"It's a meeting!"

With the arrival of Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui successively, the meeting of the whole hospital officially began.

The street lights were dim and hazy.

The originally noisy courtyard suddenly fell silent.

People were sitting or standing, all looking at Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui sitting in front of them.

Everyone is also curious about who can be the new uncle.

Liu Haizhong looked around the crowd and saw Yi Zhonghai sitting next to Jiang Ping'an, talking and laughing, and flinched.

"It's not easy for this old bastard to get on the line with Jiang Ping'an early on and kill him."

Although Yi Zhonghai has stepped down, he is still the biggest threat to Liu Haizhong.

"However, my relationship with Jiang Ping'an is not bad. It's still unknown who will win the battle. Don't let me take the chance."

Thoughts flashed across my mind, Liu Haizhong coughed and said:

"As you all know, Comrade Yi Zhonghai was revoked as a master by the street because of his mistakes."

"Therefore, we must elect a new person in our courtyard to be the uncle to assist the street in handling daily affairs."

"After a lot of deliberation with Comrade Yan Bugui and I, I went to ask Section Chief Jiang Pingan again."

"He put forward valuable opinions, so this meeting of the whole hospital was held!"

"We synthesized the opinions of many parties, and finally selected three comrades, Xu Damao, He Yuzhu, and Zheng Gang, to run for the status of the compound."

"Of course, if anyone here wants to be an uncle, he can bring it up now."

"And in the next agenda, make campaign speeches, and then let the masses vote."

After a pause, Liu Haizhong looked around and asked loudly, "Is there anyone else who signed up?"

The scene was very quiet, everyone shook their heads, and Liu Haizhong heaved a sigh of relief. In this situation, he was most afraid of someone causing trouble.

He nodded in satisfaction, and was about to move on to the next topic when he heard a voice from the corner.

"Second uncle, I want to run for election!" Jia Dongxu got up and walked forward, saying as he walked.

Liu Haizhong frowned and asked, "Just you? Jia Dongxu, you don't even look in the mirror."

"What kind of mass base is your family in the courtyard, don't you know?"

Jia Zhang jumped up from behind and replied loudly:

"Didn't you just say that everyone can participate in the election?"

"Is it possible that if you want to be an uncle, you have to tell which family you belong to?"

Yan Bugui answered, "You are right, not everyone can be a master!"

Jia Dongxu pursed his lips and said, "Xu Damao and Zheng Gang want to be uncles, so I have nothing to say."

"But silly Zhu, as far as I know, he just got punished not long ago and went to clean the toilet."

"Since he can run for the uncle, why can't I? I'm going to run for the election!"

He didn't even think about becoming an uncle today, he just came here to find trouble.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, but when this saying applies to Jia's family, it is completely opposite.

During this period of time, the He family became more and more lively, and both Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu were unhappy.

Furthermore, Chen Xueying came to the courtyard for the past few days, catching Qin Huairu's eccentricity and provocation every day.

Qin Huairu felt aggrieved and cried when she went home, so she would naturally tell Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu in private.

The two of them are unreasonable temperaments, and they still want to make trouble even if there is nothing to do, let alone something to do now?

Although Qin Huairu's status in the family is low, she can't let outsiders bully her casually.

Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu had been looking for trouble with the He family for a long time, but later they heard that He Yuzhu wanted to be the uncle.

This is not acceptable!

Anyone in the courtyard can be an uncle, except He Yuzhu.

In any case, this matter must be mixed up, so there is this play tonight.

He Yuzhu on the opposite side immediately became furious when he heard the words, stood up and asked:

"Jia Dongxu, did I recruit you to provoke you? If you want to run for office, you can run for office. Why are you talking about me?"

Yi Zhonghai also frowned, got up and said to Jia Dongxu:

"Dongxu, this is a meeting of the entire hospital, a very serious occasion, don't mess around!"

Jia Zhang stared and said, "Why did we mess up?"

"Maybe he's a fool who made a mistake to run for the election. Our family Dongxu wants to run for the election because he is messing around?"

"Is the world ruled by the people now? Is there any reason to say?"

"By the way, Yi Zhonghai will be punished for reciting it now, and he will be in the same rank as Sha Zhu!"

Yi Zhonghai was furious, and cursed: "You bastard! How did I say that Jia Dongxu would not be allowed to run?"

"Since you are going to run for the election, why didn't you say it earlier? You have to wait until the general meeting opens."

"What are you thinking? Do you want to cause damage? Mrs. Jia Zhang, I advise you not to make mistakes!"

Jia Zhang said disapprovingly: "Don't label me, I won't be afraid."

"As long as Shazhu is running for the election today, my Dongxu will definitely be running for the election."

He Yuzhu was extremely angry, and said with a cold face: "You really belong to me!"

"Okay, remember this! Don't fall into my hands from now on."

Liu Zhonghai stood up and said loudly:

"Since Jia Dongxu also wants to run, let's add him."

"Jia Zhang, it's none of your business here, go back and sit down!"

Jia Zhang snorted coldly, cursed and went back.

Liu Zhonghai coughed and said, "Now proceed to the first item. Candidates are invited to come forward."

Xu Damao, He Yuzhu, Zheng Gang, and Jia Dongxu all stepped forward.

Liu Zhonghai said: "The second item of the conference is going on. Candidates are invited to speak. Let's start with Xu Damao!"

Xu Damao happily walked two steps forward, coughed, shook his shoulders, and said:

"Hello, comrades, I, Xu Damao, grew up in this courtyard. Everyone knows what kind of person I am."

"I promise, if I can become the uncle in the courtyard, I will give everyone ten catties of sweet potatoes, including babies."

"In addition, I will unite the masses, be anxious about the needs of the people, and solve the worries of the people."

"I will try my best to help everyone and solve various practical difficulties. I will do what I say."


There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and they were pleasantly surprised to hear that Xu Damao was going to give sweet potatoes.

Food that comes for free, don't want it for nothing.

In recent years, especially since this year, sweet potatoes have become very popular.

When Xu Damao asked to give so many sweet potatoes, everyone's thoughts turned to him.

Hearing what Xu Damao said, Liu Haizhong hurriedly said:

"Xu Damao, don't say this again, or your speech will be cancelled."

Xu Damao frowned and said, "Why? Is there something wrong with me?"

"It's not right, back off, don't say any more." Liu Haizhong snorted coldly.

If Xu Damao hadn't given him a few bottles of good wine, he would have disqualified Xu Damao.

Xu Damao withdrew reluctantly, Liu Haizhong said to the remaining three:

"Remember, public bribery is not allowed, or you will be disqualified from running for the election."

Next, He Yuzhu stepped forward to speak.

When Jia Dongxu messed up earlier, he was angry, and he couldn't say what he had planned.

After walking a few steps forward, he hesitated for a while, felt anxious, and blurted out:

"If I become an uncle, I will take the initiative to take on the important task of cleaning the courtyard."

"Who else needs to do some physical work, and whoever gets married needs to be a cook, I will help for free."

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