Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 316 Unexpected, Reasonable

Sing tickets on the spot.

The results came out quickly.

Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui were all deeply surprised.

According to their private discussion, Xu Damao is the most likely to become the uncle, because this kid will come to trouble.

And they also benefited from Xu Damao in private, and they also voted for him.

But the result was beyond their expectations. In the end, Zheng Gang did nothing but got the most votes.

Xu Damao, He Yuzhu, and Jia Dongxu also frowned, wondering how they lost to Zheng Gang.

Before he had time to think about it, he heard Liu Haizhong get up and say:

"The results are out, Comrade Zheng Gang got the most votes."

"At the earliest morning, we will report the results to the street..."

Before he finished speaking, a voice came from the side: "No need to report, just announce the appointment."

Director Wang came from the front yard with several people.

Some time ago, there was a big mistake like Yi Zhonghai in the courtyard.

Therefore, the street also pays special attention to the newly elected uncle.

Knowing that there is going to be a general meeting here today, Director Wang came to supervise.

Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui rushed forward to greet them.

The two were very fortunate that Xu Damao was not elected today, otherwise the procedures would not be in compliance and they would have to start all over again.

Director Wang stepped forward and nodded to the two, then turned around and said to the crowd:

"Today's general meeting has once again proved that the eyes of the masses are discerning."

"I declare that Liu Haizhong will be the first uncle, Yan Pugui will be the second uncle, and Zheng Gang will be the third uncle."

"I hope that the three uncles will unite comrades and fulfill their duties..."

The applause sounded, and the conference ended.

After announcing the results, Director Wang waved to Jiang Ping'an and came to the front yard.

"I bought you a shirt and a pair of trousers. Now that you are a cadre, you should dress neatly."

Director Wang smiled and said, "The clothes are on the table in your living room. You can try them on to see if they fit."

"Well, it's still Sister Wang who loves me, so I won't be polite." Jiang Pingan said with a chuckle.

"Let's go, comrades, sit in the house. I brought some tea back from my business trip, and I'll give you some to taste."

Director Wang didn't refuse, knowing that Jiang Ping'an didn't miss these things.

So he took the staff from the street to the living room of Jiang Ping'an's house and sat down.

Jiang Pingan poured them each a cup of tea first, and then took the clothes to the bedroom to try them on.

"Director, this tea is good, with a light aroma, clear soup and long aftertaste."

"Hehe, it's the right time to talk to the director today. There is no such tea in the market."

"No wonder the director said that it wouldn't hurt to follow today, so he was waiting here!"

Several cadres drank tea and flattered Director Wang, but they were all pleasantly surprised.

These days, even cadres still lack all kinds of supplies, unless they reach a certain level.

Director Wang said cheerfully, "I'll bring you here today to recognize the door."

"In the future, if someone in the family gets married, you can ask Ping An to help with supplies. He has a wide range of opportunities."

Then she said in a joking tone: "But next time I come here, I won't be empty-handed."

These are all newly transferred cadres this year, and she intends to bring them here so that they can get to know Jiang Ping'an.

Once we get to know each other, it will be convenient for us to communicate with each other in the future, and we can talk easily if there is anything to do.

"Hehe, look at what the director said, we are not ignorant people, we know the rules."

"Yes, we have heard about Section Chief Jiang's reputation for a long time, but we have never had the opportunity to know him."

"Thank you, Director, for making the connection. Next time, we will make time to visit Section Chief Jiang."

Soon, Jiang Ping'an changed his clothes and came out, still holding a paper bag in his hand.

"Not bad, it fits pretty well!" Director Wang looked at Jiang Pingan a few times and said with satisfaction.

Jiang Pingan smiled and distributed a pack of tea leaves to each person. Director Wang took the opportunity to introduce him to him.

"This is Deputy Director Chen."

"This is Section Chief Li from the Personnel Section."

"This is Chief Housing Manager Kesu."


Jiang Pingan shook hands with everyone one by one to get to know each other.

For these grassroots cadres, knowing more is only good, not bad.

County officials are not as good as current officials, and the street level in the capital city is at the same level as the county seat, so these cadres are equivalent to county officials.

Jiang Pingan knew the people from Hongxing Street in the past.

Even if it is a temporary employee, he can call out his name and know the general situation of the other party's work and family.

But since this year, he has been on business trips every three days, so he pays less attention to the street side.

After getting to know everyone for a while, Director Wang took them away before it was too early.


in the woods.

"Aren't you going to class today?" Li Xinmei asked, holding Jiang Ping'an tightly.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Today there is a meeting in the yard, so I called in the afternoon to ask for leave."

"Hee hee, it's no wonder you don't panic, which makes me worry about your absenteeism!" Li Xinmei laughed.

Jiang Ping'an was not in a hurry, she felt relieved and became interested again.

Sitting on Jiang Ping'an's lap, swaying, looked at him meaningfully and smiled.

Jiang Ping'an buried his head in her arms, and bursts of fragrance lingered in his nose, which was very pleasant.

"You were tired just now, but after a while, did you recover?" Jiang Pingan said with a smirk.

Li Xinmei gritted her silver teeth, blushed and said, "That's right, isn't that the old saying?"

"Only Gengbai... um..."

in the future.

Li Xinmei exhaled lightly, and said softly: "I told Dad about my job transfer."

"When I arrived at Hongxing Hospital, I moved from home to live here, so that it will be convenient for us."

"Hehe, I used to hear people talking about grass and woods... I don't know what it means..."

Jiang Pingan asked with a smile, "Now that I know, how do you feel?"

"Well, it's weird, a little romantic, but also a little nervous and scared." Li Xinmei thought for a while and said.

Jiang Pingan held her small face and said with a smile, "I thought you were a good girl."

"I've always been that way, I've grown up so much, I haven't done anything out of the ordinary." Li Xinmei nodded.

As he said that, he looked at Jiang Ping'an resentfully, and said:

"But since I met you, it's become more and more unseemly."

"You don't know, after I gave it to you yesterday, I went back to sleep in the middle of the night, thinking about you all the time."

She hugged Jiang Ping'an's head tightly, and whispered:

"I really want to hold you like this all the time, ah, you bit me again..."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "When you move out, I will spend the night at your place every now and then."

"Otherwise? Right now we are in a tight spot, and you still want to leave me alone!" Li Xinmei said.

"Anyway, I don't care what you do with that childhood sweetheart, just stay with me during this time."

"When I am tired, tired, I will give you a holiday, giggling..."

As she spoke, she giggled.

Jiang Pingan laughed and asked, "Aren't your parents worried if you don't go back so late?"

"So I've turned bad now, and I know I've lied to my parents." Li Xinmei mumbled.

"I told them to go to a classmate's house to play and to go back later. They knew I was sensible, so they didn't ask much."

Jiang Pingan: "..."

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