Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 331 Jiang Ping'an's exhortations are flying like dogs

Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru haven't shown their feelings yet.

On the contrary, since the two of them became pregnant, their skin has become better and better, soft and smooth, rosy and rosy.

Both of them are plump, fat and thin, each with their own charm.

After the two of them ate, Jiang Ping'an raised his hands together and couldn't help but taste the taste.

Chen Xueru was arrogant, she didn't want to be slept with, so she ran away and hid with a smug smile.

dining room.

Jiang Ping'an really didn't let go of Xu Hui's arms, rubbed her face and asked:

"You don't want to run away too, do you?"

"I want to run, but I want you to let me go!" Xu Hui said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm pregnant with a child, you have to be gentle, it's okay to dawdle, but you can't make a fuss."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said: "It's not a big deal, just a small fight to satisfy your greed."

"Here? Let's go to Xueru's room!" Xu Huizhen stood up and took his hand and said.

Jiang Ping'an naturally agreed, and the two came to the bedroom.

Xu Hui really untied her braids and let her hair loose. She knew that Jiang Ping'an liked it like this.

"After giving birth, I'll cut my hair into a younger sister's cut, and it will be more neat."

Xu Huizhen whispered affectionately while unbuttoning.

Jiang Pingan leaned forward, bit her lamp, and faltered:

"You look good, no matter what kind of hair you have."

Xu Huizhen frowned slightly, holding Jiang Pingan's head, and slowly retreated to the bed.

"Slow down, why are you in such a rush, it's not like I won't let you...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

in the future.

"You really don't smoke?"

Xu Huizhen's face was rosy, she got out of bed naked, and asked about the cigarettes on the table.

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "No smoking, you are pregnant with a child, it is not good to smell second-hand smoke."

"You still have a conscience." Xu Huizhen turned around and took a towel for cleaning.

"Stay with Xueru later, she misses you too, if you don't come the next day, she will miss you all the time."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Leave her alone, she was listening to the wall in the next room just now!"

"Hehe, she also wants to save face and suffer." Xu Huizhen laughed so hard that her flowers trembled.

"I really don't understand. I miss you so much that I want to die, but when you come, she fucks her proudly again."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "It's not like you don't know her character, she's a bit vexatious and childish."

After Xu Huizhen wiped herself and Jiang Ping'an, she went back to lie in his arms.

"Your big yard, I asked Lao Cai to find someone to go to the street and rent it one by one."

"I'm looking for acquaintances and responsible people. When you want to use the yard in the future, it will be convenient to persuade you to leave."

Jiang Ping'an nodded slightly and said, "I've made you worry."

"By the way, didn't you say you wanted to buy a piece of my grandfather's yard? Did you get it?"

Xu Huizhen shook her head and said, "Xueru wants it too, but I haven't discussed it with her yet."

"Although Pianerye's life is not going on, it is not at the end of the mountain, and the price is high."

"I discussed it with Xueru. No matter who buys it, they can't just let others make money."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "This is correct, but you should be quiet and don't make too much publicity."

"Let's slowly exchange all the savings in your hands into gold."

"The situation has become more and more wrong these years. Although you are small businessmen, you are also the object of jealousy."

"Be prepared in advance, don't be in a hurry when things come."

Xu Huizhen frowned and said, "Is it really as evil as you said?"

"Really, can I still lie to you? It's more evil than imagined." Jiang Ping'an affirmed.

Xu Huizhen sighed: "What's the matter!"

"Xueru and I have quite a lot of money. If we exchange it all into gold, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Change slowly, take a few years, there is still time."

"As for the small tavern and Xueru's silk shop, don't open them. This year is not the time to make money."

"It's not that you don't have savings, so keep your gold in your hands first, and wait until the limelight improves in a few years."

Xu Huizhen grasped his handle, nodded and replied: "All right, I will discuss this matter with Xueru."

They don't necessarily believe what others say.

But what Jiang Ping'an said, even if it was a lie, they would take it seriously.

Although Jiang Ping'an left them at the beginning, he also helped them solve their worries.

Especially Fan Jinyou's wicked guy, who was pissed off by Jiang Ping'an.

Otherwise, if they do business, who knows how many other things will be entangled.

After talking for a while, Xu Huizhen cried out that she was tired and sleepy again and again.

Jiang Pingan let her rest, left the room by himself, and went to the next door to find Chen Xueru.



Standing under the eaves, He Yuzhu looked at Xu Damao being chased by Jia Zhang and ran all over the courtyard, gloated and said:

"Haha, Xu Damao, why are you running?"

"Fight directly against Aunt Jia! You won't even be able to defeat her, can you?"

Xu Damao was so tired that he was out of breath, gritted his teeth while running and said:

"Silly Zhu, don't look at my jokes, you are the biggest joke in our yard."

"I'm too lazy to tell you, you are a dead end!"

He Yuzhu wasn't angry either, and said cheerfully, "Your brat is so bad you're bleeding pus, you just owe a beating!"

"Don't be stubborn, let's deal with Aunt Jia first! Hahaha..."

As usual, he would have caught up with Xu Damao long ago.

But now he is still cleaning the toilet, he has some concerns and dare not cause trouble casually.

While chasing Xu Damao, Jia Zhang roared angrily:

"Silly Zhu, it's nothing to do with you, get out of here, don't feel uncomfortable!"

"Xu Damao, don't run away. Since you dare to play tricks, why don't you dare to reason with me?"

Xu Damao yelled: "You old woman, are you trying to reason with me?"

They were making a fuss, and people in the courtyard heard the commotion and all came to watch the commotion.

At the door of Yi Zhonghai's house, the couple stood by the door.

The aunt said: "Old Yi, go over and persuade me, don't really have an accident."

"What can I persuade? I'm no longer the uncle in the courtyard." Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said.

The aunt said, "Why don't I go? I'm from the street, so I can't control them."

"Farewell, let the three uncles come forward!" Yi Zhonghai persuaded.

The aunt hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go tell the three uncles and let them take care of it."

Just as he was about to go out, he saw Liu Haizhong and Zheng Gang coming out of the backyard.

Followed by his own boy, a bit of a crowd.

"Old Liu, Old Zheng, you don't care." The aunt said coldly.

"There is so much noise in the yard every day, do you have to wait until I report it to the street before you are satisfied?"

Liu Zhonghai was taken aback, and only then remembered that Da Ma worked in the street.

"This Yi Zhonghai is really lucky. He is no longer an uncle, but he can still talk in the courtyard."

He said angrily in his heart, but he said with a smile: "Don't worry, why don't we just come and take care of it?"

As he said that, he quickly ordered his own boy to go over and stop Jia Zhang and Xu Damao.

PS: Ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of tickets.

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