Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 308 Opportunity is ahead, read at night by night (800 monthly tickets plus more chapters)

The sun is setting.

The breeze blows gently, taking away the hot and dry air during the day.

On the road, Li Xinmei was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, hugging Jiang Ping'an's waist, her face flushed.

The man riding a bicycle smells particularly good.

The faint refreshing breath, mixed with some men's body fragrance, made her mouth dry and dizzy.

"Here we are!" Jiang Pingan said to Li Xinmei as the bicycle stopped at the gate of the park.

Li Xinmei got out of the car reluctantly, stepped back prettyly, and watched Jiang Pingan lock the bicycle.

"There is a rockery in this park, it's easy to get lost when you first come here."

Jiang Pingan took Li Xinmei to the park, smiling as he walked.

Li Xinmei pursed her lips and smiled at him, but didn't speak.

She asked Jiang Pingan to come out to play today, but Jiang Pingan chose the place.

She didn't know what she was thinking, so she wanted to be alone with Jiang Ping'an.

There is a magical power in this man, which always attracts her to approach involuntarily.

"Why don't you talk? Didn't you just keep talking before?" Jiang Pingan asked with a smile.

Li Xinmei rolled her eyes, and said, "I want you to worry about it, I don't want to talk right now."

With that said, he trotted towards the rockery.

She has been here countless times, and she doesn't need Jiang Ping'an to lead the way.

Jiang Pingan laughed and chased after her, pulling her braids a few times in exchange for Li Xinmei chasing and beating her.

"If you pull my hair again, I'll beat you to death!" Li Xinmei chased him, pretending to be angry.

Jiang Pingan laughed loudly while running: "Haha, I thought you were dumb!"

"Don't run away, let me catch you, and I will have your fruit!" Li Xinmei smiled and hurried to catch up.

Jiang Ping'an was fast and sometimes slow, allowing Li Xinmei to touch the corner of his clothes occasionally, but not letting her actually hit him.

After chasing and chasing, Li Xinmei giggled, and had long forgotten the original intention of chasing Jiang Ping'an. Instead, have fun.

After a while, the two came to the rockery.

Jiang Pingan looked in one direction, took Li Xinmei's little hand, and walked into the rockery from a stone path.

Li Xinmei's face turned red, she gently tugged at her hand, but Jiang Ping'an held it tightly.

After hesitating for a moment, she felt sweet in her heart, so she stopped pulling her hand back and let Jiang Pingan pull.

At the rockery corridor, Jiang Ping'an stopped and looked at Li Xinmei with piercing eyes:

"We can only stay here for forty minutes, and I have to rush back to school."

Li Xinmei smiled and said: "I know, didn't you say that before?"

When she was talking, her heart was trembling, and her hands and feet couldn't be controlled.

Jiang Ping'an's eyes were too hot, which made her look forward to it, but she was extremely shy.

Slowly, she lowered her eyes, her face turned red and purple, and she was at a loss.

"You...why are you looking at me like this?" Li Xinmei moved her lips shyly.

Jiang Pingan played with her little hand, and whispered: "I have a partner, are you afraid?"

Li Xinmei's heart tightened, she stretched out her hand to press his lips, raised her face and said:

"When you're with me, don't mention her, or I'll get angry."

Jiang Pingan didn't know what she meant, so he held her small face, lowered his head and kissed her...

in the future.

Li Xinmei sat on Jiang Ping'an's lap, hugging his neck with her arms, sobbing softly.

"I really didn't expect it to be like this, it's too scary!" Li Xinmei said aggrievedly.

Jiang Ping'an buried his head in her arms, and said in a low voice, "Don't you realize it now?"

"You asked me to get up, I felt a little uncomfortable, and I panicked." Li Xinmei said softly, with the lingering charm on her face.

She is like a young flower bud, ready to be released.

Jiao Didi's gestures are so charming, charming, innocent and cute!

Jiang Ping raised his head and looked at her silently, liking her more and more.

"Oh, don't look at it, it's so embarrassing!" Li Xinmei said coquettishly, covering her chest with her hands.

Jiang Pingan laughed and swayed for a while, and Li Xinmei was instantly lost in the lake again.

"You come again, I'm afraid of you... um..."



At the street intersection, Li Xinmei got off the back seat and looked at Jiang Ping'an with a smile.

"You really don't want me to take you home?" Jiang Ping'an asked with his legs on the bicycle, lighting a cigarette.

Li Xinmei shook her head and said, "There are not many steps to go, you should smoke less, it's not good for your health."

Jiang Ping'an smiled slightly, nodded, and asked, "Is it really all right?"

"Ah! Don't ask too many questions, it doesn't matter if you walk." Li Xinmei said shyly, covering her face.

After taking a few deep breaths, she put down her hands, pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"Go first, I'll watch you go, I'll be waiting for you at the school gate tomorrow."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Don't go to the school gate, go to this place, you won't be afraid of rain or shine."

Li Xinmei tilted her head, wrote down the address, nodded and said, "Okay, don't let me go!"

After a pause, she hesitated and said, "I want to be transferred to Hongxing Hospital, which is closer to your home."

"Whatever you want, do you need my help?" Jiang Ping'an smiled.

Li Xinmei shook her head and smiled, "No, I'll just tell my dad."

She came from a medical family, and her father was also a cadre of the city's health department.

Knowing her family background, Jiang Pingan didn't say much, waved his hand, and pedaled away.

Li Xinmei pursed her lips, watched him disappear into the street, and smiled slightly.


director's office.

"Take these books back and have a look. If you don't know how to come to school to find me, I will arrange a teacher to tutor you."

Dean Gao took a dozen books and handed them to Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Pingan took it and flipped through a few books at random, all of which were in English and contained everything.

"Thank you Dean, when is the exam?" Jiang Ping'an asked with a smile.

Dean Gao smiled and said, "I don't know. This matter was arranged by the superior department. There is no exact time."

"You study at ease first, don't think about it, I will notify you when the exam notice comes."

He said earnestly, "Student Ping An, this is a rare encounter, you must seize it!"

"If you can pass the exam, it is not only the honor of the school, but also the honor of your unit."

"You must have high standards and strict requirements, and study the books I gave you well."

"Let me tell you straight, there are as many as thousands of people taking the exam each time, but only about ten people are actually admitted each time."

"In addition to the written test, there are also interviews and reviews in all aspects, so you can't be careless in any aspect."

Jiang Pingan took a breath, nodded and said, "Don't worry, Dean, I will definitely study hard and forge ahead."

"Don't embarrass the school and the unit, but also inspire progress for your own progress, strive for excellence, and practice skills hard!"


I went to night school and went back to the courtyard.

Looking at the pile of books on the Kang table, Jiang Pingan shook his head and smiled wryly.

Well, the learning task is even heavier now.

Although Dean Gao said that the admission rate of each exam is very low.

But Jiang Ping'an had never been one to back down easily.

He is easy-going, able to play and busy.

"Well, in order to seize this opportunity, I have to read for a while at night..."

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