Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 313 Yan Jiedi is shy, and the whole hospital meeting is held


In the kitchen, Jiang Ping'an was talking with Yan Jiedi, watching her wash clothes.

"Do you do any housework at home?" Jiang Ping'an asked with a smile.

Yan Jiedi shook her head and said, "I seldom do it, it's because my mother is busy."

"However... I will occasionally help, sweeping the floor and doing laundry."

"It's my mother who doesn't like my work. She always says I don't do well and despises me."

Yan Jiedi rubbed her clothes a few times, leaned back, and lay in Jiang Ping'an's arms.

She felt very comfortable, squinted her eyes and smiled:

"Brother Ping An, you treat me well and encourage me often, so I work hard."

Jiang Pingan hugged her, rubbed her face, smiled and said:

"I'm not encouraging you, but telling the truth."

"I think you did a good job cleaning and washing clothes."

"If you really can't do it well, and I'm not stupid, why would I give you candy? Right?"

Yan Jiedi hummed softly, her little face became more and more red, she pursed her lips and said:

"Yes, but I just don't understand why my mother always criticizes me."

"She said that I'm a girl's family, and I can't do that well, and I can't do this well, but it hurts people."

Jiang Pingan smiled and asked, "Your mother didn't mean to find fault with you, did she?"

Yan Jiedi was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Find me? Why?"

"Because you didn't give her candy, haha..." Jiang Pingan laughed.

Yan Jiedi suddenly said: "It's really possible that this is the case, let me just say..."

"Hmph, I don't give her any candy. If she wants to scold, she can scold, and if she hates it, then hate it!"

Jiang Pingan said with a smile: "I suggest you give your parents a piece of candy each month to show your filial piety."

"Really, you listen to me. In this case, your parents will treat you better in the future, and they will come back."

Yan Jiedi hesitated, thought for a while, and listened to Jiang Ping'an's words.

"Okay, I'll take two candies back later and give them to my parents to taste."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said: "That's right, maybe they will reward you with an egg when they are happy."

"Heck, it's impossible!" Yan Jiedi laughed.

"My parents are so temperamental, brother, you don't know?"

"They have to spend two cents for one penny, so they don't want to waste eggs!"

As she spoke, she was startled suddenly, stretched out her hand and scratched back, turned around and said in doubt:

"Brother Ping An, what is this?"

Jiang Pingan patted her hand away and said angrily:

"Don't ask nonsense, you will know later."

Yan Jiedi was full of curiosity: "Why later? Can't you see it now?"

"No!" Jiang Pingan stared.

Yan Jiedi murmured, "Stingy, don't let anyone take a look."

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, her face was flushed red, she covered her face with her hands, trying to find a crack in the ground to slip down.

She is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything, and she often listens to what the bad boys in the yard are talking about.

I also listened to the rumors of those women's parents and families, and after being influenced by their ears and eyes, they naturally understood.

I just didn't think about it before, but now I understood it instantly, and my face couldn't help but panicked.

Jiang Pingan smirked and said, "What's wrong? Do you know what it is? Do you still want to see it?"

"Well, I see, it's so embarrassing!" Yan Jiedi said with her face covered.

Although shy, she really wanted to see what it was like, but she couldn't say it.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Hurry up and do the laundry, a little girl, she knows a lot!"

"It's probably going to be a meeting. I'll go out and have a look. You can go back directly after washing!"


After leaving the room and coming to the courtyard, Jiang Pingan shook his head and smiled.

"These girls really know a lot and mature early." He thought to himself.

But this is also related to the fact that the courtyard is full of animals, and talking is irrelevant, so Yan Jiedi naturally listens a lot.

If it is placed in a decent place, many honest and responsible people will still be at a loss when they grow up and work.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Wen Li.

After she married Tong Zhi, the two had been married for a long time, and Wen Li only thought that sleeping was sleeping.

Later, it was Tong Zhi who lost his temper, Wen Li went back to her mother's house, and her sister taught her in private, so she knew what was going on.

When Wen Li told him about this, Jiang Pingan laughed out loud, thinking it was quite interesting.

Come to the middle courtyard.

I saw Liu Guangqi and Yan Jiecheng setting up the table and bench where the uncle sat, and reserved a place for Jiang Ping'an.

Although the uncle is gone, the position is still reserved, which means that the establishment is still there, and the rules cannot be messed up.

"Chief Jiang, my dad said he would reserve a place for you alone, do you think it's appropriate to put it here?"

Liu Guangqi pointed to a chair nearby and came over to ask for instructions.

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "You guys are interested, but don't make it so conspicuous."

"In the courtyard, the three uncles are always the biggest, and we must distinguish between the primary and secondary."

"Well, put the chair you gave me in the corner, and I'll sit with the crowd."

Liu Guangqi hesitated for a moment and said, "This is not good, Chief Jiang, you are a serious leader..."

"No, I'm no longer the leader when I'm back in the courtyard, just follow my orders." Jiang Pingan said with a wave.

Seeing that his attitude was firm, Liu Guangqi didn't force himself anymore, and quickly lifted the chair to the corner and put it away.

After thinking about it, he ran to Yi Zhonghai's house again, borrowed a high stool, and put a teacup for Jiang Ping'an later.

"Not bad, work hard, I won't forget you when I have a chance in the future!"

Jiang Ping stepped forward and patted Liu Guangqi on the shoulder with satisfaction.

This kid has respected Jiang Pingan very much since he started working, and he is also diligent in his work.

It can be said that Liu Guangqi inherited the spirituality of Liu Haizhong's family.

No matter where this kind of person goes, he can get along well.

But Jiang Pingan also saw it.

Liu Guangqi has serious personality flaws, such as shallow eyelids and rebellious bones in the back of his head.

Therefore, when he is out of power, he should be able to do well.

Once he gains power, Liu Guangqi's background is doomed that he will not go far.

While talking, Yi Zhonghai and his wife came out, each took a bench, and put them next to Jiang Ping'an's chair.

In the past, Yi Zhonghai was the last to appear on the stage, but now that he is not a master, he naturally has to come first.

Despite the fact that there are only so many people in the courtyard, the three uncles still look decent.

"Ping'an, who do you think is most likely to become the uncle today?" Yi Zhonghai asked.

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said with a smile: "I can't say for certain, before the final result comes out, anyone can become a master."

At this time, Zheng Gang and his family also came.

When Yi Zhonghai saw them, his eyes turned red and his face was gloomy and terrifying.

Zheng Gang naturally saw Yi Zhonghai, and the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he hadn't seen him.

He took his family and put the bench behind Jiang Ping's position.

Soon, Xu Damao, He Yuzhu and others arrived one after another.

The people in the courtyard house are full of contradictions, almost openly, seemingly calm, but in fact there are undercurrents surging.


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