Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 306 The Laying Hen is Eye-catching

Before get off work in the afternoon.

Jiang Ping'an borrowed a couple of tricycles from the logistics department, put his bicycle on the car, and left the factory.

When they got to the place where they carried people, they threw thirty-six hens that were just about the size of their eggs into the car.

All were tied with chicken feet and transported back to the courtyard.

"Wow, Ping An, you just bought all the chickens? That's it, everyone has something to do."

As soon as I arrived outside the yard, I saw the third mother rushing out of the yard, looking at the hens in the car, and said with a smile.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I see that you are very enthusiastic about raising chickens, so naturally you should give your full support."

"Okay, okay! Thanks to you, you have helped everyone a lot in the past few years!" The third mother laughed.

"Shouldn't the hens be taken to the yard?"

"Don't touch the white shirt you're wearing. I'll help you get it so you don't get dirty."

Jiang Pingan nodded cheerfully and said, "Okay, please trouble the third mother, I will let your family choose first later."

"Haha, thank you so much." The third mother took advantage and was even happier.

As she said that, she quickly helped and moved the hens in the car to the yard.

Soon, the movement in the front yard attracted the residents who stayed at home. When the chicken arrived, they all came to help.

After all the chickens were transferred, Jiang Ping'an took the bicycle and the tricycle to the yard and put them away.

The tricycle will not be returned today, and it is okay to return it tomorrow.

Everyone gathered around the chicken and commented on it, wishing they could bring it home now, they were very excited.

"Look at these hens, all of them are very energetic, and they are all good chickens."

"Don't you look at who bought it for us? Do things safely, have you ever been disappointed?"

"Hey, look, there are several chicken coops there, and they are laying eggs!"

A group of women became anxious when they saw the hen laying eggs.

The egg was laid here and belonged to Jiang Ping'an.

Bringing home to lay eggs, but it belongs to the family, is completely two concepts.

"Chief Jiang, can we take the chicken back to raise now?" Someone asked anxiously with a smile.

A few chickens have already laid eggs, so naturally we can't pick any more. We have to pick the ones that haven't laid eggs.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "It's better to wait for everyone in the courtyard to come back, and then take it back!"

"Don't worry, these chickens are full-fed laying hens, and each one can lay an egg today."

"Don't fight, don't grab, I will share the eggs with everyone. As long as you buy chickens, each family will share two."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. If they couldn't get the eggs they saw, they would be at a disadvantage.

Then someone suggested to go home and get the chicken cages that were prepared in advance, and put all the chickens in the cages.

In this way, eggs are laid without knocking.

Soon, everyone went home and brought chicken coops. There was still room for three or four chickens in one coop.

After it was installed, someone carefully fetched water, fearing that the chicken would be thirsty.

After a while, adults and children who went to work and school all returned to the courtyard one after another.

When they got to the front yard, they couldn't move their feet anymore, and one after another stepped forward to look around the chicken coop.

"This is good. You can lay eggs as soon as you buy them. Whether you eat them yourself or sell them for food, it's a good deal!"

"They are all about the same size. Section Chief Jiang is a caring person and will not favor one person over another."

"After all, it is better to have cadres in the courtyard, and then you can get a lot of credit."

"Not all cadres are as easy to talk to as Lu Guanghe, chief of Section Jiang."

"Yes, it's our honor to have him live in our courtyard, and everyone is grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts!"


Jiang Pingan took a shower in the house, changed into clean clothes, and came out to find that everyone was present.

So he ordered Yan Bugui: "Third Master, you should register, and everyone who receives the chicken will sign."

"Okay, I'm good at this job!" Yan Bugui said with a smile.

He had already heard what his family said, and Jiang Ping'an promised his family would be the first choice.

Everyone was in high spirits, no need to be told, they lined up quickly, beaming, just like Chinese New Year.

He Yushui also came back, and when she learned that Jiang Ping'an didn't live in the small courtyard, she couldn't stay there either.

Of course, I have to go back to accompany Yu Li at night, and I will only move back to the compound after the summer vacation.

She ran up to Chen Xueying in the team and whispered something to her.

Chen Xueying nodded, and glanced at He Yuzhu beside her, her eyes were inexplicable.

"Don't worry about the rain, since our family bought the chicken, there is no reason to give it to others."

He Yushui nodded and said: "It's good that my sister-in-law knows about this, even if she eats it herself, she can't benefit others."

"Thank you for the rain water reminder, I will divide the eggs later, you can take one back."

Chen Xueying took He Yushui's hand and smiled.

He Yushui shook his head again and again and said, "No, sister-in-law should save the eggs for food!"

"Don't worry about me, Brother Ping'an will help me, I don't lack this stutter."

Chen Xueying hesitated, nodded and said with a smile: "All right, I won't push you around."

"Our textile factory has benefits. We can get some cloth back a year ago, and I will help you make clothes."

"You can't refuse this matter. This is my sister-in-law's wish."

He Yushui was moved, shook his head and said, "Thank you sister-in-law for your kindness!"

"But Brother Ping'an bought me a lot of clothes, I don't need anything to wear."

"Look at what I'm wearing now, I bought it in a department store. The style is good-looking and the quality is good."

"My sister-in-law should keep those cloths for herself. There are many people in the family, so they can be used."

Just when the two were chatting, I heard Yan Bugui say loudly:

"Stop arguing, follow the order in line, come and take the chicken away!"

"Let's say it first, our family has the approval of safety, we can get it first, everyone don't have any objections!"

At this moment, it was agreed before, and everyone naturally has no objection.

Soon, the third mother left with the two hens that had been watched for a long time, and did not forget to claim the two eggs.

Everyone smiled happily, stepped forward one by one, and heard Liu Haizhong say loudly:

"If you have children at home, don't be idle. Follow my family Guangqi to the countryside to mow grass and feed the chickens."

His family didn't buy chicken, but because he was the second uncle.

Naturally, we should take the lead and bring people back from mowing the grass.


When Jia Zhang heard the commotion in the front yard, she felt very upset.

"Huairu, Shazhu really promised to give us two chickens?" Mrs. Jia Zhang couldn't help asking.

Qin Huairu nodded and said: "He agreed, but he was not married at that time."

"Now that Chen Xueying is blocking me, I'm afraid this matter will be scandalous."

Jia Zhang frowned and said, "This idiot is really not a thing, why marry a wife if you have nothing to do?"

"If you have that spare time, you should help our family more."

Jia Dongxu answered, "Mom, we should have ordered two chickens back then."

"Now let's go to Jiang Ping'an to buy it alone. I'm afraid he won't help."

Jia Zhang sighed, raised her head and said to Qin Huairu:

"Go talk to Jiang Ping'an and see if you can buy two."

"I've seen those chickens before, and they're all in great spirits."

"It's really eye-catching to lay eggs after buying it..."

Qin Huairu: "..."

PS: There are two more chapters tonight, it is estimated to be updated at nine or ten o'clock, you can wait until tomorrow to read.

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