Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 336 Calm and introverted, a little change

Time flies.

Two months passed in a flash.

end of august.

People struggled through the dog days, and the weather finally became cooler.

Steel Academy, Dean's Office.

"The books I gave you, how did you learn the key points?" Dean Gao asked gently.

Jiang Pingan nodded and smiled and said, "You have learned a lot, and you should have no problem with the exam."

"Well, even though that's the case, you can't be careless." Gao Yuan'er nodded in satisfaction.

"Needless to say, the written test in the next two days is very important."

"After passing the exam, I have the opportunity to attend the interview on Friday. The time is very tight."

"The selection process this time is still very strict, insisting on putting political standards first."

"Strict procedures, serious discipline, bottom-up, combination of top and bottom, repeated deliberation, and selection step by step."

"There will be no more than ten people who will be selected in the end, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"Let me tell you in advance, if you can pass the written test..."

"The school will take proper care of your hard work in the past few months."

"What care?" Jiang Ping'an asked curiously.

Gao Yuan'er smiled slightly and replied, "If you want."

"At that time, I will be able to transfer from evening classes to regular students of the college, and I will be able to get a bachelor's degree after graduation."

Jiang Ping'an frowned and said, "I won't study part-time, right? If it's part-time study, I'd rather go to night school."

While diplomas are important, work is more important to him.

His plan is that after he is promoted to deputy director, he will stabilize temporarily and stop racking his brains to climb up.

After all, he is still young, with shallow qualifications, and needs more time to lay a solid foundation.

Since last year, he has been promoted several levels in a row, which has actually caused many people to be jealous and secretly dissatisfied.

If it weren't for Jiang Ping'an's good mass base, plus his strong relationship with the factory leaders and his extensive contacts.

They also bought a lot of materials for the rolling mill. I don't know how many people will make troubles overtly and covertly.

Jiang Pingan is a bad person himself, so he will naturally speculate on others with the greatest malice.

Although people's hearts are simple these days, it's only relative.

When people want to become bad, they can be very sinister and vicious.

The early rafters rot first.

Show your sharpness, stand out from the crowd, arouse the jealousy of others, make enemies on all sides, and it is difficult to survive.

Only by knowing how to restrain your edge, position yourself, and see the situation clearly can you protect yourself wisely.

Therefore, considering all aspects, within three to five years, he will focus on safety and will not jump left and right aggressively.

As for this exam, it would be better if he could pass it, and it would be more convenient for Jiang Pingan to contact Huarun Company.

If he can't pass, he also has other ways to connect with Huarun Company, but it will be a lot of trouble.

Anyway, there are still four or five years before the turmoil, and Jiang Ping'an can arrange it leisurely, and he is not in a hurry.

Dean Gao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and said unexpectedly: "You don't even think about getting a bachelor's degree if you have a chance?"

"Hehe, Dean, thank you for taking good care of me." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

"But I prefer to work, to contribute to the country, to serve the people."

"As for the diploma, I am not afraid of hard work if I can study in my spare time."

"But if you want to give up your job and study part-time..."

"My grades in technical secondary school were also very top-notch, so I will not give up the university entrance exam."

Dean Gao sighed: "That's a pity, you are a good seedling, and you performed very well in the evening class."

"Get the first grade every month. If you don't go to a regular university and study outside your job, it will be a waste of your talent."

Jiang Ping'an said with a smile: "Society is a melting pot that can transform all kinds of people."

"I believe that after being tempered by society, I can also make my youth glow with brilliant brilliance."


on the road.

Jiang Pingan pushed the cart, Ding Qiunan and Li Xinmei followed him bouncing around.

Both of them are now transferred to Hongxing Hospital to work.

Li Xinmei was arranged by her father.

Ding Qiunan was transferred to Hongxing Hospital with Jiang Ping'an's help, so that it was convenient for her to enter the medical school.

The two have similar views and interests, and they are both beautiful women. They became good friends after a short time of acquaintance.

"Dean Gao really said that?" Li Xinmei asked with a smile.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Yes, but I refused."

"For me, an undergraduate degree is not as important as a job."

Li Xinmei smiled and said: "But with a bachelor's degree, I will go further in the future!"

"If this opportunity is missed, it may not be there in the future."

"Hehe, let's talk about it in the future. I don't want to let me study out of production anyway." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

Ding Qiunan enviously said: "You are really good at it, the university I am thinking of, if you say give up, you will give up."

"Actually, junior college is almost the same, and it's not like there is no chance of going to a bachelor's degree in the future." Jiang Ping'an pondered.

"By the way, how are you studying now? Take the exam next year, are you confident that you will pass?"

Ding Qiunan nodded and said, "Of course I am confident. It is my dream to enter medical school, and I have made a lot of preparations for it."

As he spoke, he gave Jiang Pingan a sneaky look.

She lost herself to him just for her dream.

Of course, speaking of it now, she doesn't regret it either.

After following Jiang Ping'an, she really gained a lot of convenience.

There is no shortage of food and use at ordinary times, and there is a lot of external interference, which allows her to focus more on her studies.

Just like last month, when she submitted her application for the entrance examination to the factory, she was rejected two or three times in a row.

Later, I found Jiang Ping'an, who was directly transferred to Hongxing Hospital, and basically didn't let me worry about it.

There are many indicators for Red Star Hospital to take the medical school exam.

Jiang Ping'an was equivalent to clearing the last obstacle for her, and then she had to rely entirely on herself.

So Ding Qiunan was very grateful to Jiang Ping'an from the bottom of his heart, and felt that he did not follow the wrong person.

The three talked and laughed, and came to a tube building.

After Jiang Ping'an parked his bicycle, he went upstairs with his second daughter.

A room on the fifth floor is spacious and bright, and the decoration is relatively warm.

This is the room that Li Xinmei rented after she moved out from home.

Later, Ding Qiunan was transferred to Hongxing Hospital and moved out from home to live with Li Xinmei.

After entering the room, Li Xinmei fetched a basin of water and told Jiang Pingan to wash his hands and face.

"Wash your face first and rest, Qiu Nan and I will cook together." Li Xinmei smiled.

Every time Jiang Ping'an came over, she was very happy.

"Just do something simple." Jiang Ping'an said after taking the towel and washing his face.

"Don't be like yesterday, making a table of meals that you can't finish, it's a waste."

Li Xinmei rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "I was concerned about you, I was afraid that you would not have enough to eat."

Jiang Pingan smiled, and saw Ding Qiunan take the cowpea, stand there and cut it into small pieces.

So after washing her face, she walked over and hugged her waist from behind.

"Don't make trouble, Xinmei is still here!" Ding Qiunan blushed and reminded in a low voice.

Jiang Ping'an put his chin on her shoulder, smelled the fragrance, smiled and said:

"It's not like the three of us haven't lived together, why are you shy?"

Ding Qiunan bit her lip and said, "It was night, it was broad daylight, I felt a little uncomfortable..."

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