Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 315 Stupid and cunning, full of ugly behavior

There was an uproar in the courtyard.

"Silly Zhu, can what you just said count?" Someone asked loudly.

He Yuzhu raised his neck and said, "Well, every mouthful of saliva is a nail, so many people are listening, how can there be fakes?"

"Silly Zhu, are you cleaning the courtyard all the time? You won't change your mind every day, right?" asked again with concern.

The sanitation of the courtyard, in addition to general cleaning, is usually cleaned by the residents of each courtyard in turn.

Although it is not a very tiring job, it is always a bit annoying.

Like Jiang Ping'an's family also has to clean the front yard.

It's just that He Yushui used to take over the work, but now Yan Jiedi took over the work.

So everyone was a little moved when He Yuzhu said this.

After all, Xu Damao said to give sweet potatoes, but he would finish eating them.

He Yuzhu is different. In order to be an uncle, he has to clean up all the time, which makes everyone a lot easier.

He Yuzhu hesitated, seeing Jia Dongxu staring at him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Yes, as long as I become an uncle, I will clean as long as I am."

People fight for breath, Buddha fights for incense, and today he is willing to go all out.

As for whether the promise can be fulfilled in the future, that is a matter after tomorrow, let's deal with today first.

He, He Yuzhu, is just so dishonest!

Yi Zhonghai stepped forward, frowned and said, "Zhuzi, don't promise what you can't do."

"It's fine to help with the cooking. Cleaning is not a matter of a day or two. Can you stick to it?"

Liu Haizhong sat on the chair and interjected: "Old Yi, Sha Zhu wants to be a master, he can do it of his own accord."

Yi Zhonghai stared at him for a few seconds, then turned around and went back to sit down.

Liu Haizhong snorted coldly, took a sip of tea from the mug, and said:

"Is it Zheng Gang's turn now? Come and speak!"

Zheng Gang stepped forward, smiled and said, "I have nothing to guarantee."

"If you can become an uncle, if everyone has difficulties, I will try my best to help, nothing else."

With that, he backed away.

"Hey, don't even mention it, if Old Zheng becomes an uncle, it will make people feel at ease."

"That's true. The other three always feel unreliable. Don't make us feel uncomfortable."

"I also think that Old Zheng is more reliable, and the other three are all brats, not reliable in their work."

"Old Zheng is honest and kind, needless to say, if you really want to ask him for something, he will definitely help."


Everyone chattered and discussed for a while, and gradually calmed down.

It is indeed a serious matter to elect the uncle in the court, and one should not be careless.

After all, it is not a matter of a day or two, it involves the vital interests of everyone.

Among the four, it goes without saying that Zheng Gang has a popular base.

It's not bad that a large family keeps a low profile in the courtyard and is not annoying.

The other three people were just causing trouble, and none of them was honest.

So the direction of the wind began to change unconsciously.

Finally it was Jia Dongxu's turn to speak, and he said:

"If I can become an uncle, Qin Huairu will help clean the sanitation in the courtyard."

"Not only that, we also help collect and dispose of chicken droppings from every household."

Seeing everyone nodding, Jia Dongxu was overjoyed, and continued:

"Even, every morning, my Huairu can come to collect excrement and urine..."

"No, I won't do this!" Qin Huairu rushed forward and said aggrievedly.

Everyone roared with laughter, overjoyed.

"Haha, Jia Dongxu, you are unreliable, you blame Qin Huairu for everything, why are you going?"

"Who doesn't know that Jia Dongxu is notoriously lazy? Working in a factory is just a job, and he is expected to serve the masses?"

"Haha, Jia Dongxu, you'd better get out, don't be ashamed here!"


Everyone, you say, I say, what Jia Dongxu said is that he can't wait to get in through a crack in the ground.

"Don't make trouble, Qin Huairu, get the hell out of here, you don't have a place to talk here."

Jia Dongxu became angry from embarrassment, he didn't dare to offend others, so he could only turn his anger on Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu sobbed softly, tears streaming down her face, feeling extremely wronged.

"I don't care, I can do other things, but I won't do door-to-door collection of feces and urine!"

Jia Dongxu stared angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "What's the matter, my words don't work anymore, right?"

"If you continue to embarrass yourself here, I will send you back to the countryside and let you live a few days of hard life!"

Qin Huairu gritted her teeth and said, "Even if I go back to the countryside, I won't agree!"

Jia Zhang ran forward, twisted Qin Huairu's ear and pulled it back, cursing viciously:

"Like a lake smear, Dongxu is doing business right now, what did you get involved in?"

Qin Huairu stumbled and staggered from being pulled, her ears hurt so badly that she screamed.

"Ouch, Mom, take it easy, woohoo, it hurts me to death..."

Liu Haizhong saw that it would not be a problem if he continued to make such a fuss, so he got up and said loudly:

"Okay, let's all be quiet, let's move on to the third item, comrades please vote."

Then he turned around and said to Yan Bugui, "Old Yan, I will leave it to you."

Yan Bugui nodded, stood up and said to everyone, "We will vote by secret ballot."

"I'll give everyone a piece of paper later, and you just write 1, 2, 3, 4 on it."

"Write 1 for those who choose Xu Damao, 2 for those who choose He Yuzhu, and 3 for those who choose Zheng Gang..."

"Note that each person can only write one number, which means that you can only choose one person who you think is suitable to be an uncle."

"If you write too much, the ticket will be invalidated. Of course, you can abstain from writing."

Then, Yan Bugui handed over the note and box prepared in advance to Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang.

One of the two took the note and pen, and the other took the box.

Walking up to an adult, Yan Jiecheng handed over paper and pen.

After the other party wrote it, he immediately threw it into the box that Yan Jiefang was holding.

Time passed slowly, and everyone was whispering, discussing who to vote for.

After Jiang Pingan wrote 3, he put the ticket in the box and listened to it.

I found that most people also voted for Zheng Gang.

"Ping An, who did you choose just now?" Lou Xiaoe asked behind him.

Jiang Pingan asked, "What about you? Who did you choose?"

"I chose Zheng Gang. If Xu Damao becomes the uncle, I'm afraid he will not be quiet." Lou Xiao'e replied in a low voice.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that our heroes see the same thing, and I also chose Zheng Gang."

Lou Xiao'e covered her mouth and smiled, and said, "My mother-in-law chose Xu Damao, and Yueling also chose Zheng Gang, hehe..."

Jiang Pingan smiled, and glanced sideways at Xu Yueling who was not far away.

Xu Yueling had been paying attention to Jiang Ping'an, seeing him looking over, her eyes flickered a few times, and she smiled at him.

"She likes you." Lou Xiaoe whispered.

"This girl is very beautiful and educated. You can think about it safely."

Jiang Pingan glanced at her sideways, and said angrily:

"Come on, I told you about this a long time ago, so don't think about it."

Lou Xiao'e smiled knowingly, thinking that Jiang Ping'an was afraid that she would be jealous.

That's why I ignored Xu Yueling, and felt very sweet in my heart.


"Don't say it, I remember it!"

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