"My mother-in-law went to buy painkillers."

Qin Huairu wiped away her tears and said with tears in her eyes.

Everyone sighed, and some women comforted:

"Huairu, you want to open up about this matter, everyone knows who you are."

"Silly daughter-in-law wants to pour dirty water on you and ruin your reputation. It is wishful thinking."

"Next time she does this again, let's hold a meeting, or report it to the community, and deal with her properly."

Someone else said: "Our courtyard was fine before, but since the silly wife came, there has been no peace."

"I don't think that woman is a good person, she is like a vixen, and she beats up and accuses others."

"This kind of people is the bane, a cancer, and if they are separated from the masses, they must be criticized and educated."

Qin Huairu nodded and sobbed, "Thank you all for helping me speak."

"Otherwise I was bullied by her for nothing, and I don't know what to do."

"I'm also miserable. Even though I was pregnant with a child, my mother-in-law still slapped me..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she sells the miserable situation to win everyone's sympathy.

Anyway, Jiazhang's reputation is not good, and there is no harm in using waste to improve her reputation.

These years, she went to the sink to wash and brush when she had nothing to do. It was really not a waste of time.

Of course, what she said at this moment is also true.

Jia Dongxu did not become an uncle, so Jia Zhang blamed Qin Huairu for the reason.

He said that if it wasn't for Qin Huairu to make trouble, Jia Dongxu would definitely be the uncle.

So in anger, Budan twisted her ears, and slapped her a few times after returning home.

Now, after listening to her aggrieved narration, everyone gritted their teeth and cursed that Mrs. Jia Zhang was not human.

Yi Zhonghai, who was on the opposite side, saw Qin Huairu's pear blossoms in the rain, and felt uncomfortable.

He came over and said, "Huairu, you are pregnant with a child now, so don't let your emotions fluctuate too much."

"Silly wife, I will go over and persuade her not to make you angry in the future."

Qin Huairu lowered her head, frowned, secretly vigilant.

Ever since Jiang Ping'an told her last time that Yi Zhonghai was a hypocrite, she had been hiding away.

Although her family's life was difficult, she didn't want to have anything to do with Yi Zhonghai because of the three melons.

The last time I met Yi Zhonghai at night in order to make some money, I blamed myself very much afterwards.

Now she has made up her mind that she will not curry favor with anyone except Jiang Ping'an.

As long as you survive for a while, after the baby is born.

Wouldn't it be better to have Jiang Pingan's help than getting involved with this old man?

Qin Huairu lowered his head and sobbed without speaking.

Yi Zhonghai thought she was wronged, so he didn't say much, and turned to He Yuzhu's house.

He Yuzhu was hugging Chen Xueying just now, but it was not easy for him to dissuade him, after all, he cherishes his reputation.

At this moment, I can take the opportunity to talk to Chen Xueying and get in touch with her slowly.

When she came to He's house, Chen Xueying was also crying, her face full of grievances, while He Yuzhu was silently smoking a cigarette beside her.

A few children will look at their faces.

Except for the two twin girls leaning on Chen Xueying, one on the left and the other on the right, the others were all guarding the door.

Yi Zhonghai looked at these children with envious eyes.

He secretly thought that if he had so many biological children in his family, he would wake up laughing even if he was dreaming.

"Master!" Seeing Yi Zhonghai approaching, He Yuzhu got up to greet him.

Chen Xueying hesitated for a moment, then stood up and gave up her seat to Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Chen Xueying.

She was wearing a white dress, with a plump figure, exquisite curves, and full of charm, she couldn't help but want to take a closer look.

But after all, he still had the strength to look away, and nodded to He Yuzhu.

"You shouldn't make trouble about today's matter." Yi Zhonghai said in a gentle tone.

"Everyone knows what kind of person Qin Huairu is in the courtyard."

"At the end of the day, Zhuzi, this is the trouble you caused. They are both married, so they don't pay attention to the influence."

He Yuzhu scratched his head, nodded and said, "Master, I didn't think much about it before."

"I just learned that Sister Qin was beaten by Jia Zhang, so I couldn't help but care a little more, but Xueying misunderstood."

Chen Xueying widened her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Is this a misunderstanding?"

"Do you dare to swear that you have no idea about Qin Huairu!"

He Yuzhu frowned and said, "You're not finished yet, why are you swearing in the clear sky?"

"I'm not finished? In the end, did I make trouble for no reason?" Chen Xueying said angrily.

As I said that, I felt very wronged in my heart, and the tears couldn't stop dripping.

Before coming to the courtyard, she had inquired with Xu Damao, and knew that He Yuzhu had always missed Qin Huairu day and night.

So as soon as she got married, she guarded against Qin Huairu and warned He Yuzhu.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days, He Yuzhu's old ways sprouted, and he approached Qin Huairu again.

If she doesn't make a big fuss today.

Judging from the situation, it won't be long before He Yuzhu will deliver his own things to Jia's.

Yi Zhonghai sighed and said, "Xueying, you are right to care about Zhuzi, but you can't beat Qin Huairu."

"She is known for her duty in the courtyard, she is diligent, sensible and filial."

"Maybe you don't know her well, that's why you misunderstood her."

"She is in the yard, hiding from everything, never causing trouble, she is just an honest person."

"You also saw it today. If you want to bully an honest person, everyone will help her."

"It's okay to have this kind of thing once or twice today. If you do it too often, you will be isolated by everyone."

Chen Xueying wiped away her tears, nodded and said: "Master, I understand the truth of what you said, but I just can't get angry."

She admitted that she had underestimated Qin Huairu, and without thinking too much, she stepped forward.

The other party hides needles in the cotton and uses softness to overcome rigidity. He was originally justified, but he became unreasonable.

Yi Zhonghai said: "Then you should pay more attention to the pillars in the future!"

"Zhuzi, you too, don't get too close to Jia's family from now on."

"Don't talk about others, just talk about Jia Zhang, who stares at you every day and guards against you, and it's not easy to provoke."

"You suffered a lot before, didn't you? You, you are married, you should mature and restrain yourself."

"Hey, I really have nothing to do with Sister Qin!" He Yuzhu said depressedly.

Seeing that Chen Xueying was about to quarrel again, he hurriedly said, "I'll go see the deaf old lady."

After speaking, he smoked and left.

Chen Xueying gritted her teeth and said: "Master, you saw it, and you immediately became unhappy after saying a few words about him."

"He just has such a stubborn temper, Xueying, you have to take it easy." Yi Zhonghai reassured.

"Wait until he calms down, and then try to persuade him. Zhuzi is kind, sensible and filial, which is very reasonable."

"By the way, if you have any difficulties at home, you can tell me, and I will help if I can."

Chen Xueying nodded, hesitated, and said, "I'm afraid the food at home won't last until the end of the month."

"I originally pointed to Zhuzi to bring some food from the cafeteria to relieve myself, but I didn't expect..."

Yi Zhonghai pondered and said: "This is a long-standing and difficult problem, the key is not a matter of a day or two."

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