Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 307 Chen Xueying Warns He Yuzhu

Qin Huairu really wanted to raise chickens.

But Jiang Ping'an reminded her a few days ago that he wanted him to buy chicken for the Jia family alone, and the Jia family's face was not that big.

So if the opportunity is missed, it will be missed. As long as Jiang Pingan talks about it, he will definitely not help.

Qin Huairu hesitated for a moment, but in the end she didn't tell Jia Zhang about this.

In the final analysis, Jia Zhang is an unreasonable person.

"If the family raises two chickens that can only lay eggs, Dongxu's nutrition will not be lacking." Jia Zhang sighed.

At that time, Yan Bugui came to her house and asked if she wanted to buy chicken.

At that time, she was reluctant to give up money, let alone food, so she didn't buy it, but now she regrets it a bit.

Jia Dongxu frowned and said, "Huairu, why don't you hurry up and ask Jiang Ping'an, maybe you can buy it?"

Since Chen Xueying came to the courtyard, his mind has also gone away.

That woman is more charming than Qin Huairu, and the key is that she has a job, which makes her even more attractive.

Unlike Qin Huairu, who is a rural person, after marrying, she can only wash clothes and cook, but nothing else.

Comparing the two, although Chen Xueying has a problem with her style, Jia Dongxu still thinks she is a good woman.

Of course, the main thing is that what is not available is precious.

Qin Huairu doesn't need money, she can play however she wants, no matter how delicious it is, she will get bored.

Chen Xueying is different, five yuan, the price is ridiculously high, and the grade has been raised.

Many times, people's psychology is so strange.

Domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, and I always feel that the crops in other people's fields are better.

"It's such a cheap idiot!" Jia Dongxu resented in his heart.

I heard that when Chen Xueying married He Yuzhu, not only did she confiscate the bride price, but she also brought her rations.

What was the He family like before? It was deserted, like a cold palace.

Now the He family is a dual-career family. Although they have raised six children and have a heavy burden, their lives are prosperous.

And what about the Jia family? With only a meager salary, I can scrape together to make ends meet.

Seeing that the mother and son were unhappy, Qin Huairu quickly turned around to look for Jiang Ping'an.

As soon as he went out, he saw He Yuzhu holding two chickens in his hand.

Followed by He Yushui, Chen Xueying, and six jumping and frolicking children.

The family talked and laughed, and came back from the front yard together.

Seeing Qin Huairu, He Yuzhu froze for a moment, showing embarrassment and embarrassment.

He promised Qin Huairu earlier that these two chickens were bought for Jia's family.

But just now in the front yard, Chen Xueying had already seriously warned him not to give away things indiscriminately.

Of course he wanted to listen to his wife's words, but he regretted that he didn't buy enough chickens back then.

Qin Huairu is his white moonlight. Although he is married, he still has illusions about Qin Huairu.

After years of unrequited love, when He Yuzhu was idle and bored, he would still think of Qin Huairu, and there was no cure.

Seeing He Yuzhu's dazed look, Chen Xueying frowned, walked over to snatch the two chickens, and said angrily:

"What? After eating the ones in the bowl, you still want the ones in the pot? Be honest!"

After saying that, he turned around and glanced at Qin Huairu, and said in a strange way: "Marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat!"

"Some people are not satisfied with having a man, but want to stare at other men, shameless, flirtatious fox!"

Qin Huairu was angry and her nose was sore, but she didn't want to argue with Chen Xueying.

After taking a deep breath, he walked towards the front yard without saying a word.

"What the hell? Huh!" Chen Xueying snorted coldly, then turned around and said to He Yuzhu:

"I warn you, don't flirt with Qin Huairu, and you are not allowed to send the things at home."

"I didn't come over for the previous matter, so I won't pursue it. From now on in the courtyard, you must listen to me!"

He Yushui smiled secretly at the side, admiring his sister-in-law very much.

One thing lowers one thing, my silly brother, it's only good for such a pungent woman to take care of him.

Front yard.

Everyone took the chicken and dispersed, but Jiang Ping'an was not at home.

Qin Huairu found out that there was something wrong with Jiang Ping'an School after asking the third mother.

After distributing the chicken to everyone, I left in a hurry.

"Hey! I'm so anxious to die!" Qin Huairu stomped his feet.

If she could buy two chickens from Jiang Ping'an, she would be able to express her depression in front of Chen Xueying.

In the final analysis, she was idle at home and lacked the confidence to speak, so she couldn't be compared with Chen Xueying.

Even if she fights with Chen Xueying, it won't help.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

It was okay before, although the conditions of the He family were good.

But Shazhu is a bachelor, his family is deserted, and his life is not very good.

Comparing the Jia family and the He family now, they cannot be compared at all.

Especially these days.

Chen Xueying was always acting weird in front of Qin Huairu, which made Qin Huairu very aggrieved.

Unknowingly, she also complained to Jia Dongxu.

It is precisely because my man is not up to date.

Not to mention the hardships of life at home, I also have to be dragged down and sulked.

"Hey, it's a pity that I got to know Ping An too late, and Jing Ru got cheap for nothing."

Qin Huairu sighed secretly, feeling depressed in her heart.

She could imagine how easy Qin Jingru's life would be after following Jiang Ping'an.

When she went back during the Chinese New Year, she had already seen it.

In such a difficult age, Qin Jingru can still feel sick from eating chicken, duck and fish, which shows how happy she is.

The new clothes come in sets, all bought in department stores.

Apart from worrying about food and clothing, Jiang Ping'an was willing to buy her a watch, which made Qin Huairu's envious eyes turn green.

Originally, I was also living a good life, but Jia Dongxu, who was dying, wanted a child.

So the good life of eating and drinking spicy food was ruined in vain, which made Qin Huairu regret it very much.

Back then, it would have been fine if I had been more stubborn, or pestered Jiang Ping'an more, and conceived his child.

The more Qin Huairu thought about it, the more angry she became, and she was also angry with Jiang Ping'an.

The dead man promised to help him every now and then, but he forgot about it when he turned around.

Ever since she became pregnant, Jiang Ping'an had ignored her, and it was completely broken.

In the past few months, let alone some food from him, he has not even given him a chance to drink oily soup.

"What a cruel guy, he doesn't feel sorry for anyone at all." Qin Huairu felt very wronged.

While wiping tears, I heard the third mother ask: "Huairu, what a great opportunity, why doesn't your family buy it?"

"Isn't Jiazhang very smart? Ping'an helps buy chickens and is giving out benefits! Can't you understand that?"

"My third uncle and I regret it now. We should have bought a few more at the beginning, so that we could make money."

"Look, as soon as this chicken is bought, it will lay eggs today and start to make back its money. How wonderful it is!"

Qin Huairu sniffed, looked enviously at the clucking hens in the cage, and replied:

"I wanted to buy it at the beginning, but my mother-in-law was reluctant to part with the money, and she couldn't believe in safety, hey..."

The third mother shook her head and said, "Tsk tsk, isn't this a loss? And it's a big loss!"

"There are chickens that lay eggs, which can not only supplement nutrition for the family, but also can be exchanged for food, or sold for money to supplement the family."

"Your mother-in-law can't believe in safety? What kind of vision?"

"You don't need to trust him in other aspects, but has he ever made a mistake when it comes to getting supplies?"

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