Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 337 Yi Zhonghai's Request, Jiang Ping'an Declined

Ding Qiunan and Li Xinmei.

Like a blooming chrysanthemum, it is fragrant and elegant.

The personalities of the two women are different.

One is lonely and glamorous, the other is cheerful and lively, each has its own taste.

Ding Qiunan was hugged by Jiang Ping'an, but he couldn't help but blushed as if bleeding.

Li Xinmei quickly closed the door, stared and said, "You really don't treat me as an outsider."

"Especially Ping An, I thought you were honest, but it took me a long time to realize that you are a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Ding Qiunan patted Jiang Ping'an's arm, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Shut up, Xinmei is watching our jokes, she's so ashamed!"

Saying that, he lifted the hem of the skirt again, so that Li Xinmei couldn't see it.

"Don't be afraid, I won't stare at you."

Li Xinmei said with a smile, her face was also a little hot.

Ding Qiunan had no choice but to lean on Jiang Ping'an and said:

"Then let's go into the bedroom, shall we? It's too embarrassing to be here."

Jiang Ping'an was interested, so she naturally wouldn't refuse.

"But we are already together, what should I do if I don't want to be separated?"

Jiang Pingan bit her ear and said with a wicked smile.

Ding Qiunan pinched him lightly, blushing and said:

"I knew that you would come here and play tricks, oh..."


in the bedroom.

Li Xinmei let go of her hands covering her face, looked around the room, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're just bad, it's not enough to torment Qiu Nan, you insist on dragging me into the water." Li Xinmei scolded.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Aren't you very courageous? I didn't see you rejecting it just now!"

"You are my man, how can I bear to refuse you!" Li Xinmei bit her lip and said coquettishly in his arms.

"However, you also have skills. A shy person like Qiu Nan has been subdued by you, hehe..."

As she spoke, she started giggling, the flowers and branches trembling, it was so beautiful.

Jiang Ping'an rubbed her headlight lightly, and said with a smile, "It's cold outside and warm in heart, so it's easy to talk about."

"Hmph, it's because we're easy to talk, that you're going to make an inch of it, right?" Li Xinmei said all the time.

"If we knew this earlier, we would unite and deal with you together, so as not to let you succeed."

Jiang Pingan looked down at her and said with a smile, "You said just now that you couldn't bear to reject me..."

"Don't you know that women have no reason to speak?" Li Xinmei laughed.

"Okay, I won't play tricks with you anymore, I want to get up and help Xinnan cook!"

Jiang Pingan bit her small mouth, and said falteringly: "I still want to play tricks with you for a while."

"Oh, don't be naughty." Li Xinmei pushed him.

"If we delay any longer, let's skip lunch and have dinner instead."

Jiang Pingan laughed, and after kissing her for a while, let go and said:

"Go, help me get some water to wash, or it will smell bad in hot weather."

Li Xinmei pursed her lips, stood up and nodded, "I'll fetch water for you if you don't tell me."

"I want to wash it too, otherwise it will smell good now, and it will smell bad after a while."

As soon as the words finished, Ding Qiunan came in with a basin of water blushing.

"The hot water is just hot, you are about to wash up, do you want to have lunch?" Ding Qiunan raised his eyebrows and said.

Li Xinmei patted Jiang Ping'an's arm lightly, and said angrily:

"It's because you keep pestering me, or else I'll wake up early."

"Oh, don't hug me, I want to get up!"

As he spoke, he opened his teeth and claws and nibbled Jiang Ping'an a few mouthfuls, as gentle and cute as a kitten pecking at food.

After one o'clock in the afternoon.

The three of them were fighting and fighting, and finally had lunch.

"In the next few days, I won't have time to come to your place." Jiang Ping'an pondered after eating his food.

Ding Qiunan nodded and said, "It's important to get down to business. It is of course good to pass the assessment and have greater development."

"That's right, don't worry about us." Li Xinmei said while biting a steamed bun.

"Now that I'm with Qiu Nan, I won't be bored. We'll discuss anything."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Xinmei, if you have a chance, you should also become a doctor!"

"In the long run, doctors are more popular than nurses."

Li Xinmei has a family background, and her medical skills are no worse than Ding Qiunan's.

These days doctors and nurses are baby bumps, and many towns have only one nurse.

She is the doctor and so is the nurse.

After all, even barefoot doctors have not yet developed vigorously, and doctors are still in short supply.

The qualification examination for medical practitioners had to wait for eight or more years before it was gradually perfected, and the examination was officially implemented in 1999.

"Well, it's also my fault for being playful. I thought it would be easier to be a nurse, so I didn't become a doctor." Li Xinmei said.

"My dad is also persuading me to be a doctor, saying that he wants to inherit her mantle, heck..."

Jiang Pingan asked with a smile: "Then do you want to be a doctor now?"

"I think so, when the opportunity is right, I will switch to become a doctor." Li Xinmei nodded.

after eating.

Jiang Pingan left under the reluctant eyes of Li Xinmei and Ding Qiunan.

Back to the courtyard.

As soon as Jiang Ping'an put the bicycle in the corner of the living room, Yi Zhonghai came to look for him.

"Ping An, this is ninety yuan, give me three more pills for that medicine."

Yi Zhonghai took out a handful of money from his pocket, handed it to Jiang Ping'an, and said.

Two months passed, but Yi Zhonghai was rather haggard, with dark circles under his eyes.

After all, although cheap medicine is easy to use, it does not supplement nutrition.

However, other people are not old at heart, and they are used to big fish and big meat, so they can't bear to be indifferent.

After Jiang Pingan took the money, he frowned and said, "Master Yi, your body is important!"

"Hehe, it's okay, my body is strong!" Yi Zhonghai said with a smile.

"By the way, can you help think of a way to get him back to work in the kitchen earlier at the pillar?"

Jiang Pingan was speechless: "Why didn't he come and tell me about this himself?"

"Uncle Yi, I didn't tell you that Sha Zhu really doesn't know how to behave."

"You see, I used to help him collect all kinds of tickets, right? He took it all for granted."

"So now I'm not in a hurry to help him get his sewing and radio tickets, so I just drag him along."

Yi Zhonghai: "This... you have helped him so many times, but he never came to thank you once?"

"That's right? That's why I don't bother with his mess." Jiang Pingan nodded.

"Uncle Yi, don't try to persuade me, let Shazhu figure out a solution by himself, and let him bump into walls everywhere."

"I helped him so much in the past, and it was done in two or three steps. He thought it was easy."

"Let him suffer by himself. Knowing that it is not so easy for me to help, you will know what is good or bad."

Yi Zhonghai pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "All right, what he did is really outrageous, let him torment himself."

"That's right, Mr. Yi, you should take care of him less." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

"I know you want him to give you a pension, but you can't help him unreservedly."

"If you make him suffer, if you really have no choice but to help him, he will remember your love."

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