Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 317 People's hearts are separated by belly, each has its own calculations

Saturday afternoon.

Jiang Pingan was reading a book in the office, and Jiang Yihu walked in to remind:

"Leader, get off work soon."

Jiang Pingan came back to his senses, stretched, and put away the books.

"You go and inform Nanyi and ask him to wait at the gate of the factory. I have something to do with him."

Jiang Yihu responded, then turned and left.

Jiang Pingan checked the time, lit a cigarette, put all the books in the space, and read them when he got home at night.

After smoking a cigarette, Jiang Pingan got up and went to the factory director's office, feeling that it was almost time.

"Here we come? Has the notification from Nanyi been in place?" Director Yang asked with a smile.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Wait at the gate of the factory."

Director Yang nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now."

Going to the leader's house, he sent the secretary away early.

The two came downstairs, and the jeep had been waiting for a long time.

Director Yang sat in the co-pilot, and Jiang Pingan got into the back row.

When they arrived at the gate of the factory and picked up Nanyi, Director Yang turned sideways and said to the two:

"Go over there, be careful in your words and deeds, don't look around, let alone ask questions."

Jiang Ping'an and Nan Yi should naturally be.


Factory gate.

"Nanyi is a bastard, let me tell you, why is he so courageous." He Yuzhu gritted his teeth.

"When I first came to the rolling mill, I dared to wrestle with my wrist. It turned out that I relied on Jiang Ping'an!"

Yi Zhonghai frowned and said, "Are you regretting it now? I told you earlier that I want to have a good relationship with Ping An, but you didn't believe me."

"Look at Nanyi, now not only rely on Ping An, but also have a relationship with the factory manager."

"Looking at their situation, they should go to the leader's house. As long as the craftsmanship is recognized by the leader, it will be stable in the future."

The two chatted while walking, it would be a lie to say that He Yuzhu had no regrets in his heart.

Since Nanyi came, everything went wrong for him.

Not only did he have to clean the toilet every day, but his desire to be an uncle was also messed up.

Yes, he didn't become an uncle, and he blamed Jia Dongxu for the reason.

Seeing He Yuzhu's dejected expression, Yi Zhonghai continued:

"Zhuzi, you have to listen to me, build a good relationship with Pingan, there will be nothing but benefits."

"A cadre like you, Ping An, who has a wide network of connections, most people can't fawn on you if they want to!"

"It's good for us, we live in the same big courtyard, and we can be regarded as the first to get the moon."

"Look at me, isn't it because I have a good relationship with him that I survived the accident this time?"

He Yuzhu nodded, sighed and said, "Don't try to persuade me, I understand what you're saying."

"But don't you think it's too late to talk about it now? Even if I want to curry favor with Jiang Pingan, what can I do?"

"Now that I have left the kitchen, there are no leftovers to take home, and my whole family is starving for food."

"My mind is full of lawsuits, and I don't have any extra energy to think about other things."

Yi Zhonghai sneered and said, "I persuaded you when you received the certificate back then."

"Let you think carefully, don't get married in a hurry, what's the use of talking about it now?"

"Also, the deaf old lady is right to remind you, I always see something wrong with Xueying, so don't be jealous of her."

"I guess she confessed to you about the child after you got the certificate? This is a big problem!"

"Anyway, if I have something to say, don't blame me for sowing discord. I'm also afraid that you will suffer a big loss."

He Yuzhu nodded and said, "Don't worry, sir, I know you're doing it for my own good, and I don't mean to blame you."

"In the past two days, I have come back to my senses, and I also found that something is wrong with Xueying."

"But we've just got married, so we have to slowly observe what kind of person she is."

Yi Zhonghai said relievedly: "By the way, there is still your house. You can find an opportunity to transfer it to your own name in private."

"You are also Hutu, how can you listen to her words and give her the house?"

He Yuzhu hesitated and said, "It's not necessary, is it? If Xueying finds out, she won't make a fuss?"

"If you make a fuss, let's make a fuss. She brought so many children here, and you are the one who suffers." Yi Zhonghai said disapprovingly.

"Unless she doesn't want to live with you, she shouldn't continue to entangle this matter."

"It's all a family. Does it matter whose name the house is in?"

He Yuzhu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's true, I am the head of the house, and the house should be in my name."


textile mill.

After Chen Xueying got off work, she came out of the factory and walked back.

She looked worried and thought to herself: "The food at home can last for ten days at most."

"Should I stop my previous paths? Without the food, the children might starve."

She thought that life would be easier after she got married.

But I didn't expect the result to be completely different, but it got worse and worse.

He Yuzhu had confessed to her a long time ago that he had spent too much money in the past two years and had no savings.

Part of his ration of food should also be given to the deaf old lady.

Originally, He Yuzhu was expected to be the squad leader of the back kitchen, and he could bring some meals back every day.

Unexpectedly, after the marriage leave was over, he was fined to go to the toilet right after work.

For Chen Xueying, after getting married, her hands and feet are tied, and she dare not let go of many conveniences.

"If it continues like this, let alone buying a yard for the children, it will be a problem to live a decent life."

Chen Xueying sighed secretly, feeling very entangled in her heart.

Just as he was thinking about something, he suddenly bumped into someone's arms.

"Jie Jie... What is Widow Chen thinking so obsessed with? Are you thinking of me?" Xu Damao said with a sinister smile.

Chen Xueying was stunned for a moment, stepped back a few steps, and said in doubt:

"Why are you here, the rolling mill is back in the yard, don't you go this way?"

Xu Damao laughed and said, "I'm here to wait for you."

"Wait for me?" Chen Xueying suddenly laughed and said:

"Heck, aren't you afraid that Lou Xiao'e will find out that you're messing around outside?"

"Oh, that's right, she is pregnant now, so she won't let you go to bed?"

"What's the matter? Waiting for me here, do you have another idea?"

Xu Damao nodded and smiled: "That is, if I have no idea, will I come to you?"

Then he pointed to the bicycle parked beside him, raised his eyebrows and said, "Going?"

Chen Xueying hesitated, and said, "I've been busy all day, and I'm sweating all over."

"It's okay, I don't dislike it!" Xu Damao said with a smirk.



"Sister Qin, your little face is flushed, are you sick?"

When He Yuzhu returned to the middle courtyard, he saw Qin Huairu washing vegetables by the sink, his heart moved, and he stepped forward to ask.

Qin Huairu looked up at him, shook his head and said, "My mother-in-law beat me."

"Go away, don't talk to me, or my mother-in-law will beat me again."

As she spoke, her clear eyes suddenly burst into tears, which made me feel pity.

He Yuzhu's heart ached, and he wanted to hold her in his arms for safety, but he knew it was impossible.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now, don't cry, your mother-in-law is really not a person!" He Yuzhu said at a loss.

Qin Huairu gouged him out, and said angrily, "Aren't you going? Are you trying to kill me?"

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