Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 347 Promoted to Deputy Director of Logistics, Acting as Canteen Director


"You also went to the hospital?"

He Yushui was surprised, and asked again: "Isn't the newborn baby very cute?"

Since the summer vacation, she has moved back to live in the compound.

As for the small courtyard, Li and Yu Haitang took care of it.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "If you're curious, I'll take you to see it after get off work tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, I've never seen a newborn baby before!" He Yushui said happily.

Jiang Pingan asked suspiciously, "Did you go to see other children born in the yard before?"

"I haven't seen it before. Most people don't go out during the confinement period. There are quite a lot of taboos." He Yushui nodded.

"After Xiaodang was born, I wanted to go to Jia's house to watch it, but was kicked out by Jia Zhang."

"I heard some adults say that women can't just go to other people's confinement rooms when they have menstruation."

"Those who can't speak are not allowed in, it will affect my mother's mood."

"In severe cases, it may affect the mother's breastfeeding."

There are indeed many taboos in the confinement room.

For example, naughty children are not allowed to enter, and the mother is extremely weak and will feel tired and weak.

Mischievous children in the past will inevitably be noisy, which is extremely detrimental to the recovery of the mother.

In addition, newborns generally need to keep about 20 hours of sleep.

If the bear child makes a lot of noise, it will inevitably affect the baby's sleep.

People who talk bluff and have a particularly loud voice are not suitable for entering the confinement room.

The mothers are weak, and some of them are not in good spirits because they stay up late to bring their babies.

And small babies, newborns, are particularly timid, and some sleep very lightly.

So, if there are those people who talk very loudly come into the room.

It is easy to scare the mother and the baby, which is not conducive to the recovery of the pregnant mother and the development of the baby.

In short, there are many taboos in the confinement room, and those who don't understand think it is superstition.

actually not.

That is the precious experience that the ancestors summed up after countless years of exploration.

Jiang Ping'an and He Yushui were talking, and as they talked, they stuck together.

It's rare for He Yushui to wear a dress today, which is much more convenient for Jiang Ping'an, and it's also a bit of a pleasure.

After a moment of shame, He Yushui's face turned red like an apple, and light beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

She supported the kang, bent her body, gritted her teeth and persisted.

After more than forty minutes, the room was in a mess, and He Yushui's dress was still not worn to the end.

" brother is probably dying of suffocation!" He Yushui exhaled and whispered.

"He just loves to compare himself with Xu Damao, but Xu Damao got married and had children one step ahead of him."

Jiang Pingan hugged her lightly, and murmured: "Your brother asked Mr. Yi to beg me earlier."

"Please? Please what? Oh, he wants you to transfer him back to the kitchen?" He Yushui suddenly asked.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "That's why, but I didn't agree."

"Your brother doesn't know how to be a man, and he puts on airs. I used to help him a lot for your sake."

"Now I think it is necessary to make him suffer more, otherwise he will not be able to tell good from bad."

He Yushui lay in his arms, raised his face and said, "This is between you and him, I don't care about it."

"That's how he is, he only cares about himself most of the time, unless he encounters..."

"What happened?" Jiang Pingan asked with a smile.

He Yushui pursed his lips and said, "When I met Qin Huairu, he seemed like a completely different person."

"This is what I told you in private. Even though my brother is married, he still has a crush on Qin Huairu."

He Yushui stayed in the courtyard, although he seldom interacted with other people.

But she is very clear about the people and things in the courtyard.

After all, they are high school students, who belong to the smarter group of people in this era.

In the original play, after she graduated and got married, she rarely went back to the courtyard. This was a very smart choice.

"I have a feeling that even if my brother and sister-in-law can live on, it's normal to quarrel every day."

"The two of them have their own selfishness, and if they can't make it together, I'm afraid life will not be easy."

"And the six children brought by my sister-in-law, how should I put it, are very cunning, one set to the face and the other to the back."

"Especially a few older ones. It's clear. It's probably because my sister-in-law taught them well, and their superficial skills are excellent."


the next day.

Rolling mill, large conference room.

"Comrade Jiang Ping'an, loyal to the party, possessing both ability and political integrity, serious and responsible in his work..."

"It was decided at the factory meeting and reported to the superior for approval, and Comrade Jiang Ping'an was appointed as the post of deputy logistics director."

"Comrade Wang **, the director of the canteen, retired early due to illness, and appointed Comrade Jiang Ping'an as the acting director of the canteen."

"...Next, I invite Comrade Jiang Ping'an to speak."

After the organization cadre announced his appointment, Jiang Ping'an went to the front in high spirits.

"Dear leaders, comrades..."


After the meeting, come out of the large conference room.

Director Chen asked Jiang Ping'an, "Does the office need to be adjusted?"

"No, just change the card. I'm used to staying in the office." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

He originally thought that he would have to wait until the twelfth lunar month to be promoted to deputy director.

Unexpectedly, the organization procedure was faster than expected, a few months ahead of schedule.

Director Chen nodded, glanced at him a few times, and said with a smile:

"Administrative level 15, a monthly salary of 124 yuan, two consecutive promotions, a little unexpected, right?"

Jiang Ping'an nodded and said, "It's really unexpected, the director knows the inside story?"

"There is no inside story. You deserve such great credit for the rolling mill," Director Chen said.

Jiang Pingan didn't believe it. There must be other reasons. It is estimated that Director Chen is inconvenient to say or doesn't know.

Stepping from the seventeenth level to the sixteenth level is a big hurdle.

It's great to be able to take this step.

Even if it is sent to other places and downgraded to use, it can still be a real-time section chief.

I didn't expect that after the appointment, on the basis of the sixteenth level, he would be raised by one level.

You must know that the higher you go, the harder it is to upgrade.

On the contrary, in terms of duties, the management is a little looser.

For example, he took over the post of canteen director this time. This is a serious job, but there is only a little post allowance.

These days, rank is the most important thing, linked to wages and benefits, that's how rank follows people.

Back in the office, Jiang Ping'an meditated in his heart, and as usual, visited all the factory leaders.

Don't forget the well diggers when you drink water. When your rank and position are promoted, it is natural to report to them on ideological work.

This is a kind of tacit understanding, which can be regarded as an acknowledgment of their love.

In the evening, I have to send gifts to each family to express my gratitude, which is more comforting than dry words.

"The following announcement will be played, Comrade Jiang Ping'an..."

Toilet under the shade.

Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu were extremely surprised when they heard the announcement on the radio.

"Good guy, there's no news at all, so you're promoted again?" He Yuzhu said in surprise.

Yi Zhonghai nodded and smiled and said, "Although I knew that Ping'an would go straight to the sky, I didn't expect his official career to be so smooth."

"Zhuzi, take this opportunity to buy some good cigarettes and wine, and send them to Ping An!"

"Don't lose face, you have a good relationship with him, there are only advantages, no disadvantages!"

He Yuzhu nodded and said, "The gap between me and him is too big, and I used to be a little jealous."

"Now, I can't even be jealous anymore, besides, he still has to manage the cafeteria..."

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