Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 328 It's hard to leave the homeland, and the love is deep

Today, Jiang Ping'an is really comfortable.

The braised shark's fin is soft and rotten, golden and shiny, thick and fresh but not greasy, with a long aftertaste in the mouth.

Grilled big black cucumber, a sea cucumber is as long as a ruler, weighs three catties, and is fat and big.

The taste is soft and slippery, the taste is delicious, and the black ginseng is soft and delicious.

Braised duck with rice wine is fat but not greasy, thin but not too thick, full of fragrance, thick taste and long aftertaste, which is wonderful.

Eat and drink enough.

Jiang Ping'an and Lou Guangcheng came to the living room and sat down.

Lou Tan placed four dried fruits and four fresh fruits, each with a cup of Pu'er tea.

Drinking Pu'er tea, the aroma is mellow and full of fragrance after drinking, which is indescribably pleasant.

"I heard from Xiao'e that you are studying in college?" Lou Guangcheng asked with a smile.

Jiang Pingan took a sip of tea, nodded and said, "Evening school, you can also get a college diploma after passing the exam."

"Well, young people have the opportunity to learn more." Lou Guangcheng nodded.

After a pause, he glanced at Lou Tan and Lou Xiaoe who were busy in the kitchen, and asked in a low voice:

"Ping An, is it really as serious as you say?"

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "The situation is more serious than imagined."

"Uncle, for the sake of long-term consideration, there should be a trade-off."

"There is so much money in the world, safety is the most important thing, so don't take chances."

"Uncle, think about it, if there is a slight mistake, the loss will not only be money, but life may also be in danger."

Lou Guangcheng suppressed his smile and sighed, "Hey, it's hard to leave my homeland. If I want to leave, I'll leave early."

"But you are right in reminding us that the situation is urgent, and we really can't take chances and pin our hopes on others."

It can be said that he has also lived in fear these years, with three changes in a day, there is no peace for a moment.

Otherwise, he would not let his son develop across the river, just leaving a way out.

Unexpectedly, when he was old, he still had to leave, Lou Guangcheng felt very uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, he pondered, "I hold a lot of shares in my hand."

"If you let go all at once, I'm afraid it will attract suspicion."

Jiang Ping'an suggested: "Take two to three years to let go slowly, and it should be safe during this period."

"The more critical this matter is, the more we must not mess up the position, and we must focus on safety."

"As for how to develop there, the project plan I gave you should be useful."

Lou Guangcheng nodded and smiled, "If your plans are really useful, I won't take advantage of you."

"I'll give you 30% dry shares, and put it in Lou Xiao's name. Don't refuse, it will be useful in the future."

In the study in the morning, Jiang Pingan carefully analyzed the international and domestic situation with him.

On the other side of the river, it focused on analyzing the future development in many aspects.

Lou Guangcheng had been there not long ago, and comparing the two, he found that Jiang Ping'an was not talking on paper.

Instead, he looked at the essence through the phenomenon, and he really got to the point, so he was quite convinced of Jiang Ping'an.

As for the 30% dry stock for Jiang Ping'an, it is also a matter of benefit and cost.

Anyway, it was recorded under Lou Xiao'e's name, even if Jiang Ping'an had a different heart in the future, the Lou family would not suffer.

Jiang Ping'an didn't refuse. Based on his relationship with Lou Xiao'e, Lou Xiao'e's was his.

And what Lou Guangcheng said was right, although he doesn't need much money now, it won't be so in the future.

Jiang Ping'an will not understand this truth when the money is used up.

I will not refuse such a good help for the sake of face or integrity.

The two drank tea and talked quietly.

After a while, Lou Xiaoe and the others finished their work. Lou Xiaoe came over and said to Jiang Pingan:

"Peace, come with me, I have something to say to you."

Jiang Pingan confessed to Lou Guangcheng and his wife, and followed Lou Xiaoe up to the second floor.

Lou Tan frowned and said, "Xiao'e, this dead girl, is too sticky."

"Hey, I really regret not marrying Xiao'e directly to Ping An." Lou Guangcheng sighed.

"You see, he wants to be cultured and educated, and he wants to be capable and capable. He is better than Xu Damao in every aspect!"

Lou Tan nodded and said: "I really didn't think about it at the time. I thought the situation had changed, so I was in a hurry to marry Xiao'e."

"Back when we picked so many people, we just listened to Tan Yali and chose the worst one for Xiao'e."

Speaking of this, she really felt guilty.

She was in charge of this matter at the beginning, and Lou Guangcheng basically didn't intervene.

When Tan Yali was young, she worked as a servant in the Lou family.

Because her surname is also Tan, the Lou Tan family regards her as a sister.

Later, they wanted to find Lou Xiaoe a good wife to marry.

When Tan Yali got the news, she came to her door, telling her how wonderful Xu Damao was.

What about Xu Damao? The ability to do one thing in person and the other in the back is easy to grasp.

So the couple roughly investigated Xu Damao's situation and agreed to their marriage.

Who would have thought that Lou Xiao'e was harmed just because of their carelessness...

in the bedroom.

After Lou Xiaoe closed the door, she hugged the river and gnawed safely, and it took a few minutes before she left.

"Go back later, okay? Go back after dinner." Lou Xiaoe said coquettishly.

Jiang Pingan smelled the fragrance of her hair, smiled and said:

"I have something to do later, don't worry, I will come to see you every now and then."

"By the way, won't you go back to the courtyard in the future?"

Lou Xiao'e was depressed, nodded and said, "Well, I won't go back until the child is full moon."

"Recently, the courtyard is messy and smoky. I'm not used to the environment there."

The last time Xu Damao fought with He Yuzhu, she went to fight, and afterward, she also had lingering feelings.

She lives here, even if Xu Damao is beaten to death with others, she will not be out of sight and out of mind.

Jiang Pingan parted her forehead hair, held her small face and said:

"If you don't come back, don't go back. You are here, so I should rest assured."

Lou Xiao'e pursed her lips and said, "I really want to live with you one day in a fair and honest manner."

"Even if you have no name or title, as long as you love me, I'm willing."

Jiang Pingan said with a smile: "There will be a chance, but it will be impossible in a short time."

"Unless I run to your mother's house every day, it's not a problem."

"I am a cadre after all, and I still have to pay attention to the influence."

Lou Xiao'e smiled slightly and said, "I know, there is something wrong with our ingredients, hey..."

"I heard from my dad that the polygamy practice across the river, if there is a chance."

"It's impossible if there is a chance, unless I change my name and surname." Jiang Pingan shook his head.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "But this is also a way. It's not a big deal to change your name or surname."

"When there is a chance, if I can go there, I will buy some properties and establish a new identity."

"We'll talk about this later. The current situation is like this. We can only do this for the time being."

Lou Xiaoe nodded silently, raised her face and said coquettishly: "I think, I think, I think..."

"Be obedient, don't make trouble, and you'll be fine when you get through this time." Jiang Ping'an said in relief.

"Uh, by the way, will Xu Damao come and live here in the future?"

Lou Xiao'e pursed her lips and said, "He is beautiful, so I wouldn't let him live here."

"He probably won't come here, my parents hate him, hehe..."

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