Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 312 The pride of Liang Jiedi, the happy Yan Jiedi

Liang Ladi's newly rented house is quite spacious.

This building has six floors in total, and her house is on the ground floor.

It used to be a warehouse, but after it was abandoned, it was separated by the streets and rented out to others.

Naturally, Liang Ladi's house only has one room.

Needless to say, this room is relatively high, and it is separated by a floor by the previous residents. When it is used as two floors, it is much wider.

"The rent is still charged per room." Liang Ladi said with a smile.

"Brother Da Mao lives upstairs, and some unused sundries are also placed there."

"I live downstairs with Xiu'er, so it's easy."

Jiang Pingan looked around, nodded and smiled and said:

"Good luck, you found such a good place!"

The room is separated in the middle, and the outside is used as a kitchen and dining room.

The inner room is the bedroom, and Liang Ladi's sewing machine is also placed in the corner.

It seems that she is not idle after get off work, she is still helping people make clothes, earning money to supplement the family.

This woman is a hard-working person, serious in her work and enthusiastic in her life, she does not cheat or play tricks.

She is also very talented in learning things. Whether she is a welder or a tailor, she can quickly enter the role.

"Hehe, Master Jiang helped to find it. He has acquaintances on the street to talk to." Liang Ladi laughed.

Jiang Pingan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is that what you said?"

Liang Ladi blushed, bit her lip, nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, it's him."

After seeing the room, Liang Ladi poured hot water, asked Jiang Pingan to wash his face, and let the two children go out to play.

"Are you still making clothes for others?" Jiang Ping'an asked while washing his face.

Liang Ladi hugged him from behind, dawdling, and softly replied:

"It's long gone, isn't it because I'm afraid you have opinions?"

"Besides, I can live on now, so I won't earn that kind of money anymore."

Jiang Ping'an nodded in satisfaction. After washing her face, she turned around and held her small face, carefully examining it.

After Liang Ladi arrived at the garment factory, she looked much fairer.

She still has a younger sister's cut, her hair is black, and her melon-seeded face is exquisite and attractive.

A pair of big watery eyes, clear and bright, blinking, with tenderness.

She has a plump and enchanting figure. Although she is wearing overalls, she is still curvaceous, playful and charming.

"Why are you looking at me? It's only been a few days, and you don't recognize me?" Liang Ladi smiled with her lips pursed.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I find that you are becoming more and more feminine, and the more you look the better."

"Hehe, you didn't pick something nice to tell me, did you?" Liang Ladi leaned forward and rubbed noses with him.

"But as long as it's what you say, I like to listen to it, and if you say more, it makes me happy... um..."


The wind and rain stopped.

Liang Ladi pulled out the messy hair in front of her forehead, showing a flushed face, nestled in Jiang Ping'an's arms, and said softly:

"My place is much closer to your compound, and it only takes about 20 minutes to walk."

"In the future, you have to come over more often, don't let me often stay alone in the empty room!"

"Also, I have already obtained the certificate from Master Jiang, so we can have children with confidence."

Jiang Pingan was startled, and blamed: "Why didn't you tell me when you got the certificate?"

"Aren't I afraid that you will be unhappy if you see it? Out of sight, out of mind." Liang Ladi smiled slightly.

"Actually, there's nothing to say. Master Jiang is just covering for us, nothing else."

"But let's talk about it first. If I have a child in the future, I will adopt one for him."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, I'd rather raise it by myself."

"Are you afraid that he won't be able to raise the child well?" Liang Ladi asked.

"Don't worry, Master Jiang's family is in good condition. He won't starve and freeze the child, and he won't let him be wronged."

Jiang Pingan said with a smile: "I'm just afraid that he will spoil and raise the child badly."

"I hope you will take care of the children. Look at Da Mao and the others, how sensible they are raised by you."

Liang Ladi giggled and said, "Actually, raising a child is no coincidence."

"Teach them more patiently, let them know right and wrong from an early age, and they will naturally become sensible."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "It's not as easy as you said?"

"Educating children to become talents has been a long-standing problem since ancient times."

"A lot of capable people, don't they still raise wimpy descendants?"

Liang Ladi covered her mouth and laughed straight, feeling a little proud in her heart, her children were really sensible.

"Let's not talk about that, what have you been up to lately? Studying at night school is hard, right?"

Jiang Ping'an said with a smile: "Say you're busy, but you're not too busy. Say you're not busy. There's something else to do."

"However, in general, it's much easier for us as cadres than your front-line workers."

"As for studying, I don't feel tired. I like to study and put in it. On the contrary, I have a fulfilling life."

"By the way, speaking of studying, I asked you to enroll in night school. Have you signed up?"

Liang Ladi nodded and said: "I have applied, but I haven't gone to study yet."

"Didn't you think about renting a house before? I planned to go to school after moving."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "That's good. No matter what era you want to progress, you can't do without culture."

Liang Ladi nodded and discussed: "Let's go after dinner at my place tonight!"

"Look at the children who like you very much. Once you come here, they will be very happy."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Next time, I'll go back earlier, so the meeting can be held earlier in the courtyard."

"It's not good to be a cadre now, even if there are three uncles in charge in the courtyard."

"Everyone loves to hear my opinion no matter what happens."

Liang Ladi smiled and said: "Isn't that good? I still think that others will flatter me if they have something to do!"

Saying that, she got up and held Jiang Ping'an's face, condescendingly, and smiled affectionately:

"I'm lucky. I found a good man with skills. The better you develop, the more at ease I will be."

As she said that, she rubbed her hands slightly, and after a moment of embarrassment, the embossed inlays fit perfectly...


I spent several hours at Liang Ladi's house.

When leaving, Liang Ladi was exhausted, but Jiang Ping'an was refreshed.

It's been a long time since we were newlyweds, even though we haven't seen each other for a few days, for Liang Ladi, it's a full meal and a hungry meal.

Therefore, she was naturally a little eager to eat, and she felt a sense of urgency after eating the last meal.

Riding home, Jiang Ping'an took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

People who went to work and school came back one after another.

Jiang Ping'an threw the dirty clothes into the basin, came to the living room, and saw Yan Jiedi standing outside the door looking in.

"Xiedi is here?" Jiang Ping'an smiled.

Yan Jiedi smiled slightly, trotted in, and said with a smile:

"I just came back from school, so I came to have a look. When I heard movement in the room, I knew you were back, Brother Pingan."

"Brother Ping An, you just took a shower? Do you have any dirty clothes to wash? I'm free right now."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "The dirty clothes are in the kitchen basin, go and wash them!"

When Yan Jiedi heard this, she was overjoyed and turned around to run to the kitchen, but Jiang Pingan grabbed her.

Yan Jiedi let out a cry, threw herself into Jiang Ping'an's arms, raised her rosy face, moved her lips and said:

"Brother Ping An, is there anything else?"

Jiang Pingan hugged her, took out a piece of candy, stuffed it into her mouth, and said with a smile:

"This candy is not your salary, it is my treat for you."

Yan Jiedi smiled openly, her eyes turned into crescent moons, and said happily, "Thank you Brother Pingan..."

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