Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 320: The Witness Has a Part, Lou Xiaoe Moves Out

Under the night.

Jeep speeding down the street.

"Ping An, I didn't expect your chess skills to be so superb." Director Yang said with a smile.

"Today, you can be regarded as being valued by the big leader. Not only will you be given Huazi, but you will also be given a record player."

In the back seat, Jiang Pingan held the record player and two special Huazi in his arms, and said with a smile:

"Where, I was shameless and pestered the leader's wife to ask for it. When I didn't see me going out, did the leader still kick me out?"

"Haha, if I met you who are so easy to climb, I would kick you out!" Director Yang laughed.

"But having said that, if the big leaders really don't value you, you won't get these things."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "In the final analysis, I also want to thank the factory director. It is you who have the heart to support me."

"But let's talk about it first, you can't make an idea of ​​my two cigarettes, I'll just take one."

Director Yang raised his eyebrows, and said in a bad mood: "Good guy, did I help you for nothing?"

"Originally, I didn't want to share it. Since you said so, then anyone who sees it has a share and must share it with me."

Jiang Ping'an had a bitter face and said, "Director, you don't lack these things."

"Besides, you are getting old, you should pay attention to your body and smoke less."

Factory Manager Yang shook his head and said, "I don't care, anyway, you get me a share, so it's settled."

"Director, I've got the cheek to pester you, you can't..."

Nan Yi on the side kept silent, watching the two people coming and going with a smile, feeling very envious in his heart.

Ever since he was transferred to the rolling mill, he had often heard people say that Jiang Ping'an had a good relationship with the leader.

I didn't have any impression before, but after walking along today, I have a deep understanding.

He was very grateful to Jiang Ping'an for creating various opportunities for him to get in touch with leaders and show off his strengths.

The leader was very satisfied with the food he cooked today, and was affirmed by the big leader and director Yang.

In this way, he can be regarded as gaining a firm foothold in the rolling mill, and the road ahead will be widened.

Just thinking about something, Director Yang threw a pack of cigarettes over:

"Master Nan, those who see it have a share, so don't be polite."

He really asked for a cigarette from Jiang Ping'an and left.

After tearing it open, he took a bag with himself, and threw a bag to Nan Yi and the driver each.

The rest was returned to Jiang Ping'an.

Talking and laughing all the way, the jeep stopped at the gate of the compound.

A group of children immediately gathered around to watch, and Yan Pugui and his wife also came out to check when they heard the movement.

Seeing Jiang Ping'an and Nan Yi getting off the car, a child raised his face and asked:

"Brother Ping An, is the car comfortable?"

Jiang Pingan laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "It's uncomfortable, my waist is almost torn apart by the bumps."

"I don't believe it, the car must be comfortable to sit in." The child wrinkled his nose and said.

Jiang Pingan laughed and greeted Director Yang. After the car retreated, he waved and said:

"Go out and play, go home early, and don't wander outside at night."

Turning around, he said to Yan Bugui again: "Third master and third mother haven't rested yet?"

Yan Bugui smiled and said: "The weather is hot and stuffy, go to sleep later when it cools down, you are..."

"Go to the leader's house for dinner." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

"No, I'm asking about the thing you're holding, but is it the record player?" Yan Bugui helped the frame of the mirror and asked.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Well, it's this thing, he's got the cheek to come back."

With that said, he walked into the courtyard with his things in his arms.

Yan Bugui followed, fixed his eyes on the record player and said:

"Good guy, this is a rare thing, can you let it go and listen to it?"

"Okay, I'll let it go when I get home!" Jiang Ping'an nodded and smiled.

Just as he was talking, he saw Xu Damao coming back from the outside pushing his bicycle.

"Hey, Xu Damao, you don't have a screening task today, right? Why are you back so late?" Jiang Ping'an asked.

Xu Damao pushed the cart forward and replied: "Ezi moved to her mother's house for a while, and I went to see her after get off work."

"Heh, are you going to the leader's house? Good guy, tsk tsk, you even got the record player, it's amazing."

Then, he glanced at Nan Yi next to him, nodded and said:

"Master Nan is lucky. He has gained a lot of glory with Jiang Ping'an, right?"

"Hehe, I brought back four lunch boxes, filled with a lot of good things, right?"

Jiang Ping'an said: "Xu Damao, don't ask questions. Sister Xiao'e has returned to her mother's house. Where are Aunt Tan and the others?"

"They went back to their hometown to live, and now I'm left alone to guard the vacant room." Xu Damao shook his head and sighed.

Coming to the courtyard, Zheng Gang's son Zheng Daniu stood at the gate of Jiang Ping'an's house, pointing to the bicycle lane next to him:

"Chief Jiang, the bicycle is handed over to you."

This car was brought back by Jiang Pingan asking Zheng Gang to ride it back. He smiled and said:

"You've been guarding here?"

Zheng Daniu scratched his head, nodded and smiled innocently:

"Yeah, I'm afraid the little brats in the yard will come and play badly."

Jiang Pingan nodded and smiled, "Why don't you just put it in the house?"

"Hehe, it's because you haven't come back, it's not convenient for us to enter the house." Zheng Daniu replied.

Jiang Ping'an smiled, didn't say anything more, and went into the room with his things in his arms.

Yan Bugui followed in and said with a smile, "It's safe, put the record player on and listen."

Jiang Pingan nodded, put the record player on the low cabinet in the corner, and began to arrange it.

Everyone in the yard came to see the surprise, but no one made any noise.

Nanyi carried the four-in-one lunch box in a net bag, put it on the table, and said with a smile:

"Leader, these meals will be left here for you, and they will be used as supper at night."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Go ahead, I don't need this."

"Hehe, no need, I don't have the habit of eating supper at night." Nan Yi said with a smile.

"I'll go back first if there's nothing to do, and the leader will call me if there's anything to do."

With that said, he turned and left.

Soon, a revolutionary song rang out in the room.

"That's right, that's the smell." Yan Bugui nodded and smiled, found a chair and sat down.

A group of people gathered around the door to listen to songs, and they played familiar songs.

Listening to it, everyone sang along, very cheerful.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said to Yan Bugui:

"Third Master, please keep an eye here, don't let anyone touch the tablet machine, I'll take a shower first."

"Okay, you are busy with your work, I will watch Zhiguan and rest assured." Yan Bugui nodded.

Jiang Pingan went to take a shower, changed into clean clothes and came out, only to find that Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong and others had also come.

"Why did you run away from me, but something happened?" Jiang Pingan took out a peony and gave each of them a peony.

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said, "It's okay, just come and listen to Tingge, it's a family thing."

"I'm talking about Silly Zhu, her daughter-in-law messed around in the yard again today." Liu Hai said in the middle.

Jiang Ping'an asked curiously, "What's going on?"

Liu Haizhong glanced at Yi Zhonghai, and said in a few words that Chen Xueying wanted to beat Qin Huairu.

"It's not that I said, the idiot Shazhu always goes to Qin Huairu's side, and Chen Xueying should take care of Shazhu."

Jiang Pingan asked suspiciously: "Where are Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu? Aren't they usually very domineering?"

As soon as the words fell, Jia Zhang's roar came from the middle courtyard:

"Chen Xueying, you shameless get out!"

PS: There are still four chapters today, which will be updated in the afternoon.

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