Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 348 Responses from all parties, Xu Damao asks for advice

generally speaking.

If the identities of people are almost the same, then they are bound to compete with each other.

If the difference is too large, there is no need to compare.

In the quadrangle, Jiang Ping'an's current status as a cadre has left everyone behind by a large margin.

The rank of deputy director is difficult for many people to climb in a lifetime.

Even for ordinary people, they dare not even think about it.

In the logistics warehouse, Yu Li was ashamed and happy after hearing the announcement on the radio.

She ran to the window and watched the scenery outside the window silently, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, her hands covering her chest, her heart was hot and sweet.

Although she and Jiang Ping'an exchanged interests, she was also Jiang Ping'an's woman.

As an ordinary woman, she could sleep with an excellent man like Jiang Ping'an.

From the bottom of her heart, Yu Li was sweet with a hint of ecstasy.

This joy is a bit embarrassing and uneasy, but it is unstoppable and evil.

Her teeth were as white as jade, and she bit her rosy and tender lips lightly. She was thinking about something, her eyes were blurred, and her little face was blushing.


Canteen kitchen.

Liu Lan, who was burying her head in kneading the dough, was secretly surprised when she heard the broadcast.

Jiang Ping'an had never disclosed this to her before, but after it was suddenly made public, she couldn't help being elated.

"So I am directly under the superior?" Liu Lan secretly said happily.

It was almost an open secret that her backer in the factory was Jiang Ping'an.

No one suspected that there was an ulterior relationship between them, after all, the two rarely met privately in the factory.

It was Liu Lan who used to help Jiang Ping'an wash lunch boxes, and got Jiang Ping's love.

So when Jiang Ping'an became a cadre, basically no one troubled Liu Lan.

Even gossiping behind closed doors rarely happens.

Even after Nanyi came to the rolling mill, every time he shared the leftovers, he would give Liu Lan an extra box.

Liu Lan is self-aware. These people respect Jiang Ping'an because of her.

Now Jiang Ping'an is the deputy director of logistics and also serves as the director of the cafeteria.

Not to mention Liu Lan walking sideways in the back kitchen, at least her status tends to be detached.

In the back kitchen, as long as she doesn't provoke others, if others want to provoke her, they have to be more cautious.

After all, Jiang Ping'an's backing is indeed solid.

Just when I was happy in my heart, I saw Nanyi walking over and said with a smile:

"Liu Lan, you are good at knives. I will cook in the future, so you can help me."

The implication is that he wants to take Liu Lan as his apprentice and teach her cooking skills.

Although Nanyi didn't know the specific relationship between Liu Lan and Jiang Ping'an.

But after he became the monitor of the cafeteria, Jiang Ping'an once told him to take care of Liu Lan more.

Nanyi originally wanted to get closer to Jiang Ping'an, so he naturally agreed, so he was also observing Liu Lan during this time.

I found that this woman has a cheerful personality, is diligent in doing things, has a bright eye, and is also clever, which is worth cultivating.

Liu Lan was stunned for a moment, with surprise on her face, she nodded happily and said:

"Thank you Master Nan, I will definitely work hard and study hard!"

Others in the kitchen showed envious looks, which is the benefit of having a backer.

In the future, if Liu Lan succeeds in her studies and becomes a chef, she will naturally have a bright future.

Nan Yi smiled slightly and said, "Work hard, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me directly."


Forging workshop.

The corners of Liu Haizhong's mouth twitched. Hearing that Jiang Ping'an had been promoted again, his envious eyes turned green.

"Dad, Director Jiang's official luck is really good!" Liu Guangqi whispered.

He was also extremely envious. Jiang Ping'an was only a few years older than him, and his achievements were beyond his reach in his entire life.

Not to mention being an official, he still has to find ways to become a regular now!

Liu Haizhong looked left and right, turned his head and murmured, "It's probably better to bury it in the ancestral grave."

"It's really possible. His official career is too prosperous." Liu Guangqi nodded in agreement.

"Dad, why don't we take some time off and go back to our hometown to sweep the tomb? If we can find a place with good geomantic omen..."

Liu Haizhong glared at him, and said angrily:

"Nonsense, do you want to die? Can you do this in this day and age?"

"Don't think about those who have nothing, work hard and become regular sooner, that's serious."

"Me too, I must take the upgrade assessment this year and become an eighth-level blacksmith!"

"But...we still need to strengthen our relationship with Jiang Ping'an."

"Well, take half a day off in the afternoon and go to Pigeon Market to see if you can buy Moutai..."



As soon as Jiang Pingan returned from reporting work to the leaders of the factories, Xu Damao came after him.

He grabbed Jiang Pingan's hand and said flatteringly:

"Director Jiang, Lord Jiang, I will mess with you from now on."

"Please be sure to support me, please, I also want to be an official."

"You can ask for whatever conditions you need, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!"

Jiang Pingan pulled out his hand, stared and said, "Get out, are you disgusting?"

Xu Damao straightened his face and said seriously: "Director Jiang, I'm really not joking."

"I want to improve too much. Please look at our relationship for many years and give me pointers."

"Why don't you transfer me to logistics? Why do I think that being a buyer is more promising than being a projectionist?"

Jiang Pingan waved his hand in disgust and said, "No, you should be a projectionist!"

"As long as the purchasers can get ahead, they are all elites who have been tempered and tried, and you can't reach them."

After a pause, he murmured: "Actually, I have taught you a long time ago how to pursue progress."

"When, why don't I remember?" Xu Damao asked blankly.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I reminded you to build a good relationship with your section chief. Do you remember this?"

Xu Damao nodded, thought for a while, and said half-believingly: "If I have a good relationship with him, can I really make progress?"

"Hehe, I don't know." Jiang Pingan shook his head.

"But I can say for sure that if you don't have a good relationship with him, you will never make progress."

It was obvious that Xu Damao, the projectionist, was under the direct supervision of the chief of the publicity department.

As long as Xu Damao is still promoting the department, no matter whether it is a promotion or a promotion, the section chief needs to nod.

Xu Damao thought that drinking with the factory leaders often could not promote the section chief, but he was completely wrong.

The principle of level-by-level management means that the superior is responsible for the subordinate, and inspections can be skipped, but commands cannot be skipped.

Subordinates can appeal to superiors, but they cannot report.

So although Xu Damao has always wanted to be an official, he has never understood the essence of it.

It is not a common saying that the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, but a manifestation of the system, and there is a reason for it.

Just like when Jiang Ping'an was a buyer, he only listened to Director Chen's orders on the surface.

As for Deputy Director Li and Director Yang, he would only give gifts secretly during the Chinese New Year.

It is to prevent Director Chen from being overwhelmed and feeling that his subordinates are not responsible and dare not reuse him.

Even now that Jiang Ping'an has been promoted to deputy director, he is acting as the director of the cafeteria.

First of all, I was looking for Director Chen to report on the work, and I still have this consideration.

Xu Damao frowned and said, "Over the years, I have offended him a lot."

"Is it too late to curry favor with him now?"

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Take your time, the relationship is not a one-step process."

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