Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 325: A Smooth Start, Treating Each Other Honestly

Lou's living room.

Lou Tan enthusiastically poured a cup of tea for Jiang Ping'an, and brought some candied fruits and other snacks on the table.

Then he said hello and went to work in the kitchen.

When she arrived at her natal home, Lou Xiaoe completely let go, and in front of her parents, she hugged Jiang Ping'an's arm and did not let go.

Lou Guangcheng shook his head as they watched.

But when he saw his daughter's happy face, he refrained from saying anything.

In the final analysis, Lou Xiaoe is pregnant with Jiang Ping'an's child.

"I understand your situation better, and I am always paying attention to your movements." Lou Guangcheng said gently.

"Originally, after hearing what Xiao'e said about your situation, I wanted to do my best to promote you."

"I didn't expect that before I could make a move, you would rise very quickly."

"To be honest, even if I mobilize contacts, I can at most promote you to a cadre, and no matter how much, I have to rely on myself."

"I heard from Xiao'e that you are going to be promoted to deputy director again? You are really good at it. You have been promoted many times in less than a year."

Knowing Jiang Ping'an's ability, Lou Guangcheng didn't pretend to be false, and only spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Being a cadre is much more difficult than doing business. It is a university question.

Lou Xiaoe held Jiang Ping'an's arm, leaned on him, and said with a happy smile:

"Dad, did I say that I have a good eye? I will definitely not let you down."

Lou Guangcheng shook his head helplessly, and said:

"You, it's fine to be close to Ping An at home, but you should be more careful outside."

Lou Xiao'e blushed, threw herself into Jiang Ping'an's arms, giggled, and said:

"Isn't it just because I'm at home that I dare to be so casual? How dare I be outside?"

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Uncle has a heart, I can solve the work by myself."

"I hit it off with Xiao'e, because I really like her, and I didn't want to plot anything against her."

"A while ago, thank you Uncle Lou for helping me buy two courtyard houses."

"To be honest, although I have connections, it's not easy to operate because I'm a cadre."

Lou Guangcheng nodded and said, "You are right to be cautious. The status of a cadre is very important and popular these days."

"In the future, you can come to me if you have any matters in this area, or if you are inconvenient to deal with, and you can also find Xiao'e."

"Now that we are older, we don't have much to pursue. We just hope that future generations will develop well."

"Xiao'e's older brother Xiaokun, we have never been worried. His career on the other side of the river is booming now."

"It's Xiao'e, who was cheated by our negligence. She didn't worry less. We saw it and were anxious."

"It's all right now. Xiao'e is blessed. She has found the person she loves and has a child. We can only bless you."

"As for Xu Damao, don't worry, when the time is right, Xiao'e will definitely divorce him."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Uncle, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiao'e from now on."

The two of them didn't say anything about the marriage, and it was tacit understanding.

Jiang Ping'an is young and a cadre with a promising future.

It is impossible to marry the daughter of a capitalist, and it is still a second marriage.

When Lou Xiaoe came back, she also discussed this matter with her parents, and she was willing to be a child.

Jiang Ping'an has no inheritance, so even if he has no name or title, Lou Xiao'e's life is still easy.

For Lou Guangcheng and his wife, although Lou Xiao'e is small with others, they can't get rid of it.

But it's better than seeing Lou Xiao'e depressed.

Many things can only be thought broadly.

They cheated on their daughter once, and they felt guilty in their hearts, but they didn't want to cheat on their daughter a second time, so they only supported them with both hands.

Seeing what Lou Guangcheng said, Jiang Pingan didn't make any detours, so he was more frank.

Lou Xiaoe saw Jiang Ping'an wipe his pocket several times, and every time he put his hand on the pocket, he suddenly retracted it.

She rolled her eyes, giggled, and said, "Do you want to smoke? Wait, my dad has good cigarettes, I'll get them for you."

"No, I can bear it if I don't smoke for a while. You're pregnant with a child, so it's best not to smell the smoke." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll go to the kitchen to talk to my mother later." Lou Xiaoe said thoughtfully.

Lou Guangcheng smiled and said, "Go to my study and bring the cigars I brought back last time, let Ping An taste them."

"Uncle Lou, don't bother, I have cigarettes in my pocket."

Jiang Pingan smiled and took out the special Huazi, and handed one to Lou Guangcheng.

Lou Guangcheng glanced at him, smiled slightly, took it, and still said to Lou Xiao'e:

"Go, get the cigars, and when you leave safely, take a box back."

Lou Xiao'e responded and happily went to get the cigarettes.

Lou Guangcheng said to Jiang Ping'an, "You're welcome. Although the supplies are expensive and scarce, it doesn't affect us at all."

"Those cigarettes were given to me by Xiao Kun when I came back. They are all authentic Guba Havana cigars."

The purest cigar tobacco leaves recognized in the world are produced in Guba Havana.

The tobacco leaves there are known as the perfect ancient dam cigar tobacco leaves.

"I'll give you another set of tools later, these things are not available in the market."

Jiang Pingan did not refuse.

He wanted to play three shots if he had dates or not, so naturally he would not refuse when he had the opportunity to get cigars.

After a while, Lou Xiaoe brought a box of cigars, which was full of ten cigars.

At the same time, she brought cigar cutters and other tools by the way, and then she went to the kitchen to talk to her mother.

"Actually, I don't smoke cigars very much, so it's troublesome, but it's really good to put on a show."

Lou Guangcheng took out a cigar, cut open the top, and said cheerfully.

Jiang Pingan nodded with a smile and said, "To put it roughly, this is an artifact of pretense, but it's a bit ostentatious."

Lou Guangcheng was stunned for a moment, pondered for a while, and after understanding what Jiang Pingan said, he laughed.

"Yes, yes, that's the case. As for the publicity, it must be different from the occasion."

Soon, the two were chatting and laughing, and began to puff.

Lou Guangcheng saw Jiang Ping'an blowing out smoke rings.

For a while, there are big traps and small circles, and for a while, an arrow pierces the heart, and I am stunned.

"Haha, you young people still know how to play."

"No matter what kind of cigarette we smoke, it's like a tractor, spitting straight."

Jiang Ping'an chuckled and said, "It's because I was bored and pondered over it slowly."

Then he took a big puff, tapped his cheek, and quickly exhaled a dozen smoke rings.

Lou Guangcheng was surprised when he saw it, and tried to vomit a few times, but none of them formed.

Jiang Ping'an said with a smile: "This seems simple, but there are some skills, I will teach you..."

in the kitchen.

Lou Tan wondered, "Xiao'e, what are they doing, they are joking."

Lou Xiao'e walked to the door and took a few glances, then laughed out loud "Puff", then turned around and replied:

"Ping'an is teaching Dad to blow smoke rings, and the two of them are having fun playing like children."

Lou Tan was stunned for a moment, walked out of the door curiously, stretched her head to look, and couldn't help laughing:

"It's okay to be safe, your dad is so old, he's not too old or young."

Lou Xiao'e giggled and said, "I think it's pretty good. I was afraid that they wouldn't be able to talk together before!"

Lou Tan smiled slightly and said, "This child is indeed a delight."

"Your dad and I can accept even Xu Damao, what can't Ping An accept?"

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