Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 326, Prepare for a rainy day, be prepared


Today is Sunday, and the people in the yard are cleaning up, and they are very busy.

Especially now that many families have chickens, the chicken coops must be cleaned and disinfected every week.

The sun is shining brightly.

Yi Zhonghai walked out of the room and walked to the courtyard.

Just in time to see Chen Xueying who was busy in front of the chicken coop under the eaves, she couldn't help but blush.

It was a big shame last night.

I was used to the dullness of my own mouth, and suddenly met Chen Xueying, a goblin.

Before he could react, it was over.

Thinking about it now, his face is still hot.

Chen Xueying smiled slightly, she was full of flair, she didn't seem to dislike Yi Zhonghai at all.

Yi Zhonghai felt at ease, and nodded slightly to her, looking at her plump body, his heart was indescribably hot.

"Twice ten catties of stick noodles, it's not expensive, and it doesn't seem cheap." Yi Zhonghai thought to himself.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Yi Zhonghai stepped forward and asked with a smile:

"Xueying, where did the pillar man go? Why are you cleaning here alone?"

Chen Xueying bent down, sprinkled lime on the chicken coop, deliberately showed him the snow-white dew on her chest, and said with a smile:

"Take a few children and go to the deaf old lady to clean up."

Yi Zhonghai stared straight at it, it was too dark last night, so he didn't pay much attention, he swallowed the dates and finished.

Looking at it openly today, I can't express the excitement in my heart.

"Then let me help you!" Yi Zhonghai stepped forward and said.

After getting closer, he asked in a low voice, "Is it convenient during the day?"

Chen Xueying pondered for a moment, bit her lip and said, "You damn ghost, don't be like last night again."

"No, I wasn't prepared yesterday, and I'll let you see my true skills today." Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth.

Today he plans to take the only remaining medicine ahead of time, if he doesn't believe it, he will be ashamed.

Chen Xueying pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Go to my old house, and do whatever you want."

"After cleaning later, you go to this place and wait for me."

Yi Zhonghai's heart was full of fire, his eyes gleamed, he swallowed secretly, nodded and said:

"Okay, then it's settled, see you soon."

While talking, He Yuzhu came back with six children.

"Master, thank you for sending us stick noodles. I will return them to you when I have more money in the future."

Yi Zhonghai straightened up, with a kind face, shook his head and said with a smile: "One family doesn't talk about two families."

"I'll give you food, and you'll keep it. Don't be polite, you'll be offended."

"I also like these children, whoever is hungry, can't starve the children."

He Yuzhu chuckled, nodded and said, "That's right, you and I are welcome."

Chen Xueying interjected: "Zhuzi, watch the child later, I'm going back to the old house to get something."

"Okay, come back at noon? If it's too late, I'll cook for the kids first." He Yuzhu nodded.

Chen Xueying thought for a while and said, "It depends on the situation. If the time is up, you and the children will eat first."



In the bedroom on the second floor, Lou Xiaoe arched her body, bit her red lips, her little faces were pinched together.

After a while, she let out a long breath and said coquettishly:

"Ping An, it's not convenient for me, please clean it for me."

Jiang Pingan took a deep breath, regained his composure, and took the towel from the bed cabinet next to him.

"Wait a minute, I'll clean it up myself first."

After finishing speaking, he tidied up quickly.

Lou Xiao'e pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Hey, do you feel different in my boudoir?"

"Don't deny it, we have intersected, I can clearly perceive your every move."

After Jiang Pingan quickly cleaned up for himself, he lowered his head and helped Lou Xiaoe clean up.

"Hehe, I didn't deny it, I feel really unusual today." He said with a smile.

Lou Xiaoe squinted her eyes, blushed, covered her mouth and smiled lightly:

"We'll have dinner later, you'll leave later, I want to spend more time with you."

Jiang Pingan gave her a sideways look and said, "Come on, I agreed to you just now because I was bothered by you."

"Don't push yourself too far, it's almost done, and you can do whatever you want after the child is born."

Lou Xiaoe pursed her lips and said, "I knew you would say that, am I afraid that you will panic?"

"My good fellow, you've learned how to fight back. It's your own thinking, right?" Jiang Pingan said without her air.

After cleaning up, Jiang Pingan pulled another clean towel and handed it to her:

"Hold it, lest you have to shout again later."

Lou Xiao'e smiled, took the towel, put it on herself first, then got up and threw herself into Jiang Ping'an's arms.

"Slow down, don't touch the child, why are you still so frizzy?" Jiang Ping'an frowned.

"Also, put on your clothes quickly. Although it's summer now, you should be careful not to catch cold."

Lou Xiao'e grumbled bitterly: "Why are you like my mother, always nagging!"

Seeing Jiang Pingan staring at her, she smiled again and said:

"Okay, okay, listen to you, it's really troublesome, I want to stay with you again!"

The two rustled for a while, and after tidying up, they came to the bed and sat down.

Leaning in Jiang Ping'an's arms, Lou Xiao'e whispered, "Now the mental arithmetic has come to the fore."

"If you don't come to my house to see my parents for a day, I won't feel at ease for a day."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and smiled, "You always worry."

"I promised you, I will come, and I will definitely not break my promise."

Lou Xiao'e pursed her lips into a smile, and asked curiously, "What did you say to my dad Didi Gugu earlier?"

"Don't inquire about the old man's affairs." Jiang Ping'an said while playing with her little hand.

Lou Xiao'e rolled her eyes, pursed her lips and said, "It's so mysterious, I don't even bother to ask!"

"By the way, my mother said she would buy some clothes for you, do you want it?"

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Yes, why don't you, I will always come, hehe..."

"Okay, I'll tell her the size of your clothes later." Lou Xiaoe smiled.

"Also, the things you gave my mother are too expensive, so don't give them away in the future."

"You also know that our family doesn't lack those things. It's a waste of money."

Jiang Pingan said: "This is the first time you come here, you must not be empty-handed, right?"

"Don't worry, even if you want me to send it later, I can't bear it."

Lou Xiaoe smiled slightly and said, "You save the money here, and I will let Dad find another set of courtyard houses."

"Now that housing is tight, it may take some time to get a complete courtyard house."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Don't worry, even if you bought it, I'm not in a hurry to live."

After a pause, he pondered, "I'll tell you something."

"If your parents ask you if you want to go to your brother's place, don't refuse."

Lou Xiao'e was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked: "But what did you hear?"

"Hehe, don't ask too many questions. Anyway, you just listen to me. I can't hurt you, can I?" Jiang Ping'an smiled.

Lou Xiaoe frowned and said, "But I don't want to leave you, what should I do?"

"Furthermore, our child is about to be born, so you are willing to give up our mother and child?"

Jiang Pingan patted her on the shoulder and said, "I'm planning for a rainy day, and I'm not asking you to leave immediately."

"But having said that, with your family's identity, you are bound to have big twists and turns..."

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