Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 310 One after another, Chen Xueying's city

"Why do you suddenly want to be an uncle?"

Jiang Pingan lit a cigarette, took a puff, and asked Zheng Gang.

Zheng Gang stood and answered, rubbing his hands together and said, "Isn't this too honest before?"

"Now that I wake up, I realize that it would be hard for this person to have no rights."

"Yi Zhonghai now knows that I was messing with him earlier, so I shouldn't be on guard against him?"

"Chief Jiang, I'm here to visit the pier today. If I become an uncle, I'll listen to you from now on."

"If you tell me to go east, I will go east; if you tell me to go west, I will go west."

A few days ago, Yi Zhonghai, because of Jiang Ping'an's suggestion, gave him a taste of the sweetness.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and Yi Zhonghai already guessed that it was his trick behind the scenes.

Zheng Gang was still very afraid of Yi Zhonghai, so he wanted to find Jiang Ping'an as a backer.

Jiang Pingan glanced at him indifferently, and asked, "How much is the wine bottle?"

"Two hundred yuan, it's a little small, please don't dislike it, Chief Jiang." Zheng Gang said nervously.

In order to be able to rely on Jiang Ping'an, he was going all out, and took out more than three months' salary.

Jiang Ping'an murmured, "You take the money back, but I'll take the wine."

"As for whether you can be an uncle, it depends on tomorrow's vote."

"But don't worry, even if you don't become an uncle, as long as you live your life honestly, I will protect you."

Zheng Gang breathed a sigh of relief, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Section Chief Jiang, if you have something to do in the future, just take care of it."

Saying that, he bent over, turned and left.

"Take the money!" Jiang Ping'an called out.

Zheng Gang paused, turned around and said with a flattering smile: "There is no such thing as money."

"Jiang Kejiang bought two chickens for me today, and I'll give you two bottles of wine as a thank you."

Then, he stopped staying and walked out.

Jiang Ping'an smiled dumbly, and said, "You're a quick learner!"

He Yuzhu's house.

Chen Xueying stood behind the window, turned to He Yuzhu and said:

"The three uncles went to Section Chief Jiang's house just now, and they were probably discussing the selection of uncles."

"This is to choose a master for the middle school. You have an advantage, and you have the support of a master."

"But I thought you still had to visit Section Chief Jiang. His opinion is very important."

He Yuzhu came over and hugged her from behind.

After rustling for a while, she fell into the mud and couldn't help but let out a little breath.

He secretly said with a sigh of relief, and said in his mouth:

"It doesn't matter whether you can become a master or not. I'm not very interested in this matter."

"If it wasn't for stopping Xu Damao's grandson, I wouldn't care who is the uncle!"

Chen Xueying was stubborn, frowned slightly, gritted her teeth and said, "What's so bad about being an uncle?"

"No matter what happens in the courtyard, with this identity, you have the initiative."

"Look, Xu Damao sneaked into the front yard! He must be visiting Section Chief Jiang."

He Yuzhu stepped forward and saw Xu Damao go to the front yard through the window.

"This bastard just likes to engage in these crooked ways." He Yuzhu gritted his teeth and cursed softly.

Chen Xueying said: "Don't worry about cursing people, you should pay attention to it, and I will take good care of you when you become an uncle."

"Really?" He Yuzhu was overjoyed, his emotions became even more agitated, and Chen Xueying finally had consciousness.

The two men bowed their heads and fought fiercely. After a while, Xu Damao came back and saw Zheng Gang going to the front yard again.

"Zheng Gang has also gone, so don't delay, hurry up and visit Section Chief Jiang earlier." Chen Xueying said eagerly.

He Yuzhu frowned and said, "We didn't prepare for this in advance, so we can't go empty-handed, right?"

"Didn't we still have two bottles of Erguotou when we got married?" Chen Xueying pondered.

"You mentioned it. Although it's not a good wine, it's our heart."

He Yuzhu nodded, speeding up his movements and getting busy.

in the future.

He Yuzhu packed up quickly, went out with two bottles of wine, and went to find Jiang Ping'an.

When we arrived at the front yard, we saw that Jiang Ping'an's house was pitch black, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

He Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, walked to the bedroom window, and knocked lightly.

"Jiang Pingan, are you asleep? I'm a fool, I want to tell you something." He Yuzhu said in a low voice.

"Go to bed, we'll talk about something tomorrow, come back!" Jiang Ping'an replied in the room.

He Yuzhu thought in his heart: "This bastard is playing tricks with me!"

But he said in his mouth: "The delay won't be long, a few minutes will be enough, and I will leave after I finish talking."

Jiang Ping'an said: "Do you not understand human speech or what? Didn't you hear me say that you have already fallen asleep?"

"Your grandma, it makes me seem to be happy to praise your stinky feet." He Yuzhu cursed in his heart.

Although he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to pester him anymore. He knew Jiang Ping'an's stubborn temper very well.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, I'll come to you tomorrow." He Yuzhu said very aggrieved.

Suddenly, he didn't pay much attention to being an uncle, but now he does.

He found that a man really cannot be without power.

Just because Jiang Ping'an has power, everyone is trying to curry favor with him.

Even if it's him, even if he doesn't want to, he has to flatter Jiang Pingan and dare not offend him.

When she returned home dejectedly, she saw Chen Xueying poured a basin of water and squatted down to wash it.

He Yuzhu was stunned for a moment, and stepped forward to ask: "Xueying, you have to be more diligent in the future, and wash several times a day."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Chen Xueying asked in confusion.

He Yuzhu frowned, hesitantly said: "Your body smell is a bit strong, it smells so bad."

Chen Xueying blushed, but more embarrassment.

She was originally a clear spring, but after countless people searched for the bottom line, she turned into a quagmire full of mud.

Fearing that He Yuzhu would be suspicious, Chen Xueying quickly explained:

"Aren't I busy with work? I'm tired and sweaty, so the smell will naturally be strong."

"Huh, didn't the wine go out? Section Chief Jiang ignored you?"

He Yuzhu didn't think much, and replied: "He has fallen asleep, and I will look for him tomorrow."

"Okay, you have to take care of this matter. If you miss the opportunity, you will have no time to regret it." Chen Xueying nodded.


late at night.

Qin Huairu quietly went to Jiang Pingan's house.

"What are you doing here so late? Can't you talk about something during the day?" Jiang Ping'an frowned.

Qin Huairu said pitifully: "My family didn't get any chickens today, so my silly daughter-in-law just got mad at me."

"Who can blame this? Your family didn't buy it yourself!" Jiang Ping'an said angrily.

"Oh, by the way, it seems that last time you said that Shazhu wanted to give you chickens, is it gone now?"

"I really convinced you, it's not normal to always point to other people's homes to live."

Qin Huairu said aggrievedly: "There is no way, our family only earns money by Dongxu."

"He's incompetent, he doesn't have the ability to talk about it, and he's a prodigal, so we can't think of other ways?"

Jiang Pingan sneered, and said, "Let's say it first, if you're here to ask me for a chicken, don't say anything."

"First, I won't give you the chicken for nothing, and second, even if you buy it with money, I don't bother to worry about it anymore."

"I had the opportunity to be coy before now, but now you see other people raising chickens, are you envious?"

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