Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 305 Yi Zhonghai's Awakening, Silly Zhu Finally Bows Down

Next to the toilet.

Under the shade of a big tree.

Both Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu held brooms and sat on the ground, staring wide-eyed.

"Master, I saw you working hard, so I came to accompany you." He Yuzhu said with a smile.

The corner of Yi Zhonghai's mouth twitched, hating that iron could not become a steel road:

"You, you are a very smart person, why can't you figure it out?"

He Yuzhu said disapprovingly, "Don't worry!"

"It won't be long before the leader will transfer me back."

"In all these years, which time has it not been like this?"

"I can guarantee that in a week at most, I'll be back working in the kitchen again."

Yi Zhonghai sighed and said, "Can it be the same now?"

"You've said it all, Nanyi's craftsmanship is no worse than yours."

"As long as he is there, the leader will have a choice and will not transfer you back easily."

Speaking of Nanyi, He Yuzhu gritted his teeth, and said angrily:

"This bastard is at odds with me. He stayed in the machine repair shop well. Why did he come to the rolling mill?"

"If he had listened to my arrangement today, nothing like this would have happened, and I would not have been punished."

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said, "What's the use of saying this now? I've advised you to stop causing trouble."

"With this spare time, you should think about how to feed your family!"

When He Yuzhu heard this, he immediately became depressed.

In the past, he was full alone, and the whole family was not hungry.

Now that there are so many mouths in the house, waiting to be fed, there is a sudden pressure.

I thought about bringing more food back from the factory.

For this reason, he brought six lunch boxes here today.

Unexpectedly, just because she wanted to clean up Nanyi and give him a blow, she tossed herself into the toilet instead.

If I had known this was the result, I should have endured it, and then looked for an opportunity to rectify Nanyi.

"Grandpa, Jiang Ping'an is now a cadre, and he has a way to get food. Can you not give him the food you donated to him?" He Yuzhu discussed.

Yi Zhonghai gave him a sideways glance, and said expressionlessly, "I won't give it to you?"

"Let's not talk about that when I took the eighth grade worker exam, he helped me get punished and promised to help him for five years."

"Besides, I had an accident a few days ago, and it was his great help that turned the crisis into safety."

"We must have a conscience as a human being, and we can't do things like crossing rivers and tearing down bridges."

He's not like He Yuzhu, he just hits a hammer here and there, making everything mess up.

Even if he wanted He Yuzhu to retire, it was only in the future.

But offended Jiang Ping'an, now life is not good.

Fortunately, he has always respected himself very much.

If you have anything to do, you will be enthusiastic and actively help.

Do you really think Jiang Ping'an has no temper? No, this kid has a dark heart!

Yi Zhonghai also thought about it in private, if he offended Jiang Pingan, would he be able to punish him?

After much deliberation, there is no way to start.

It seems that it is a blessing that people do not punish themselves, and there is really nothing they can do about him.

As soon as I said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

"Master, Jiang Ping'an and Xu Damao are here." He Yuzhu reminded in a low voice.

Although he mentioned Jiang Ping'an behind his back, he often dismissed it.

But in fact, from the bottom of my heart, I still admire Jiang Ping'an very much.

This kid is really capable, but ordinary people can't learn it, which is enviable.

But after seeing Xu Damao, he felt angry again, and whispered:

"Xu Damao is a dog, and he often nods and bows to follow Jiang Ping'an's ass."

Yi Zhonghai glanced at him and said, "This is why Xu Damao is smarter than you."

"As far as I know, the food that Lou Xiao'e ate after she became pregnant was not brought from her natal family at all."

"It was Xu Damao who spent a lot of money, please Ping An to help buy it, now you know the difference?"

"There is a way to hug Buddha's feet temporarily. You don't hug Jiang Ping'an's Buddha's feet at ordinary times or temporarily. Why should he help you?"

"Silly Zhu, listen to me, and respect Jiang Ping'an in the future. There are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"He's pretty easy to talk to. He hasn't made things difficult for you these years, has he? On the contrary, he has helped you a lot."

"Usually you have money and food to help the Jia family, why don't you know how to buy a bottle or two of wine for Ping An?"

He Yuzhu frowned tightly, resentful in his heart, gritted his teeth and said:

"I can't learn this, I have hard bones, and I can't bend my waist."

"Look at Xu Damao's appearance, he looks like a grandson. If a person wants to live like that, don't he die of humiliation?"

Yi Zhonghai sighed secretly, shook his head and said, "You, you just don't listen to persuasion..."

As he spoke, he quickly got up and looked at Jiang Ping'an with a smile on his face.

"Master! Huh? Silly Zhu also came to clean the toilet? What's the matter?" Jiang Pingan stepped forward and said in surprise.

Xu Damao laughed loudly: "Hahaha...Silly Zhu, you also have today?"

"Quickly tell my buddies, who did you offend? Why did you come to accompany the uncle?"

He Yuzhu's face darkened suddenly, he got up and waved the broom, and said loudly:

"Xu Damao, don't read jokes, you bastard, one day, you will fall into my hands!"

"Haha, that's for the future, at least I saw you in a mess today!"

Xu Damao laughed out loud, unspeakably happy, and hid behind Jiang Ping'an in a puff of smoke.

Yi Zhonghai grabbed He Yuzhu and reprimanded him: "Zhuzi, don't cause trouble, you just got punished, bear with it!"

He Yuzhu also knew that he couldn't make any more mistakes now.

Otherwise, Director Wang and Deputy Director Li would not like him, and they would seize the opportunity to attack him.

He took a few deep breaths, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll let you go today, there will always be a time when you look good!"

Yi Zhonghai heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that He Yuzhu was quiet, turned around and said to Jiang Ping'an:

"Ping An, Zhuzi's family now has six or seven more people to support. The pressure is heavy and the burden is heavy."

"If there is a chance, please help me intercede with Deputy Factory Manager Li and Director Wang."

"Let Zhuzi go back to work in the cafeteria earlier, otherwise how will his family support him?"

Jiang Ping'an wondered, "How did he get sent to the toilet?"

Yi Zhonghai looked at He Yuzhu who was downcast, and ordered, "Zhuzi, tell Ping An."

"I want you to intercede here in Ping An, don't you know what is good or bad! Right now only Ping An can help you!"

He Yuzhu gritted his teeth, blushed with embarrassment, faltered, and finally explained the matter roughly.

After listening, Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "I thought you were a shrewd person, but I didn't expect you to be so confused."

"It's okay to contradict the leader and bully colleagues in the past. After all, you are the last one, and the kitchen cannot do without you."

"But you can't lose sight of the situation, can you? Do you think the rolling mill can't operate without you?"

"I can help with this job, but you should clean the toilet for two months first, Shazhu, so you can remember it long!"

"After two months, if you perform well, I will find an opportunity to go to the leader to give you some good words."

He Yuzhu's spirit was shaken, he bowed his head and said, "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"Jiang Ping'an, no Chief Jiang! I will remember your kindness."

"In the past two months, I will definitely behave well and not cause trouble..."

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