Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 323 Desperate, go to Lou's house

Qin Huairu now completely believes in Jiang Ping'an.

In the past, Jiang Ping'an said that Yi Zhonghai was not serious, and she was a little skeptical, but today she saw it with her own eyes.

"After all, he is a cadre, even if he is not in the courtyard often, he is very accurate in judging people."

Qin Huairu thought about it while eating white flour steamed buns and meat.

Speaking of which, Jiang Ping'an didn't spend as much time in the courtyard as she did.

In the past, Jiang Ping'an often went to the countryside. After becoming a cadre, he went on business trips every three days, and seemed to be always on the go.

And what about myself? Jiang Ping'an often laughed at her for standing by the pool, thinking she knew everyone in the yard.

For so many years, I always thought that Yi Zhonghai was a gentleman.

Last time, I was so confused that I went on a big night date with him for some money.

Thinking about it now, she was very scared, thinking that she was as ignorant as she was.

After recovering, Qin Huairu whispered:

"No wonder Shazhu and Dongxu are fighting today, and the uncle and the mother will go to pull Chen Xueying."

"It's fine for the big mom to do it, but for the old man to do it, I'm afraid it's uneasy and kind."

"At that time, there were many people and it was a mess, so everyone didn't think much about it."

"I thought it was the uncle who was guarding against Chen Xueying coming to beat me, but no one thought he was taking advantage."

Jiang Pingan smiled, nodded and said, "It's not an exaggeration to describe this man as old and cunning."

"If it's really as simple as it looks on the surface, you won't be able to stand up for so many years as a master."

Seriously speaking, Yi Zhonghai really hasn't suffered much in these years.

Only Jiang Ping'an secretly punished him twice.

One time was when Yi Zhonghai was about to take the eighth-level worker test, and the other time was when Zheng Gang secretly took action a few days ago.

These two times, each time Yi Zhonghai was made submissive, and there was no room for a counterattack.

Even now, Yi Zhonghai knew that Zheng Gang was punishing him a few days ago, so he didn't dare to say anything, and only waited for the opportunity to take revenge in the future.

Qin Huairu nodded, sighed and said, "So I think the people in the courtyard are very scary."

"Everyone says my mother-in-law is hot and bad, but she is in the open, and other bad guys are in the dark, making it impossible to guard against."

"I used to be a little complacent, thinking that I was not stupid, and that anyone could see it."

"But today I found out, compared to those bad guys, what is my little cleverness?"

Jiang Pingan said meaningfully: "No, you underestimate yourself too much, you are also very good, okay?"

"Pfft! Don't tell me nice things, it's no use." Qin Huairu couldn't help laughing.

"Anyway, I'm yours. You can do whatever you want. Can I still shirk?"

"Look, you haven't given me anything to eat these past few months, don't I still care about you?"

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Why do you find this awkward? There is still resentment!"

"No, I know that you and Dongxu don't get along, and I understand you." Qin Huairu shook his head.

After a pause, she smiled and said, "Of course, occasionally I will blame you."

"What are you blaming me for? I didn't give you anything to eat?" Jiang Pingan asked with a smile.

Qin Huairu nodded and said: "Well, when I am hungry and sad, I will think of you and blame you by the way."

"Then you can continue to complain, anyway, not everyone can eat my food." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

Qin Huairu smiled and said, "I know it's like this, and I don't feel sorry for me."

"I don't feel sorry for you. The white flour steamed buns and meat were eaten by dogs?" Jiang Pingan said with a sideways look at her.

Qin Huairu covered her mouth and smiled, "How do you know I'm coming over at night?"

"I don't know. Nanyi brought the food back from the leader's house and put it in a pot to warm it up for tomorrow morning."

Qin Huairu suddenly smiled and said, "I mean, it turned out that I was just being sentimental."

"But I'm here today at the right time. I happen to have something delicious, so you're willing to give it to me."

"Speaking of which, Nanyi's craftsmanship is not bad, not worse than Shazhu's. I'm afraid Shazhu is not as good as before."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said: "Eat quickly, you are talking about things, no matter how difficult his life is, it is better than yours."

Qin Huairu smiled slightly, and started to eat silently.

After arriving at Jiang Ping'an's house, her heart became more at ease.

Although she complained about Jiang Pingan occasionally, she was not really angry with him.

Knowing that this man says what he says, as long as he can occasionally make an exception, Qin Huairu will be satisfied.

Eat and drink enough.

After Qin Huairu quickly took the bowl to the kitchen to wash, he didn't rush to leave, and went back to the bedroom to accompany Jiang Ping'an.

"I just cleaned it inside and out again, you shouldn't get in the way if you're careful." Qin Huairu leaned over and said.

Jiang Pingan looked at her and asked with a smile, "Are you serving me, or am I serving you?"

"I'm afraid it's because Jia Dongxu hasn't touched you for a long time, and you are also greedy?"

When Qin Huairu heard this, she giggled, threw herself into his arms, raised her face and said:

"I'm greedy for you, okay? Do you want it or not?"

Jiang Ping'an raised his chin and signaled, "Show me, is it clean or not?"

"Bah! You are the only one who can play tricks on people!" Qin Huairu blushed slightly.

After saying this in her mouth, she still rustled for a while, showing Jiang Pingan openly.

"You can watch it if you want, don't push it, you... um..."

in the future.

Qin Huairu helped Jiang Pingan get a cigarette and came over to light it, winkingly said: "I'm going back."

"Let's go, be careful on the road." Jiang Ping'an nodded.

"Also, don't run to me recently, I will be promoted at the end of the year, and I am in a critical period, so there can be no mistakes."

Qin Huairu nodded slightly, and said, "Got it, I know how to measure."


The next day, Sunday.

Jiang Ping'an got up in the morning, took a shower, cleaned up and went out.

"Peace, don't you rest on Sunday?" Yan Bugui asked sideways while watering the flowerpot.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "I can't help it. There are too many people who invite me to dinner. It's impossible not to go. Hey..."

Yan Bugui choked, and enviously said: "Isn't it good if someone treats you to dinner?"

"I think every day someone treats me to dinner, and I can wake up from my dreams with a smile."

While talking, Xu Damao came from the middle courtyard with his hands in his hands.

"Jiang Pingan, Shazhu and Jia Dongxu fought yesterday, where did you go, why didn't you see anyone?"

Jiang Pingan glanced at him and said:

"They fight, what's there to see? I don't care if they all kill the eaters."

"Also, when you beg me, you bastard, just call Chief Jiang Ke Changjiang."

"It's okay now, just call me by my name, what do you mean?"

Xu Damao laughed and said, "Don't be angry, I call you by your first name, don't you look closer?"

"Come on, I've never heard of calling you a daimyo, it's a sign of intimacy." Jiang Pingan glanced at him and said.

"By the way, there were a lot of people yesterday, so I forgot to ask you, is sister Xiao'e going back to her natal home?"

Xu Damao looked at Yan Bugui and gave Jiang Pingan a look.

The two came to the courtyard together, Xu Damao smiled and said: "I was going to tell you!"

"She is used to eating the supplies you sent, and she will vomit when she eats anything else."

"So I will trouble you in the future, don't cut off the supplies."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I've already charged you, and it won't be broken."

He was going to Lou Xiao'e's house today.

I just don't know what to give, it seems that some ingredients are the most appropriate.

It is estimated that other things are not rare in the Lou family.

Of course, the Lou family is not short of ingredients...

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