Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 329: Yi Zhonghai Turns His Face, Xu Damao Divorces


Yan Jiecheng was in front of the chicken coop, sprinkling chopped wild vegetables on the chickens, when he suddenly let out a small gasp.

I saw Chen Xueying stepping from outside to the yard, her face was ruddy, graceful and charming.

"Why is this woman so good-looking?" Yan Jiecheng's heart was itching, his fingers twitching.

"No, she used to be pretty, but she looks extraordinarily beautiful today."

"I guess it's because I was out in the sun, that's why my face is rosy?"

Although greedy, Yan Jiecheng secretly sighed after touching his pocket.

"This woman really has an eye for money, she won't even let her pay on credit!"

Chen Xueying saw Yan Xiecheng staring at her in a daze, her eyes almost popped out, her mouth pursed, she ignored him, and walked to the middle courtyard.

"A poor guy, he still bargains with me, trying to take advantage of me, it's a beautiful idea!" Chen Xueying said in her heart.

If she knew that Yan Jiecheng still wanted to pay her on credit, she would definitely look down on Yan Jiecheng even more.

Just about to enter the middle courtyard, a figure flashed and almost ran into Chen Xueying.

"Oh, are you in a panic? You almost hit me."

Chen Xueying took a closer look, and it turned out that it was Jia Dongxu, the unlucky ghost, and said angrily.

Jia Dongxu was also stunned for a moment, smelling a scent of fragrance, he subconsciously sniffed.

"Good guy, Chen Xueying, are you going to do business again?" Jia Dongxu smirked.

Chen Xueying rolled her eyes and said angrily, "What's the matter with you?"

After finishing speaking, he glared at him, then twisted his waist and left.

Jia Dongxu stroked his chin, looked at her curvaceous background, and thought to himself:

"There was nothing before, and the muddy lake will pass."

"Now that I think of her as the wife of Silly Zhu, why are you so excited?"

After pondering for a moment, he pondered: "Mom said let me help him sell cloth shoes in the factory."

"I was a little reluctant at first, but if I can take the opportunity to get a few dollars from my own house, it would be a good idea."

After making up his mind, he planned to take some of Jia Zhang's shoes to the factory to exchange with the workers tomorrow.

Just as he was thinking about something, he saw Yi Zhonghai came back from outside.

"Master, it's just in time for you to come back. I have something to see you." Jia Dongxu hastily greeted you.

Yi Zhonghai stopped in his tracks and asked in confusion, "What's the matter? Let's talk about it first, and we won't talk about borrowing money."

"It's not borrowing money, it's borrowing food. I don't want anything else, just borrow some sweet potatoes." Jia Dongxu replied.

Yi Zhonghai's face turned dark immediately, and he said angrily, "It's really you."

"Those senior brothers and sisters of yours donate a few catties of food to me every month, more or less out of their hearts."

"What about you? You never helped me, did you? I had an accident some time ago, and you never came to greet me."

"And Jia Dongxu, you told people in the workshop that you would eat people and wipe out their families, did you mean me?"

Jia Dongxu waved his hands again and again and said, "No, no, no, how dare I say you, someone else must have spread the rumor."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Damao's voice came from behind:

"Quack, Jia Dongxu, you are talking about Uncle Yi, I can find a witness for this matter!"

Jia Dongxu took a step in fright, turned around abruptly, and said angrily:

"Xu Damao, don't provoke right and wrong, give me a hundred courage, I dare not call my master!"

"Cut, I'm soliciting truth? Do you want me to find witnesses right now?" Xu Damao pouted.

Jia Dongxu felt guilty for being a thief, and became angry from embarrassment. He yelled and rushed forward to beat Xu Damao.

"Look, have you been told that something is urgent? Haha..." Xu Damao laughed loudly, and ran away in a puff of smoke.

Yi Zhonghai grabbed Jia Dongxu, glared angrily, pointed at his nose, gritted his teeth and said:

"Whether Xu Damao is sowing discord, I can tell clearly, you are really good at it, Jia Dongxu..."

"I have taught you the craft these years, so that you can improve, I begged for help."

"Even since I accepted you as an apprentice, I haven't gotten a single advancement, it's all because of you."

"Good guy, you don't say thank you, but you still want to eat my Juehu, your conscience was eaten by a dog?"

He was really out of breath, and he didn't care about other things.

But if someone says that he is extinct, he is very sensitive and dares to fight people desperately.

Jia Dongxu was still very afraid of Yi Zhonghai, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak, "I, I, I..."

Although Yi Zhonghai was angry, he was not dazzled, and the only reason left told him that he was still punished.

He pushed Jia Dongxu away and said angrily:

"Don't you, mine, don't call me master from now on, I don't have an apprentice like you."

"Don't bother me with anything, it's bad luck to see you!"

After speaking, his face was livid, his eyes could not stop the cold light, and he walked home angrily.

Jia Dongxu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at his back, and said angrily in his heart:

"Old man, if there is food at home, you won't help me. You can't even give up some sweet potatoes. It's useless to call you master."

"Hmph, you also said that I have no conscience. I think you are greedy. Even if I have food, I won't give it to you."

"It's right for you to lose your household. If you don't, it's too much for heaven's sake. Old stuff..."

middle school.

Qin Huairu was sitting under the eaves washing the dishes, watching Yi Zhonghai, Xu Damao, and Jia Dongxu's noise, and couldn't help frowning.

"Why is my life so hard? Married to such a useless man, borrowing some food will cause trouble."

She didn't bother to persuade Yi Zhonghai, as long as there was a place for Yi Zhonghai, she would hide away.

"Chen Xueying and Yi Zhonghai came back from outside one after the other, and they probably did something bad again."

"It's not easy for me to get involved in this matter. I have to find a way to let Dongxu and mother-in-law know."

She has never done bad reputation and offending people, and she is sure about this matter.

"If silly Zhu knows that his wife is a scumbag, it will be a lot of fun."

When the sound of footsteps came, Qin Huairu looked up and saw that it was Xu Damao, gritted his teeth and said:

"Xu Damao, you're trying to stir up the master-student relationship between Master Yuanyi and my family, Dongxu, and you want to tell me about it?"

Xu Damao laughed and said, "Qin Huairu, I didn't provoke right and wrong, but told the truth."

Qin Huairu glared at him, and said angrily: "Go away, I won't listen to what you say."

Saying that, without waiting for Xu Damao to reply, Qin Huairu got up and shouted to Jia Zhang in the room:

"Grandma, come out quickly, Xu Damao wants to speak ill of Dongxu to me!"

Xu Damao was startled, stepped back a few steps, and said angrily:

"A dog who bites Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart, well, I didn't open my eyes today, huh..."

He originally wanted to tell Qin Huairu that Jia Dongxu was having an affair with Chen Xueying.

Just now Jia Dongxu wanted to beat him, and he would take revenge for whatever he said.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu was frightened before she spoke.

When Jia Zhang's family in the room heard the words, he was furious, his round body shot up, and he came out the door in a puff of smoke.

"Xu Damao, you troublemaker who kills thousands of knives, you don't want others to be safe for a while, do you?"

Jia Zhang cursed loudly, ran out the door, stretched out her claws, and scratched Xu Damao's face.

Xu Damao quickly ran away, cursing as he ran:

"Qin Huairu, Jiazhang, you wait, when you cry..."

PS: Ask for tickets in the middle of the month.

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