the old feudal patriarch acted like a gang, beating comrades, the nature is bad, and the thinking is backward!"

"I will report to the factory leader and punish He Yuzhu severely. I hope comrades will take it as a warning!"

When He Yuzhu heard that he was going to be punished, he immediately became anxious, staring and shouting:

"You are taking revenge and deliberately framing me. Try punishing me?"

Director Wang snorted coldly, and was too lazy to argue with him, so he turned and left.

He Yuzhu had nothing to do with him, turned around with a dark face, and said to Nanyi:

"Villain, you are just a villain, just sue for the slightest thing!"

Nanyi cut his voice and said, "It's useless for you to be anxious now. I will report to the leader, and you can't control it!"

"That's right, as I said just now, although you are the squad leader, silly Zhu, you can't cover the sky in the back kitchen." Liu Lan chimed in.

The other people in the back kitchen were not less bullied by He Yuzhu before, and all the brave ones spoke for Nanyi.

"Silly Zhu, fortunately you are just the head of the back kitchen. If you become the leader, God knows how many people will suffer!"

"That's right, you contradict the leaders twice in three days, bully the masses, and beat people at every turn. It's time for you to reform!"

"He is just a bad guy. Before he entered the rolling mill, he hung out on the streets. He did everything from stealing, fighting, and cheating."

"Oh my god, this is a cancer that has mixed in with the masses, he must be severely criticized!"


The contradictions of countless years broke out at this moment, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and they all came forward to accuse He Yuzhu.

The little fat man is an idiot, and when he saw something was wrong, the master stopped calling, and quickly joined the group to crusade against He Yuzhu.

Because Ma Hua had just arrived at the rolling mill, and he didn't have much relationship with He Yuzhu, he hesitated for a moment, and then backed away.

Although he didn't criticize He Yuzhu, his attitude was very clear, stay away from the master, don't be implicated.

What's more, just now when he tried to persuade He Yuzhu with good intentions, but was kicked, he was also angry.

He Yuzhu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he yelled at everyone with his neck stuck:

"Why? Quit work? Everyone spread out. What's the matter with you?"

The little fat man rushed forward and said, "Why is it none of our business? If you don't unite with the masses, are you justified?"

"That's right! Silly you made mistakes, you should humbly accept criticism and education from the masses, and reform your mistakes!"

"Look at him, he is used to being king and domineering, he doesn't know how to repent, and those who don't know think it's our fault!"

Everyone was chattering, and they saw Deputy Director Li coming in with a stern face, followed by Director Wang.

The back kitchen suddenly quieted down. Deputy Director Li walked up to He Yuzhu and asked:

"It's true to take personal revenge, put on old feudal patriarchs, and beat comrades?"

He Yuzhu kept silent, and Deputy Director Li sneered and said:

"Don't admit it, right? It doesn't matter, the eyes of the masses are discerning."

As he said that, he turned around and asked everyone: "He Yuzhu made a mistake, you all watched, did anyone come forward to testify?"

"I testify!"

"Count me in!"

"And I!"

He Yuzhu usually treats everyone badly, ranging from cursing to beating others.

They were all suffocating, now that there were so many people, they were all aggrieved, and they had the courage to come forward and criticize.

Deputy Factory Manager Li nodded and said, "Okay, as long as there are so many witnesses!"

"In view of He Yuzhu's dismissal of his position as squad month's wages deducted, half a year's toilet cleaning..."

"Comrade Nanyi, work steadily and responsibly, and be promoted to the head of the back kitchen..."

As soon as the words fell, thunderous applause rang out, which lasted for a long time.

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