Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 311 An Undercurrent Surges, Liang Ladi Invites

early morning.

People in the courtyard got up very early.

They were all busy chopping up the wild vegetables and weeds picked from the countryside yesterday and feeding them to the chickens.

There is not enough food for people these days, let alone chickens, which can only be raised with wild vegetables and weeds.

After Jiang Ping got up to wash up, he heard Liu Haizhong say loudly:

"Anyone who has chickens at home should be more diligent and clean, so that the yard doesn't stink."

"Don't dump the chicken shit out of the house. I asked Guangqi to find a sack and put it in the woodshed in the middle courtyard."

"After the chicken feces are collected, they are all poured into sacks, and the person on duty takes them out every morning."

Liu Haizhong, on the other hand, put his heart and soul into it, notifying from the back yard, the middle yard, and the front yard.

Yan Bugui's big family stood in front of the chicken coop early in the morning, smiling happily.

"Third Master, are you not serving the flowers and plants now?" Jiang Pingan asked with a smile standing at the door.

Yan Bugui replied with a smile: "Taking care of the flowers and plants, how can I look at the hen?"

"Ping An, I found that I bought a little less chicken, can you help me buy more in the future?"

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Let's talk about it next month, let's see if everyone can continue to breed."

"I'm sure I can persevere, everyone's enthusiasm is very high." The third mom answered.

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Raising chickens is not that easy. I just started raising chickens now, so the enthusiasm is naturally high."

"Okay, let's raise it for a while and then look at it. Ping'an's suggestion is safe." Yan Bugui nodded with a smile.

While talking, Liu Haizhong, Liu Guangqi and his son came out from the middle courtyard.

After seeing Jiang Ping'an, Liu Haizhong smiled and said:

"Ping An, everyone said that they would like to thank you for helping to buy chickens, and they will collect some flour for you after the food is paid."

Yan Bugui patted his forehead and said with a smile, "Look at my memory!"

"Someone mentioned this matter last night, and everyone responded one after another, saying that you can't help for nothing."

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I don't lack for this. Thank you for your kindness for me. Keep it for yourself!"

"Don't refuse, just accept this heavy heart!" Liu Haizhong laughed.

At this time, Jiang Ping'an saw Nan Yi coming over, and pondered:

"Second master, third master, please tell everyone."

"From now on, all those who need to sell eggs will be handed over to Nanyi, and let him take them to the rolling mill."

"It can be exchanged for money, food and cloth tickets, and the price is based on the market price."

Yan Bugui nodded and said, "According to the market price, if you only sell for money, you will lose money."

"But if it's for food and cloth tickets, and there are some profits, it's the safest thing to sell to the factory."

Nan Yi looked confused, and after Jiang Pingan explained it clearly to him, he agreed with all his mouth:

"Okay, it's my honor to make some contribution to the courtyard."

"Well, from now on, every Monday morning, we will buy together, and then I will take it to the factory."

Liu Haizhong nodded and said: "Okay, there will be a meeting of the whole hospital tonight, and I will inform everyone about it by the way."

After talking and laughing for a while, the adults who had to go to work and the students who went to school came out one after another in the yard.

Jiang Ping'an checked the time, went back to the house to tidy up a bit, and took the tricycle and bicycle out of the courtyard.

"Leader, let me ride the tricycle for you!" Nan Yi stepped forward and said with a smile.

Jiang Pingan glanced at the tricycle and felt that riding a bicycle was indeed much lighter, so he nodded in agreement.

Just as he was about to pedal away, he saw Xu Damao running out with his bicycle in a panic, pedaled and ran away.

He Yuzhu chased him out from behind. cursed and said:

"Xu Damao, don't let me catch you bastard, or I'll beat you out of shit!"

Yi Zhonghai came out from the courtyard, and scolded: "Zhuzi, what are you doing so early in the morning?"

"Master, it's not me who made trouble, it's Xu Damao, the grandson of the turtle, who molested my Xueying!" He Yuzhu said angrily.

Yi Zhonghai froze for a moment, frowned and said, "Tell me carefully."

"There's nothing to say." He Yuzhu gritted his teeth.

"It's not like you don't know who Xu Damao is, he's full of flabbergasted words."

"He blocked Xueying by the sink just now, saying that five yuan is too expensive!"

"Tell me, who does he take Xueying for? It's really disgusting!"

A hint of possibility and hope flashed in Yi Zhonghai's heart, but he said:

"This kid dog can't change eating shit, it should be cleaned up."

"But you have to pay attention to the impact. It's not good for you if things get into trouble."

He Yuzhu took a deep breath, nodded and said:

"I know my uncle, I will pay attention to propriety."

Yi Zhonghai sighed, turned around and walked up to Jiang Ping'an and said:

"Ping An, I'm afraid you are the only one who can control Xu Damao in the courtyard."

"You have to criticize and educate him about such things that corrupt the atmosphere."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll warn him later, don't mess around in the yard."

Yi Zhonghai nodded his head, and heard the voice behind his words.

It's not allowed to mess around in the courtyard, but it doesn't matter outside the courtyard, right?

So much the better.

It seems that I have to go to Xu Damao's side to inquire about the situation behind it.

Seeing that Jiang Ping'an agreed to help, He Yuzhu said happily:

"Thank you, Chief Jiang, I will remember you about this matter."

Jiang Ping'an shook his head and said, "There's nothing human to talk about, the most I can do is talk about him."

"Whether he listens to me or not, I don't care. I can't stare at him all day, can I?"

He Yuzhu nodded and said, "It's a great favor for you to speak for me."

He has also learned a lot now, and found that Jiang Ping'an takes favors very seriously.

He is easy to say anything at ordinary times, just a little, he will not help others for nothing.

He also remembers the favors owed to him by others, no matter how big or small.


It's past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Pingan received a call from Liang Ladi.

She said that the house was rented, and she asked for leave today. She was moving in the morning, and she wanted to invite Jiang Pingan to dinner tonight.

"There's going to be a meeting in the yard tonight, and I have to go to night school, so there's no delay." Jiang Ping'an mused.

"How about this, I'll go to your side and sit for a while, first recognize the door."

On the other end of the phone, Liang Ladi happily said: "Okay, then I'll wait for you to come over."

After Jiang Pingan wrote down the address clearly, he told Jiang Yihu.

Let him keep watch on the phone, and register first if there is something to do. He will come to deal with it tomorrow, and he will leave work early.

Summer is hot and sunny.

Jiang Pingan rode his bike at a fast pace and stopped in front of a tube building.

Ermao and Sanmao were waiting downstairs. When they saw Jiang Ping'an arrived, they all gathered around and shouted for Jiang's father.

Jiang Pingan took out a pack of chestnut cold cakes prepared in advance, and gave each of the two children a piece.

Chestnut cold cake is a very traditional special snack.

Yellowish in color, soft, glutinous, sweet and delicious, with a strong chestnut flavor, it is generally eaten in summer.

It is made by pressing pure chestnut powder, sugar and sweet-scented osmanthus.

According to legend, this pastry was originally a first-class tribute in the court of the Yuan Dynasty, and later spread among the people.

"Thank you Dad Jiang, what is this?" Er Mao asked doubtfully, swallowing hard.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "This is corn cake. It's delicious. Eat it quickly!"

Taking the two children to the back of the house, they saw Liang Ladi leaning against the door, looking at him with a smile.

"Buying things for the children again? I told you not to waste money."

Seeing that the two children were eating snacks, Liang Ladi glared at Jiang Ping'an with sparkling eyes, and said angrily.

Jiang Ping'an laughed and said, "I'm not prepared today, I have a sample, come on, you have a piece too..."

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