Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 330 Parents are short-tempered and live a leisurely life

"I'm leaving, I really have something to do this afternoon."

Jiang Ping'an hugged Lou Xiao'e, withdrew, and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go! Let's go! Remember to come and see me anytime."

Lou Xiaoe exhaled lightly, lying motionless on the bed, and said a little tiredly.

Although Qianqian has passed her addiction, but for her, it is enough for the time being.

"I won't see you off. I'm too lazy to go downstairs. I'm a little sleepy. I want to sleep for a while."

Jiang Ping'an laughed and tidied up quickly.

By the way, I also helped Lou Xiao'e clean up before leaving the room lightly.

When they got downstairs, Lou Guangcheng and his wife greeted them.

Lou Tan carried two lunch boxes in net bags and said with a smile:

"I cooked a lot of food at noon today. I can't leave it overnight in summer. I packed some for you and took it home for dinner."

Lou Guangcheng hugged the two boxes, and said: "Take these two boxes of cigars away, come and pick them up after smoking."

Jiang Ping'an rubbed his hands, and said embarrassedly: "It's too shameful for me to even eat and take."

Saying this in his mouth, he immediately took the two boxes of cigars in his hand.

"Haha, we are all a family, why are you being polite?" Lou Guangcheng laughed.

As he spoke, he turned around and took a net bag of non-sulfur cigar matches and a few cigar cutters from the table.

You cannot choose ordinary matches to light a cigar.

Because of its chemical substances will make cigars contain chemical taste.

The special cigar matches are at least 7 cm long and do not contain sulfur.

Wipe the match, and light the cigar after the chemical substances in the match head are fully burned, so as not to affect the aroma of the cigar.

"These things are also taken away by the way. There was originally a humidor. I don't think you can take it away. I will give it to you next time."

Lou Tan said with a smile: "Come over here, I think Xiao'e can't live without you."

"I told her that I will come to see her every now and then." Jiang Pingan nodded and smiled.

The three of them came to the door, and Jiang Ping'an tied the two cigars to the bicycle first.

He also took two bags of lunch boxes and a bag of matches, and tied them to the front bracket.

"Uncle and aunt, then I will go first, thank you for your hospitality!" Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

Lou Guangcheng nodded and said: "Come here often, just treat this place as your own home, come here more often."


After Jiang Ping'an left the villa, he found a place to carry people, and put all the things tied to the bicycle into the space.

Lou Guangcheng and the others were really enthusiastic, not to mention the two boxes of cigars.

There are a total of ten lunch boxes in those two pockets of food, that is, ten dishes.

It's not the leftovers at noon at all, but the special Tan family dishes.

Cooking Tan's dishes is troublesome, so it can be seen that they are entertaining Jiang Ping'an this time.

Just buying these meals requires a lot of preparation in advance.

What made Jiang Ping an even more admirable was the generosity of the couple.

Although he and Lou Xiao'e have indeed become a fact, and also have children.

But if he meets the kind of parent who only cares about his face, he will beat the mandarin duck 100%.

Even if Lou Xiao'e is allowed to give birth to the child, there is a great possibility of preventing her from being with Jiang Ping'an.

It was precisely because of their frankness that Jiang Ping'an exchanged some sensitive topics with Lou Guangcheng.

Otherwise, with his cautious character, at most he would remind him before the wind blows, and he would not say anything else.

The bicycle was speeding on the road, and the air was filled with scalding heat waves.

On the scorching road, a layer of dense steam can be seen with the naked eye.

Half an hour later, Jiang Ping'an came to Chen Xueru's yard, and it happened that Xu Huizhen was also there.

These two are now closed shop, peace of mind to raise a baby.

With a child, there is hope, and the mental state of the two is getting better and better.

"There are too many things to send, we don't have a big appetite, and now it's summer, we eat even less."

"Fruits, aquatic products and the like are stored for a short time, and many of them are wasted."

Chen Xueru opened the door to welcome Jiang Ping'an into the yard, and said with a smile, but the corners of her eyes were full of joy.

The ingredients Jiang Ping'an sent were all top-notch.

After eating the ingredients he sent, it would be hard to swallow the ones on the market.

Although she and Xu Hui really didn't lack this stutter, Jiang Ping'an's ability to pamper them made them full of happiness.

"Waste it, waste it, I would rather waste it than have nothing to eat."

Jiang Pingan pushed his bicycle into the door and said with a smile.

Xu Huizhen smiled and said, "Aren't you not on a business trip now?"

"In the future, I will come once in twos and threes, and the quantity will be smaller, and the food and use will be less wasted."

Jiang Pingan smiled, took a net bag lunch box out of the car, handed it to Xu Huizhen and said:

"It's authentic Tan's food, it's still hot, you all have to try it."

The two of them don't eat much, and five dishes are enough for them to eat.

Xu Huizhen took it with a smile, and went to the dining room with the lunch box.

Jiang Ping'an turned around and unloaded all the things on the back seat, and put them in the kitchen.

"The whole body smells of alcohol, did you go to the leader's house for dinner again?"

Chen Xueru followed to the kitchen, and after getting closer, she smelled a smell of alcohol, and said while fanning her nose.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "So you despise me? Then I will come here less often."

"Don't you dare to be angry with me?" Chen Xueru glared, gritted her teeth and said.

Then she quickly turned around and poured a basin of water, took a towel and said:

"Clean and wash your face, you are hot and sweaty."

Jiang Pingan arranged the various ingredients he brought, turned his head and smiled and said:

"Forget it, I'll just take a shower with you and change into clean clothes."

"I'll boil hot water for you." Chen Xueru smiled.

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "This summer, just wash it in cold water. It's convenient and quick, and it's not so troublesome."

"Okay, then you wash first, and I'll get you clothes."

Chen Xueru said a word, then turned and left.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Jiang Ping'an came to the dining room and sat down. The two women had already started eating.

"How does it taste? Isn't it good?" Jiang Ping'an asked with a smile.

Xu Huizhen nodded and said: "As expected of Tan's cuisine, it is delicious, soft and tender, really delicious."

"Well, it's really rare to be able to eat this kind of dish these days." Chen Xueru said after eating the dish.

Xu Huizhen smiled and said: "It would be great if you came earlier, we just had lunch not long ago."

"It's okay, you can eat it at night if you can't finish it, and it can be stored for a few hours." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

As he said that, he bowed his head sideways, put his face on Xu Huizhen's belly, and said with a smile:

"Let me listen to my boy and daughter, whether they are naughty or not."

Xu Huizhen held his head in one hand and ate vegetables with the other, Zhanyan giggled and said:

"For three months, what can I hear? You are like a child, giggling..."

Jiang Pingan straightened up, hugged her, squeezed her truth, and asked with a smile:

"Do you get together every day now?"

Xu Huizhen patted his hand, trying to push his hand away, nodded and smiled:

"There's nothing to do now, we can talk when we get together, or we'll be suffocated to death."

Chen Xueru answered: "Sometimes she comes to my side, sometimes I go to her side."

"I said you should pay attention, didn't you see that I'm still in front of you? You're greedy for me, right?"

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