Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 343 Lou Xiaoe is about to give birth

The next two days.

Jiang Ping'an went to a certain university to take a written test organized by the relevant department.

For the exam, Jiang Ping'an never failed and passed the exam with ease.

Tuesday afternoon, Steel Academy, Dean's Office.

"The written test score should pass, but the interview is hard to say." Jiang Pingan said modestly.

Gao Yuaner laughed and said, "It's enough to pass the written test. This is also a kind of qualification."

"Now you just have to relax your mind, and the results will come out the day after tomorrow."

"When the time comes, the soldiers will come to block, the water will come and the earth will flood, just face it calmly."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said: "That's true, the interview is too uncertain, so we can only adapt to the situation."

"However, I still want to thank the dean for providing the information, which helped me a lot."

"Otherwise, no matter how hard I work, I won't be able to pass the written test so easily."

Gao Yuan'er smiled and said: "It's easy to do, you are my student, if you want to pursue progress, I will naturally fully support you."

"But I also want to tell you in advance, if you really fail the exam, don't be discouraged."

"You are still young, and a lot of opportunities are waiting for you to explore and grasp."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you, Dean, for reminding me, don't worry, my mental quality is fine!"

After reporting the exam situation to Dean Gao, Jiang Pingan left.

When I got back to the courtyard, I saw Yan Xiecheng idling under the big tree at the entrance, bored.

A shack was set up there to take care of two hens.

Jiang Pingan stopped by the side of the road and asked:

"Did the two chickens feel better after eating the garlic water?"

Yan Jiecheng glanced at the hen, nodded and said, "It's a little better, and I'm starting to eat."

"Continue to insist on feeding garlic water, which shows that it is useful." Jiang Ping'an reminded.

Yan Jiecheng replied, "That's what my dad said."

"For the sake of these two chickens, we have saved some of our rations and fed them stick noodles."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "If this chicken can slow down, you won't lose!"

"Be careful and serve him. If you're really going to die, your father will probably be stunned to death."

After chatting for a while, Jiang Ping'an returned home, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes.

Throwing the dirty clothes into the basin, Jiang Ping'an stretched, feeling refreshed.

When I came to the living room, I saw Xu Damao pushing his bicycle and running out of the courtyard in a hurry.

"Xu Damao, you didn't go to work today?" Jiang Ping'an asked loudly.

Xu Damao stopped and replied:

"At work, Ezi is about to give birth, and she is being sent to Hongxing Hospital right now."

"My father-in-law called the factory, and I'll come back to get some things, and it's over."

Jiang Pingan hurriedly said, "Wait, I'll go there with you."

He quickly picked up his bicycle.

After thinking about it, he took another catty of brown sugar from space, wrapped it in kraft paper, and carried it in a net bag.

Then he followed Xu Damao to the Red Star Hospital.

on the way.

"Why are you more nervous than me?" Xu Damao wondered.

Jiang Ping turned around and smiled, "Sister Xiao'e gave birth, of course I'm nervous."

"Don't forget, after the child is born, all of them will recognize me as their godfather."

Xu Damao smiled knowingly, nodded and said: "I will never forget."

"The children are lucky to find a godfather like you."

Jiang Pingan asked with a smile, "I'm going to be a father now, how do you feel about it?"

"Nervous, excited, hey, I can't describe it in words." Xu Damao sighed and grinned.

Jiang Ping'an understands his feelings very well, because this is also the beginning of his life as a father.

"Xu Damao, from now on, the children will call me Dad Jiang and you Dad Xu."

"Don't teach them to call me godfather, it sounds old."

Xu Damao was just happy right now, so he nodded and smiled without thinking too much:

"As long as you have a lot of things, they haven't been born yet, so you just want to go that far."

"Okay, I agree to this."

"But let's say it first, you have to prepare the children's presents at any time, and you can't miss it once."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Don't worry."

"I will treat them as my own children and will not treat them badly."

"That's about the same." Xu Damao said with satisfaction.

Jiang Ping'an is really picky.

Now that it's finally hard for him to be caught and he can take advantage of him, Xu Damao is secretly terrified.

The two rushed all the way, and when they arrived at Hongxing Hospital, they went straight to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Jiang Ping'an ran fast, and arrived in a flash.

Seeing Lou Guangcheng and Lou Tan guarding outside the delivery room, they hurried forward to say hello.

"Uncle, aunt, how long has Xiao'e been in the delivery room?" Jiang Ping'an asked.

Lou Tan smiled and said, "For half an hour, the doctor said there is no rush, and the baby will not start until Xiao'e has her five fingers opened."

"By the way, I heard that you went to the exam today? Where did you get the news?"

Jiang Pingan said with a smile: "After the exam, when I came back to the courtyard, I met Xu Damao who was about to come, so I asked."

"What about others?" Lou Tan was stunned for a moment, wondering.

Jiang Pingan laughed and replied, "This kid is weak, he can't run fast, and he's still climbing stairs!"

Lou Guangcheng and his wife looked at each other, but they were silent.

This kid Xu Damao is really bad, he always loses the chain at critical moments.

The three sat down and talked.

Jiang Ping'an said in a low voice, "I'll see the children later, and I'll cook some rice porridge to replenish Xiao'e's vitality."

Pregnant women should have a liquid or semi-liquid diet within 24 hours after delivery.

Such as millet porridge, rice porridge, lotus root powder, noodle soup, wonton, soybean milk, etc.

The principle is less salt, less greasy, easy to digest.

Lou Xiaoe had a natural delivery. After giving birth, she had to be observed in the hospital for at least a few days before being discharged.

These days, it is also popular to have a normal delivery, and only a cesarean section will be performed unless it is a difficult delivery.

In my country's modern caesarean section, the first case of both mother and child living after surgery occurred in 1902.

A woman underwent Bo Luo's Caesarean section in Shancheng, and both mother and child survived the operation.

Of course, the caesarean section widely used in later generations has not yet been standardized, but there is considerable experience.

When Lou Tan heard the words, she didn't reject Jiang Ping'an's kindness, she nodded and said:

"Alright, I'll trouble you then, Xiao'e is here with us watching, so don't worry."

While talking, Xu Damao came running out of breath, with his mouth open and tongue sticking out, like a dog.

He carelessly came to sit down beside Jiang Ping'an.

Instead of saying hello to Lou Guangcheng and his wife, he asked Jiang Pingan:

"Why are you running so fast? Good guy, I tried my best to chase you, but I didn't catch up."

Lou Guangcheng couldn't help frowning and said, "It's been more than an hour since I called you, why are you here now?"

"I went to get the household registration and marriage certificate." Xu Damao replied.

"After the baby is born, I need to get a baby milk certificate. These books are all needed."

Baby milk certificate, two bottles per day, half a pound per bottle.

For those who are one year old, 1 bottle is provided, and then mixed with "milk replacer powder" (made by blending soybean flour, rice flour and a little milk powder).

A milk substitute ticket and a baby sugar ticket are issued each month.

With the ticket, you can buy a catty of milk substitute powder and two taels of brown sugar.

Lou Guangcheng pointed at him and said with disgust:

"It's really a small farmer's consciousness. Is our family short of those supplies?"

Jiang Pingan interjected, "Xu Damao, I'm afraid you took it for nothing."

"Since last year, the baby's milk certificate will only be issued if the mother has no milk."

Lou Xiaoe's granary is so full, as long as the nutrition keeps up, there should be no shortage of food for the children.

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