Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 346 Beating with sticks, taught by Jiang Ping'an


When Jia Zhang came back from the courtyard, he was very happy.

"Lou Xiao'e gave birth to twins, and Xu Damao said that each family gave out two catties of sweet potatoes to celebrate."

Mrs. Jia Zhang walked into the room and sat down, and said with a smile.

"Lou Xiao'e will indeed have a baby, and she will give birth when everyone is in the green, and the sweet potato comes at the right time."

"There are five people in our family, and we can get ten catties of sweet potatoes. I will tell Xu Damao later, our family counts as six people."

Jia Dongxu asked blankly, "Where do the six people come from in our family?"

"Hehe, doesn't that one in Huairu's stomach count as one?" Jia Zhang asked triumphantly.

Jia Dongxu frowned and said, "It doesn't matter if the baby counts as a person, but the one in the stomach can count as well?"

"Don't forget, if Jiang Ping'an hadn't become a cadre and sent things to everyone, the baby would be counted."

"According to the tradition in our courtyard, all children under the age of five must be excluded."

"Xu Damao is not stupid, why do you say what you say?"

Jia Zhang glanced at him sideways, and said angrily:

"How did I give birth to such an honest son like you?"

"Mom, it's not that I'm being honest, it's that we have offended enough people during this time." Jia Dongxu said sadly.

"I've been a little terrified and uneasy during this period of time, and I always feel that something will happen."

"In the past, we offended people casually in the courtyard, and with the protection of the master, we basically wouldn't suffer."

"It's different now. We offended the master to death, and there will be no one in the yard to speak for us in the future."

He felt that he was muddleheaded and had done too many lake smears before.

After offending Yi Zhonghai to death, he became fully awake.

There are many things that can be frightening if you think about them for a while.

He's not stupid, doesn't he know the consequences of being evil to his neighbor and offending too many people?

What's weird is that I never thought about the right and wrong of these things before, and I lived my life in a daze.

When Jia Zhang heard the words, she disapproved and said, "You are just timid, afraid of this and that."

"I guess it's because we don't have enough food, you can't get enough to eat, and you lack nutrition, so you're flustered!"

"Don't worry, the moon will turn over in a few days, and when the food is paid..."

"Jiang Ping'an will also help everyone buy hens. The second uncle specifically asked about this, and Jiang Ping'an also agreed."

"So no matter what we say, we can't let go of this opportunity. Buy two hens and come back to raise eggs."

"At that time, the eggs laid by one chicken will be for you to eat, and the eggs laid by the other chicken will be eaten by sticks. It's just right."

Sticky, who was doing homework next to him, raised his face and asked happily, "Grandma, can I have eggs too?"

"That's right, good grandson, you are so thin, you should eat eggs to supplement yourself." Jia Zhang said kindly.

Sticking his eyes brightly, he said, "Grandma is so kind to me. When I grow up, I won't send you back to the countryside."

"Uh..." Jia Zhang's smile faltered, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Who taught you this?"

Stick neck shrunk, and said, "No one taught me, I learned from my father."

"Didn't he drive us all back to the countryside before? I will definitely drive us out in the future too! Only then will we have enough food."

"But grandma, don't worry, if you give me eggs, I won't kick you out, just dad and mom..."

"Slap!" Before he finished speaking, Jia Dongxu slapped him across the face, gritted his teeth and said:

"It's so good that you can't learn it, and the bad ones learn it quickly. You heartless thing, you have raised you so big for nothing."

Stick was slapped until his eyes stared, his face was burning with pain, and he couldn't help screaming.

Jia Zhang was taken aback, quickly protected the stick, stopped Jia Dongxu, and said angrily:

"He's still so young, what does he know? What if he breaks it?"

Jia Dongxu took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and looked at the stick that covered his face and cried loudly, and pondered:

"Bang Geng has shown a cold heart since he was a child. Mom, don't spoil him all the time, it's easy to get crooked."

Mrs. Jia Zhang stared and said, "You are too careless as a father."

"Children are ignorant, they can be taught slowly, how can they fight with fists at every turn?"

"Haven't you heard the old saying that parents are unkind and children are unfilial? Being an elder is a university question!"

The stick was beaten, and Qin Huairu in front of the stove couldn't sit still.

Come here and hug the stick away, and cry with the stick.


Qin Huairu's heart ached so much, Lihua cried with the rain, gently rubbing sticky little face.

"Wow... Mom, Dad is unreasonable, woo woo woo..."

Stick stem cried more fiercely, feeling very wronged.

He couldn't figure it out, if his father could drive the whole family to the countryside, why couldn't he grow up?

"Wuwu, don't cry, you still have your mother!" Qin Huairu persuaded while crying.

Jia Zhang on the opposite side stared at Jia Dongxu, stretched out his fingers and nodded on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said:

"You, you, you feel uncomfortable, why are you venting your anger on the child?"

Jia Dongxu frowned tightly, disturbed by the cries of Banggen and Qin Huairu, he couldn't help shouting:

"Stop crying, cry, cry, cry and kill a few more!"

Qin Huairu quickly stopped crying, but Banggen cried even more happily.

Jia Dongxu was furious, and took a few steps forward on the ground, and was about to hit the stick again.

Qin Huairu took a step in fright, and quickly pushed the stick out of the door:

"Run, stick, hide outside, and come back after dinner."

The stick stem was frightened for a moment, and ran away.

Jia Dongxu snorted a few times, but didn't chase after him any more, and went back to lie down on the kang with his face black and blue.

Front yard.

Jiang Ping'an went to the toilet and came back, seeing the smoke from the stick and rushing out, he quickly said:

"Bang, where are you going again? But what happened?"

Stick stopped, wiped his tears, choked up and sobbed, "My dad hit me and slapped me."

"Uh...why did he hit you?" Jiang Ping'an asked curiously.

Bang Gon said aggrievedly: "I said that when I grow up, I will drive them all to the countryside, so he beat me."

"Hey, Stick is really filial. He knows how to respect his elders at such a young age." Jiang Ping'an said softly.

"You did the right thing, share the difficulties and share the blessings, but you can't tell your father about this."

Bang Geng was stunned for a moment, blinking his tear-filled eyes, and asked in confusion, "Why?"

"Because your father wants to eat more food, and you drove him away, what else will he eat?" Jiang Ping'an explained.

Stick gritted his teeth and said, "No, I will eat more food when I grow up. If I give him all of it, I won't be full."

"So you have to grow up quietly, and when you have strength, drive him away if you want to." Jiang Pingan smiled secretly.

Stick nodded and said: "Well, I won't talk about it anymore, when I grow up, I'll look good like him!"

"Tsk tsk, Bang Geng is really a smart kid." Jiang Ping'an praised.

"One point will make it clear, and it will definitely be promising in the future."

After hearing the words, Banggen was very happy, thinking that only Jiang Ping'an was the best in this world.

"When I grow up, I must honor Uncle Jiang..."

Jiang Ping'an's face changed, and he said seriously:

"That won't work, you can only honor your grandma, catch her to keep honoring..."

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