Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 321 At a loss, the happy Yan Jiedi

Jia Zhang, the son of the middle courtyard, is sloppy.

The people around Jiang Ping'an's house immediately dispersed, and they all ran to watch the excitement.

"Let's go over and see if there's nothing wrong with it." Liu Haizhong got up and said.

Yi Zhonghai and Yan Bugui nodded, got up and followed them out.

Jiang Ping'an turned off the record, but was in no hurry to join in the fun.

This matter is going to make a fuss, at most it will be a piece of chicken feathers, and it will be settled after arguing.

If you have that spare time, it is better to read more books.

As soon as he got to the desk in the bedroom and turned on the lamp, Yan Jiedi came over.

"Brother Ping An, do you have some laundry to do today?" Yan Jiedi asked outside the door.

Jiang Pingan waved to her, Yan Jiedi ran into the bedroom, Ruyan threw herself into his arms.

Jiang Ping'an hugged her and asked in a low voice, "There's something lively over there, why don't you go?"

"It's nothing to watch. I read it this afternoon." Yan Jiedi shook his head and said.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and asked, "Want some candy?"

"I don't want to eat, I want to save it for money." Yan Jiedi said seriously.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Why do you save so much money?"

"Well... there will always be a time for it." Yan Jiedi thought for a while, but didn't know what to buy.

She glanced at the books on the table and asked curiously, "Brother Ping An, are you still studying so late?"

"Yeah, if you want to make progress, you must never forget to study, live and learn as you grow old."

Jiang Ping'an squeezed her little hand and spoke softly.

"You're amazing, so many books, I feel dizzy." Yan Jiedi said, clutching his forehead.

Jiang Pingan laughed loudly and said with a smile: "You, you don't know your blessings when you are in the blessings."

"Many people want to read, but they are not ready to read!"

The quarrels in the middle courtyard became louder and louder, some from Jia Zhang's family and some from Chen Xueying's. The two seemed to be scolding each other.

"Listen, you're not curious when they are arguing so fiercely?" Jiang Ping'an said with a smile.

Yan Jiedi shook her head and said, "I want to play with Brother Pingan, so I don't want to meddle in other people's business!"

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Okay, let's not mind our own business, let's go, I'll treat you to some meat."

"As long as there is white flour, I won't eat meat, I'm afraid of diarrhea." Yan Jiedi took his hand and said.

Jiang Pingan asked suspiciously, "Your family still doesn't put oil in their meals?"

"Well, I seldom put it in. At most, I will add a few drops of oily fishy seeds when cooking the soup." Yan Jiedi mumbled.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay then, you have no luck."

"I brought back a lot of delicious food today!"

When he came to the living room, Jiang Ping'an opened all the lunch boxes.

There are three lunch boxes with vegetables, and one box with four steamed buns.

"Do you really not eat meat? After passing this village, there is no such shop!" Jiang Pingan asked with a smile.

Yan Jiedi swallowed, hesitantly said: "Then let me try something?"

"Aren't you afraid of diarrhea?" Jiang Pingan asked narrowly.

Yan Jiedi gritted her teeth and said, "If you can eat meat, just pull it!"

"Yes, then you eat this steamed sea bass with less oil, and don't eat twice-cooked pork and shredded fish-flavored pork."

Yan Jiedi nodded, took a steamed bun, and said excitedly:

"Okay, I'm not picky eaters, I'll listen to you."

She was very happy to help Jiang Pingan clean the room for so long and wash so many clothes.

Finally being able to eat white flour steamed buns and meat, this is something she has always been looking forward to, and finally got her wish.

"Eat slowly, this box of fish is all for you to eat, make up for it."

Jiang Pingan said with a smile, and then put away the twice-cooked pork and shredded fish-flavored pork, lest she look at her gluttonous mouth.

"I'll give you two steamed buns. If you eat too much, I'm afraid you'll feel uncomfortable, and you won't be able to wash your clothes later."

Yan Jiedi smiled and nodded, "With this box of fish meat and two steamed buns, I will be very full."

"I'm at my home, eating two wowotou at night."

While talking and laughing, Yan Bugui ran in and said eagerly:

"Ping An, go over and have a look, Sha Zhu and Jia Dongxu are fighting."

"Huh? Xie Di, why are you eating here in Ping An?"

"Good guy, this is steamed sea bass? White flour steamed buns, tsk tsk..."

He secretly swallowed, wanting to eat, but didn't move forward.

Knowing that Jiang Pingan's food is not so easy to eat.

His own girl was exhausted, and finally she was able to eat Jiang Ping'an's food, so he couldn't destroy it.

Jiang Ping'an replied: "They just beat them. Why are you calling me? I'm not the uncle in the yard."

"Isn't it to see if you can subdue them?" Yan Bugui laughed dryly.

"You don't know, these two people are angry, and the relatives don't recognize it, and it doesn't work if anyone pulls it on."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Call a few boys, and they will be subdued in an instant."

"Well, that's the only way to go. I'll stop them first, so that nothing happens."

After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

"Hehe, my dad's eyes turned green when he saw the fish and steamed buns." Yan Jiedi giggled.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said: "Eat slowly, don't worry about him, he wishes you could eat more with me."

Yan Jiedi nodded happily, chewing steamed buns and fish slowly with her small mouth, her cheeks bulging.

"'s delicious, I've never eaten something so delicious." Yan Jiedi said with a happy face.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Slow down, don't choke, I'll pour you a cup of hot water to smooth your throat."

Yan Jiedi put down the bowl quickly, stood up and said, "I pour it myself, it's not that I don't have long arms and legs."

After pouring a cup of hot water and returning, Yan Jiedi continued to eat, chewing in small mouthfuls, the food was very delicious.

Jiang Pingan got up and went back to his room, took a book, sat down and read it slowly.

After a while, there was silence in the middle courtyard, only to hear Mrs. Jia and Zhang go home and curse.

Yan Jiedi ate up all the fish and steamed buns, rubbed her belly and didn't want to move.

"Take a break before you do your laundry. Don't hold back." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

Yan Jiedi giggled and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm going to wash right now, just to digest my food."

As he said that, he got up to pack the lunch box and clean up quickly.

Jiang Pingan took the book and followed them to the kitchen.

It's not that I'm afraid of what Yan Jiedi will take, but I'm afraid that she will be bored.

After all, there was no rainwater before.

Now He Yushui went to the small courtyard, and after Jiang Pingan told her, he didn't come over at night.

For this matter, He Yushui often complained about Jiang Ping'an.

"Brother, why don't you go back to your room and study without accompanying me."

Yan Jiedi carried the clothes into the basin and said sideways.

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "It's okay, you wash yours, and I'll read a book and talk with you."

"Hehe, you don't think I'm afraid, do you?" Yan Jiedi giggled.

"There are so many people in the yard, I won't be afraid, I'm very brave."

"By the way, brother Pingan, sister Yushui won't come back from now on?"

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I'll be back after the summer vacation. It's only a few days away."

"By the way, she may come back tomorrow on Sunday. You can play with her then."

Yan Jiedi nodded and said, "That's good, she took me with her before."

"She is not here suddenly. I miss her."

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