Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 322 Unexpected discovery under the night

late at night.

"I just came to you for comfort." Qin Huairu climbed onto Jiang Pingan's kang and said.

"I've been wronged today, but I just came to see you, I can't sleep."

Jiang Pingan was speechless and asked, "Are you asking for comfort, or are you worried about something?"

"All of them, I'm afraid you'll misunderstand, I really have nothing to do with Sha Zhu today." Qin Huairu said seriously.

"Really, you have to believe me. Since I heard what you said last time, I have been doing my duty."

Jiang Pingan: "You should tell Jia Dongxu and your mother-in-law about this. Why are you talking to me?"

"No, I can't tell them. I tell you that I am at ease." Qin Huairu shook his head.

Jiang Pingan nodded, and said, "Be honest, there are warm food in the kitchen, take it and eat it yourself!"

"Really? I knew you wouldn't treat me badly!" Qin Huairu said pleasantly.

With that said, he got off the kang in a hurry, took the flashlight and went to the kitchen to fetch food.

I thought that my persistence was right, this man's heart was a little hard sometimes, but he was reliable at critical moments.

Soon, Qin Huairu came over with two dishes and two steamed buns of white noodles, choked with excitement and said:

"Ping An, thank you, I haven't eaten meat for a long time, and I almost forgot what meat tastes like."

This is really a surprise, all the people in the courtyard eat corn buns made of stick noodles, plus sweet potatoes.

Only the workers who work in the rolling mill can eat and drink in the factory.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ping'an could still eat meat and white flour steamed buns here, Qin Huairu felt full of happiness.

"Eat quickly, eat early at night and go to bed early." Jiang Ping'an said with a smile.

"By the way, you haven't touched oil and water for a long time, so you don't have diarrhea?"

Qin Huairu came over with food, put it on the kang table, sat on the edge of the kang and said with a smile:

"Who cares if you have diarrhea if you have meat to eat? Even if you want to have diarrhea, it's worth it."

Jiang Pingan smiled, stepped forward and hugged her from behind, and said with a smile:

"You eat yours, let me see how big your stomach is."

Qin Huairu rolled her eyes, and said in a charming way: "I hate it, it's not the stomach."

Saying this in his mouth, but it didn't stop Jiang Ping'an from making trouble, and took a quick meal to eat slowly.

"It's much thinner than before." Jiang Pingan groped and pondered.

Qin Huairu nodded lightly and said, "Can you not lose weight?"

"I haven't had a full meal since you stopped giving me food."

"Sometimes I also want to feel ruthless and fall..."

Jiang Pingan pinched her, and said angrily, "You're fooling around, are you dying?"

Qin Huairu paused, leaned against his arms, squinted her eyes and remained motionless.

"Huh... Take it easy, why don't you play after I finish eating!" Qin Huairu whispered.

Jiang Pingan put his chin on her shoulder and whispered:

"I said, you eat yours, I play mine."

Qin Huairu said helplessly: "What an enemy, well, I'm not in a hurry to eat, I'll wait for you first..."


in the future.

Qin Huairu's face was full of aftertaste, and while tidying up her clothes, she said softly:

"The conditions are limited, so let's do this first, and I will serve you well later."

Jiang Pingan nodded, tapped the root and smoked slowly, and asked:

"Is the food cold? If it's cold, steam it before eating."

Qin Huairu touched the steamed bun, nodded and said, "I want to steam it."

After she cleaned up, she took the food to the car and came back to chat with Jiang Ping'an.

"Dongxu hasn't touched me for a long time, and today you have too much of mine!" Qin Huairu gritted his teeth.

Jiang Pingan persuaded: "Don't let him touch you, this dog has been a little dirty recently."

"What news did you hear?" Qin Huairu frowned.

Jiang Pingan pressed her small mouth, listened for a moment, and whispered:

"Come on, let's go to the window and have a look. Someone has come to the woodshed in the front yard."

Qin Huairu's heart moved, and he quickly took Jiang Ping'an's hand, bent over, and came to the window.

She gently pushed aside the corner of the curtain, looked out through the glass, was stunned for a moment, covered her mouth and said in a low voice:

"Look, Ping An, it's Da Ye and Chen Xueying, why did they come to the front yard?"

Jiang Pingan hugged her waist, looked out, and whispered, "The uncle is holding a grain bag in his hand."

"It should be similar to the last time he asked you out. It was to deliver food to Silly Zhu's wife."

"As for why they came to the front yard, it's probably because the uncle is jealous of the middle yard."

Qin Huairu nodded, and whispered, "That's right."

"My uncle had an accident in the middle courtyard not long ago, so he definitely wouldn't dare to go there again."

"Look, they hugged each other and kissed. Wow, the uncle is really not a good person!"

"Explore them, Chen Xueying, a slut, troubled me for nothing, and finally got caught by me!"

Jiang Pingan covered her mouth, and said angrily, "Your lake is covered? I don't even look at where you are now!"

"Uh! Hee hee, I'm stealing people too!" Qin Huairu recovered and couldn't help laughing.

As he said that, he took another look, gritted his teeth and said, "Fortunately for her, I won't let her go next time!"

"By the way, I'm a little surprised, where did the uncle get so much food?"

Jiang Pingan said: "He has so many apprentices, and each of them will give him a few catties a month. That's how the food comes from."

"It's just that Jia Dongxu has no conscience. If he doesn't give him a gift, he will cause trouble for him."

Qin Huairu bit her lip and said, "Isn't my family poor? I can't even eat enough, so where can I get food for others?"

"If the conditions were a little more generous, I wouldn't have resisted not going back to my mother's house a few years ago."

Jiang Pingan sneered and said, "Who are you messing with! A few years ago, buying sweet potatoes didn't cost much."

"You just have no conscience. After you marry in the city, you don't bother to take care of your natal family anymore. Am I right?"

Qin Huairu sighed and said, "You misunderstood me, I really want to go back and have a look."

"But my mother-in-law and Dongxu don't give me money, what can I do?"

"Stop talking, look, they left, so fast? Not a minute?"

As she said that, she gritted her teeth and said angrily: "It's really cheap Chen Xueying, a dead woman."

"If I seize the opportunity next time, I will definitely not let her go!"

After finishing the matter, Jiang Ping'an took her hand, went back to the kang and sat down, and said:

"Don't just stare at her, pay attention to yourself."

"Chen Xueying is not like a foolish person, she is a very shrewd person, you have seen it before."

"When you come back to me next time, you have to be careful and careful, and don't make any mistakes."

Qin Huairu lay in his arms, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

"Look at how little I move, even my mother-in-law and Dongxu didn't notice, isn't it careful enough?"

"Okay, anyway, don't be careless." Jiang Pingan nodded.

"That's good. If you want to come to me in the future, just come in the daytime, and don't sneak around at night."

"Anyway, your mother-in-law and Jia Dongxu are not afraid of our association, but they provide us with convenience."

Qin Huairu nodded and replied, "All right, I'll try to come over during the day as much as possible in the future."

PS: Two chapters will be updated first, and two more chapters will be updated at night.

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