Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 344 A man and a woman, Xu Qian and Xu Ying

Xu Damao was full of frustration.

Don't watch him scold Lou Guangcheng like shit behind his back.

In front of Lou Guangcheng, he didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Lou Guangcheng pointed at his nose and cursed, especially with Jiang Ping'an in front of him, which made Xu Damao extremely embarrassed.

"When will you get rid of your shallow eyelid problem?" Lou Guangcheng said coldly.

He looked at Xu Damao now, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't like it.

Especially with Jiang Ping'an here, Xu Damao was even worse in comparison.

Lou Tan persuaded: "Calm down, stop scolding, this is a hospital, be a little more careful."

Lou Guangcheng's expression softened slightly, he looked around the hospital, and sighed:

"This hospital used to be ours too."

Lou Tan pinched him lightly and reminded:

"Have a happy day today, don't say such depressing words."

For the next 20 minutes, Lou Guangcheng and his wife talked and laughed with Jiang Pingan, while Xu Damao sat aside.

Xu Damao was not only not angry, but also relaxed a lot. Facing his rich and powerful father-in-law, he was under a lot of pressure.

But he also envied Jiang Pingan, a kid who could get along with everyone and had something to say.

Suddenly, there was a cry of a child from the delivery room, the sound was clear and loud.

Jiang Ping'an and others were overjoyed, and Lou Tan said happily: "This is a birth, thank God."

Soon, a nurse came out with a baby in his arms.

"It's a boy, weighing four catties." The nurse smiled.

Lou Tan took the child and looked at it, smiling happily.

Jiang Ping'an also raised his head to look. The child's eyes were closed, his skin was red and wrinkled, and he looked very old.

He is fat, with bubbles in his mouth, curly and long hair.

The child has been screaming with his mouth open since he was born, and his voice is particularly harsh.

"Auntie, let me hug you." Jiang Ping'an looked at the child, his heart almost melting.

Lou Tan smiled, handed it over, and taught him how to hold the child.

"I've always liked children, and I know how to hold them." Jiang Ping'an said with a smile.

The child is connected by blood, and a feeling of incomparable joy wells up in his heart.

Strange to say, when the child was hugged by him, he stopped crying immediately and put his finger in his mouth to bite.

Xu Damao frowned and said, "Jiang Ping'an, this is my child, I should hold it first, do you understand the rules?"

"Xu Damao, are you still promising? You have to fight with others!" Lou Guangcheng said angrily.

Xu Damao choked for a moment, not sure why Lou Guangcheng became a gossip today.

Jiang Pingan hugged for a while, then handed the child to Xu Damao and said:

"Let me show you, be careful when hugging!"

"You don't need to say more, can my own child be careless?" Xu Damao took it with a smile.

Just looking at the child, Xu Ning'an and Tan Yali also rushed over.

"Oh, hurry up, you're still late." Tan Yali said, patting her thigh.

After speaking, he took the child from Xu Damao's hand.

"Yo, it's a handlebar, mother-in-law, how much does this child weigh?" Tan Yali asked with a smile.

Lou Tan said with a smile: "It's heavy, it's not light for the twins."

"Isn't another child born yet?" Xu Ning'an asked doubtfully.

Xu Damao nodded and said: "Not yet, maybe we have to wait a while."

Seeing that everyone was looking at the child, the nurse said:

"Don't hold it, the child needs to rest, I will carry it back first, I will have time to watch it in the future."

With that said, he took the baby and went back to the delivery room.

After recovering, Xu Ning'an and Tan Yali noticed Jiang Ping'an.

"Ping'an is here too? Hehe, please run for a while." Xu Ningan said politely.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "I happened to meet Xu Damao coming over, so we came together."

More than ten minutes later, the second child was born, a girl weighing four catties.

In a single room.

Lou Xiao'e looked at the two children, and then glanced at Jiang Pingan unobtrusively, with a happy face.

Lou Guangcheng said: "I told the dean that this room can be stayed for up to five days."

"The doctor said that there is no need to stay for so long. After three days, if Xiao'e is in good condition, she can be discharged from the hospital."

Jiang Pingan looked at the two children on the crib, held their little hands, and said to Lou Xiaoe:

"I'll cook some millet porridge later, and Sister Xiao'e has something to replenish her vitality."

Tan Yali said quickly: "There are so many people here, how can I trouble you to cook?"

"I stewed an old hen before I came, so I'll go back and get it."

Lou Tan shook her head and said, "The doctor said, try to eat light and less oily food for the first few days."

"I'd better go back and cook some rice porridge. Our car is parked downstairs, so it's convenient to come and go."

She knew that Lou Xiao'e only ate the food Jiang Ping'an sent, and vomited everything else.

Now that Xu Ningan and the others came over, it was inconvenient for Jiang Pingan to cook rice porridge.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I brought a catty of brown sugar over here, you can mix some brown sugar water for Sister Xiao'e to drink first."

Next, Lou Tan and Tan Yali discussed.

Tan Yali kept vigil at night, and Lou Tan took care of Lou Xiao'e here during the day.

Xu Damao wanted to watch the night here, Lou Xiaoe said:

"It's enough to have my mother and mother-in-law here to take care of me, you'd better go to work!"

"Now that two children are born, the expenses will be high in the future. You need to earn more money to support the children."

Xu Damao smiled openly, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go earn money to raise the child."

Xu Ningan pondered: "Speaking of children, their names haven't been chosen yet!"

"It's already taken, the boy's name is Xu Gan, and the girl's name is Xu Ying." Xu Damao smiled.

Xu Ningan froze for a moment, then asked with a curious smile, "When did you get it?"

Xu Damao pointed to Jiang Ping'an and said with a smile:

"One time Jiang Ping'an and I were bored, so we took the child's name in the office."

"Xu Qian, Xu Ying, um, these two names are good." Lou Guangcheng nodded and smiled.

Xu Ningan asked with a smile: "Ping An helped to get it, right? Damao definitely doesn't have this culture."

"Hehe, my name is my name, and Xu Damao's nickname." Jiang Pingan said with a smirk.

Xu Damao smiled awkwardly: "Just Qian Qian and Yingying..."

Everyone was speechless, Xu Ning'an said: "You really can't even choose a nickname?"

After chatting and laughing for a while, Lou Tan and Lou Guangcheng went home to cook rice porridge, and then delivered it later.

Xu Ning'an and Tan Yali also went back first, and the old hen was still stewing on the stove at home.

As for Lou Xiao'e, Jiang Ping'an and Xu Damao will take care of her for the time being.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Both children fell asleep, and Jiang Pingan sat on the side and watched blankly.

Lou Xiao'e bared a smile and asked, "Why are you in a daze?"

"Hey, it feels a bit magical." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

Xu Damao smiled and said: "I also feel a little bit miraculous, this is a child."

Then, he glanced at the child, frowned and said:

"It's just a little ugly. How can a newborn baby be so wrinkled?"

Jiang Pingan said angrily: "Are you stupid? The baby is soaked in amniotic fluid in the stomach, can it not be wrinkled?"

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